001    /*
002     * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
003     * 
004     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     * 
008     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009     * 
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
017    package org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql;
020    import java.sql.Connection;
021    import java.sql.SQLException;
022    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
023    import java.sql.Statement;
024    import java.sql.ResultSet;
026    import java.util.Collection;
029    /**
030     * General purpose SQL Statements.
031     *
032     * @author Ted Husted
033     * @version $Revision: 155464 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:26:54 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
034     */
035    public final class StatementUtils {
037        /**
038         * The delimiter used by a SQL "LIKE" expression.
039         */
040        private static final String LIKE_DELIM = "%";
043        /**
044         * Prepare the parameter for use in a SQL "LIKE" expression.
045         */
046        public static final String like(String parameter) {
048            return LIKE_DELIM + parameter + LIKE_DELIM;
050        }
053        /**
054         * Create a new database table in an existing database,
055         * by sending "CREATE TABLE " and the parameters to
056         * the DBMS configured with the ConnectionPool.
057         * <p>
058         * For safety, does <b>not</b> drop table first.
059         * <p>
060         * Returns false if a SQL exception is thrown; exception
061         * is written to the servlet log.
062         *
063         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
064         * @param tableName The name of the table to create
065         * @param tableCreate The SQL command defining the
066         * fields and indices
067         * @return Result of statement.execute()
068         * @exception SQL Exception if SQL error occurs
069         */
070        public static final int createTable(
071                String resource,
072                String tableName,
073                String tableCreate)
074            throws SQLException {
076            return executeUpdate(resource,"CREATE TABLE " +
077                tableName + " " + tableCreate);
079        } // end createTable
083       /**
084         * Returns next sequential key for given table.
085         * <p>
086         * This ensures compatibility for DBMS products that do not
087         * support auto-incrementing a key field.
088         * <p>
089         * Intended to generate primary keys, but could be used to
090         * create other serial numbers based on an unsigned int.
091         * <p>
092         * Allocating the key involves reading the current key, and
093         * then incrementing the key for the next user. The method
094         * is synchronized so that two threads do not read the
095         * same key before it is incremented.
096         * <p>
097         * This routine is "unrolled" for efficiency, but the same
098         * effect can be accomplished using <code>getColumn()</code>
099         * to fetch the next key,
100         * and <code>executeUpdate</code> to increment the key.
101         *
102         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
103         * @param column The column to return from the result set.
104         * @param query The SQL statement to fetch the next key.
105         * @param key The table name or other replaceable parameter.
106         * @param query The SQL statement to increment the next key.
107         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
108         */
109        public static final synchronized Object createKey(
110                String resource,
111                int column,
112                String query,
113                Object key,
114                String update)
115                throws SQLException {
117            Connection connection = null;
118            ResultSet resultSet = null;
119            PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
120            Object result = null;
121            int resultCode = 0;
123            try {
124                connection =
125                    ConnectionAdaptor.getPool().getConnection(resource);
127            // fetch the next key
128            // - Object next = getColumn(resource,1,query,key);
129                preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
130                preparedStatement.setObject(1,key);
131                resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
132                if (resultSet.next()) {
133                   result = resultSet.getObject(column);
134                }
136            // increment key (SQL command handles increment)
137            // - int result = executeUpdate(resource,update,key);
138                if (preparedStatement!=null) preparedStatement.close();
139                preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(update);
140                preparedStatement.setObject(1,key);
141                resultCode = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
142            }
144            finally {
145                try {
146                    if (preparedStatement!=null) preparedStatement.close();
147                    if (resultSet!=null) resultSet.close();
148                    if (connection!=null) connection.close();
149                }
150                catch (SQLException sqle) {
151                    // do nothing
152                }
153            }
155            return result;
157       } // end createKey
160    // ------------------------------------------------------ executeUpdate
163        /**
164         * Used to select correct executeUpdate signature.
165         */
166        private static final Object[] nullParams = null;
169        /**
170         * Prepares statement using SQL statement and executes
171         * with DBMS configured with the ConnectionPool.
172         * <p>
173         * Command may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
174         * or anything that returns nothing, such as a DDL
175         * statement.
176         *
177         * @param connection The database connection or null to acquire
178         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
179         * @param command The SQL statement to execute.
