Apache Commons Compress 1.27.1 API

Apache Commons Compress.
Provides a unified API and factories for dealing with archives in different formats.
Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the AR format.
Provides stream classes for reading archives using the ARJ format.
Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the CPIO format.
This package provides stream classes for reading archives using the UNIX DUMP format.
Contains example code that is not guaranteed to provide a stable API across releases of Commons Compress.
Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the ZIP format with some extensions for the special case of JAR archives.
Provides classes for reading and writing archives using the 7z format.
Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the TAR format.
Provides stream classes for reading and writing archives using the ZIP format.
EXPERIMENTAL support for changesets that are applied to archives.
Provides a unified API and factories for dealing with compressed streams.
Provides stream class for decompressing streams using the Brotli algorithm based on Google's Brotli decoder.
Provides stream classes for compressing and decompressing streams using the BZip2 algorithm.
Provides a stream classes that allow (de)compressing streams using the DEFLATE algorithm.
Provides a stream that allows decompressing streams using the DEFLATE64(tm) algorithm.
Provides stream classes for compressing and decompressing streams using the GZip algorithm.
Provides stream classes for the LZ4 algorithm.
Provides utility classes for LZ77 based algorithms.
Provides stream classes using the "stand-alone" LZMA algorithm.
Generic LZW implementation.
Provides stream classes for compressing and decompressing streams using the Pack200 algorithm used to compress Java archives.
Provides stream classes for the Snappy algorithm.
Provides stream classes for compressing and decompressing streams using the XZ algorithm.
Provides stream classes for decompressing streams using the "compress" algorithm used to write .Z files.
Provides stream class for (de)compressing streams using the Zstandard algorithm based on Zstandard JNI.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Internal package.
Provides common API classes for parallel compression features.
Provides utilities used internally by the compress library.