Apache Commons Pool 2.12.1 API

Generic Object pooling API with several implementations.

The org.apache.commons.pool2 package defines a simple interface for a pool of object instances, and a handful of base classes that may be useful when creating pool implementations. The API supports pooling of unique objects which can be requested via a key as well as pools where all objects are equivalent.

The org.apache.commons.pool2.impl package contains several pool implementations. GenericObjectPool has many configuration options and can support a limited set of objects such as would be useful in a database connection pool. SoftReferenceObjectPool has no limit on the number of objects in the pool, but the garbage collector can remove idle objects from the pool as needed. There is also a keyed version of GenericObjectPool, GenericKeyedObjectPool

Object pooling API.
Object pooling API implementations.
Object pooling proxy implementation.