180         * @param parameters An array of parameter objects
181         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
182         */
183        public static final int executeUpdate(
184                Connection connection,
185                String resource,
186                String command,
187                Object[] parameters)
188            throws SQLException {
190            boolean acqConnection = (connection==null);
191            Statement statement = null;
192            PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
193            int result = 0;
195            try {
197                if (acqConnection) {
198                    connection =
199                        ConnectionAdaptor.getPool().getConnection(resource);
200                }
202                if ((parameters==null) || (parameters.length==0)) {
203                    statement = connection.createStatement();
204                    result = statement.executeUpdate(command);
205                }
206                else {
207                    preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(command);
208                    for (int i=0; i<parameters.length; i++) {
209                        preparedStatement.setObject(i+1, parameters[i]);
210                    }
211                    result = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
212                }
214            } // end try
216            finally {
217                try {
218                    if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close();
219                    if (statement != null) statement.close();
220                    if ((acqConnection) && (connection!= null)) connection.close();
221                }
222                catch (SQLException sqle) {
223                    // do nothing
224                }
225            }
227            return result;
229        } // end executeUpdate
232        /**
233         * Convenience method for calling
234         * <code>executeUpdate(String,String,Object[]);</code>
235         * with a single Object parameter.
236         *
237         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
238         * @param command The SQL statement to execute.
239         * @param parameter A single parameter to use with command
240         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
241         */
242        public static final int executeUpdate(
243                String resource,
244                String command,
245                Object parameter)
246            throws SQLException {
248            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
249            parameters[0] = parameter;
251            return executeUpdate(null,resource,command,parameters);
253        } // end executeUpdate
256        /**
257         * Convenience method for calling
258         * <code>executeUpdate(String,String,Object[]);</code>
259         * without a parameter list.
260         *
261         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
262         * @param command The SQL statement to execute.
263         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
264         */
265        public static final int executeUpdate(
266                String resource,
267                String command)
268            throws SQLException {
270            return executeUpdate(null,resource,command,nullParams);
272        } // end executeUpdate
275        /**
276         * Prepares statement using SQL statement and executes
277         * with DBMS configured with the ConnectionPool.
278         * <p>
279         * Command may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
280         * or anything that returns nothing, such as a DDL
281         * statement.
282         *
283         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
284         * @param command The SQL statement to execute.
285         * @param parameters An array of parameter objects
286         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
287         */
288        public static final int executeUpdate(
289                String resource,
290                String command,
291                Object[] parameters)
292            throws SQLException {
294            return executeUpdate(null,resource,command,parameters);
296        } // end executeUpdate
299        /**
300         * Convenience method for calling
301         * <code>executeUpdate(String,String,Object[]);</code>
302         * without a parameter list.
303         *
304         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
305         * @param command The SQL statement to execute.
306         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
307         */
308        public static final int executeUpdate(
309                String command)
310            throws SQLException {
312            return executeUpdate(null,null,command,nullParams);
314        } // end executeUpdate
318    // ------------------------------------------------------- executeQuery
320        /**
321         * Merges a SQL command with an array of parameters.
322         * Any number or no parameters may be passed.
323         * The parameters parameter may also be null.
324         * <p>
325         * The Statement or PreparedStatement used internally
326         * are closed, but the Connection is left open so that the
327         * ResultSet remains valid.
328         * The caller should close the Connection and ResultSet
329         * as soon as possible, especially if they are pooled.
330         *
331         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
332         * @param target The JavaBean object to return in the collection.
333         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
334         * @param parameters The replaceable parameters to use with command.
335         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
336         */
337        public static final ResultSet executeQuery(
338                Connection connection,
339                String command,
340                Object[] parameters)
341            throws SQLException {
343            Statement statement = null;
344            PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
345            ResultSet resultSet = null;
347            try {
349                if ((parameters==null) || (parameters.length==0)) {
350                    statement = connection.createStatement();
351                    resultSet = statement.executeQuery(command);
352                }
353                else {
354                    preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(command);
355                    for (int i=0; i<parameters.length; i++) {
356                        preparedStatement.setObject(i+1, parameters[i]);
357                    }
358                    resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
359                }
361            }
363            finally {
364                try {
365                    if (statement != null) statement.close();
366                    if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close();
367                }
368                catch (SQLException sqle) {}
369            }
371            return resultSet;
373        } // end executeQuery
376    // ---------------------------------------------------------- getColumn
378        /**
379         * Merges a SQL command with an array of parameters
380         * and returns a column from the first record of the result set as
381         * an Object.
382         * If an empty set results, null is returned.
383         * Any number or no parameters may be passed.
384         * The parameters parameter may also be null.
385         * The SQL Statement/ResultSet are handled by
386         * <code>ExecuteQuery()</code>.
387         * The ResultSet is converted to a collection using
388         * <code>ResultSetUtils.getCollection(Object,ResultSet)</code>.
389         * The ResultSet is released, and the Collection returned.
390         *
391         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
392         * @param column The column to return from the result set
393         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
394         * @param parameters The replaceable parameters to use with command.
395         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
396         */
397        public static final Object getColumn(
398                String resource,
399                int column,
400                String command,
401                Object[] parameters)
402            throws SQLException {
404            Object result = null;
405            Connection connection = null;
406            ResultSet resultSet = null;
408            try {
410                connection =
411                    ConnectionAdaptor.getPool().getConnection(resource);
412                resultSet = executeQuery(connection,command,parameters);
413                if (resultSet.next()) {
414                   result = resultSet.getObject(column);
415                }
417            }
419            finally {
420                try {
422                    if (resultSet!=null) resultSet.close();
423                    if (connection!=null) connection.close();
424                }
425                catch (SQLException sqle) {
426                    // do nothing
427                }
428            }
430            return result;
432        } // end getColumn
435        /**
436         * Convenience method for calling
437         * <code>getColumn(String,int,String,Object[]);</code>
438         * with a single object parameter.
439         *
440         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
441         * @param column The column to return from the result set.
442         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
443         * @param key The replaceable parameter
444         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
445         */
446        public static final Object getColumn(
447                String resource,
448                int column,
449                String command,
450                Object key)
451            throws SQLException {
453            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
454            parameters[0] = key;
455            return getColumn(resource,column,command,parameters);
457        } // end getColumn
460        /**
461         * Convenience method for calling
462         * <code>getColumn(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
463         *
464         * with a single int parameter.
465         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
466         * @param column The column to return from the result set.
467         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
468         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use, if any.
469         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
470         */
471        public static final Object getColumn(
472                String resource,
473                int column,
474                String command,
475                int key)
476            throws SQLException {
478            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
479            parameters[0] = new Integer(key);
481            return getColumn(resource,column,command,parameters);
483        } // end getColumn
486        /**
487         * Convenience method for calling
488         * <code>getColumn(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
489         * without a parameter list.
490         *
491         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
492         * @param column The column to return from the result set.
493         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
494         * @param key The replaceable parameter.
495         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
496         */
497        public static final Object getColumn(
498                String resource,
499                int column,
500                String command)
501            throws SQLException {
503            return getColumn(resource,column,command,null);
505        } // end getColumn
508    // ------------------------------------------------------ getElement
510        /**
511         * Merges a SQL command with an array of parameters.
512         * Any number or no parameters may be passed.
513         * The parameters parameter may also be null.
514         * The SQL Statement/ResultSet are handled by
515         * <code>ExecuteQuery()</code>.
516         * The first record of the ResultSet is used to populate
517         * <code>ResultSetUtils.getElement(Object,ResultSet)</code>.
518         * The ResultSet is released, and the bean returned.
519         *
520         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
521         * @param target The JavaBean object to populate.
522         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
523         * @param parameters The replaceable parameters to use with
524         * command.
525         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
526         * @return True if element is found
527         */
528        public static final boolean getElement(
529                String resource,
530                Object target,
531                String command,
532                Object[] parameters)
533            throws SQLException {
535            Object collection = null;
536            Connection connection = null;
537            ResultSet resultSet = null;
538            boolean found = false;
540            try {
542                connection =
543                    ConnectionAdaptor.getPool().getConnection(resource);
544                resultSet = executeQuery(connection,command,parameters);
545                found = ResultSetUtils.getElement(target,resultSet);
546            }
548            finally {
549                try {
550                    if (resultSet!=null) resultSet.close();
551                    if (connection!=null) connection.close();
552                }
553                catch (SQLException sqle) {
554                    // do nothing
555                }
556            }
558            return found;
560        } // end getElement
563        /**
564         * Convenience method for calling
565         * <code>getElement(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
566         * with a single object parameter.
567         *
568         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
569         * @param target The JavaBean object to populate.
570         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
571         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
572         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
573         * @return True if element is found
574         */
575        public static final boolean getElement(
576                String resource,
577                Object target,
578                String command,
579                Object key)
580            throws SQLException {
582            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
583            parameters[0] = key;
584            return getElement(resource,target,command,parameters);
586        } // end getElement
589        /**
590         * Convenience method for calling
591         * <code>getElement(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
592         * with a single int parameter.
593         *
594         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
595         * @param target The JavaBean object to populate.
596         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
597         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
598         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
599         * @return True if element is found
600         */
601        public static final boolean getElement(
602                String resource,
603                Object target,
604                String command,
605                int key)
606            throws SQLException {
608            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
609            parameters[0] = new Integer(key);
610            return getElement(resource,target,command,parameters);
612        } // end getElement
615        /**
616         * Convenience method for calling
617         * <code>getElement(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
618         * without a parameter list.
619         *
620         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
621         * @param target The JavaBean object to populate.
622         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
623         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
624         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
625         * @return True if element is found
626         */
627        public static final boolean getElement(
628                String resource,
629                Object target,
630                String command)
631            throws SQLException {
633            return getElement(resource,target,command,null);
635        } // end getElement
638    // ------------------------------------------------------ getCollection
640        /**
641         * Merges a SQL command with an array of parameters.
642         * Any number or no parameters may be passed.
643         * The parameters parameter may also be null.
644         * The SQL Statement/ResultSet are handled by
645         * <code>ExecuteQuery()</code>.
646         * The ResultSet is converted to a collection using
647         * <code>ResultSetUtils.getCollection(Object,ResultSet)</code>.
648         * The ResultSet is released, and the Collection returned.
649         *
650         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
651         * @param target The JavaBean object to return in the collection.
652         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
653         * @param parameters The replaceable parameters to use with command.
654         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
655         */
656        public static final Collection getCollection(
657                String resource,
658                Object target,
659                String command,
660                Object[] parameters)
661            throws SQLException {
663            Object collection = null;
664            Connection connection = null;
665            ResultSet resultSet = null;
667            try {
669                connection =
670                    ConnectionAdaptor.getPool().getConnection(resource);
671                resultSet = executeQuery(connection,command,parameters);
672                collection = ResultSetUtils.getCollection(target,resultSet);
673            }
675            finally {
676                try {
677                    if (resultSet!=null) resultSet.close();
678                    if (connection!=null) connection.close();
679                }
680                catch (SQLException sqle) {
681                    // do nothing
682                }
683            }
685            return (Collection) collection;
687        } // end getCollection
690        /**
691         * Convenience method for calling
692         * <code>getCollection(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
693         * with a single object parameter.
694         *
695         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
696         * @param target The JavaBean object to return in the collection.
697         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
698         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
699         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
700         */
701        public static final Collection getCollection(
702                String resource,
703                Object target,
704                String command,
705                Object key)
706            throws SQLException {
708            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
709            parameters[0] = key;
710            return getCollection(resource,target,command,parameters);
712        } // end getCollection
715        /**
716         * Convenience method for calling
717         * <code>getCollection(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
718         * with a single int parameter.
719         *
720         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
721         * @param target The JavaBean object to return in the collection.
722         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
723         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
724         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
725         */
726        public static final Collection getCollection(
727                String resource,
728                Object target,
729                String command,
730                int key)
731            throws SQLException {
733            Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
734            parameters[0] = new Integer(key);
735            return getCollection(resource,target,command,parameters);
737        } // end getCollection
740        /**
741         * Convenience method for calling
742         * <code>getCollection(String,Object,String,Object[]);</code>
743         * without a parameter list.
744         *
745         * @param resource The database resource key or null for default
746         * @param target The JavaBean object to return in the collection.
747         * @param command The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
748         * @param key The replaceable parameter to use with LIKE.
749         * @exception SQLException if SQL error occurs
750         */
751        public static final Collection getCollection(
752                String resource,
753                Object target,
754                String command)
755            throws SQLException {
757            return getCollection(resource,target,command,null);
759        } // end getCollection
762    } // end StatementUtils