Package org.apache.commons.configuration2.beanutils

package org.apache.commons.configuration2.beanutils

In this package a Configuration implementation can be found that implements the DynaBean interface. It allows to access or modify a configuration using the classes from the Commons Beanutils package. There are also classes for declaring beans in configuration files, from which then instances can be created.

  • Class
    Definition of a context object storing all required information for the creation of a bean.
    Definition of an interface for declaring a bean in a configuration file.
    Definition of an interface for bean factories.
    A helper class for creating bean instances that are defined in configuration files.
    A special implementation of the BeanDeclaration interface which allows combining multiple BeanDeclaration objects.
    The ConfigurationDynaBean dynamically reads and writes configurations properties from a wrapped configuration-collection Configuration instance.
    The ConfigurationDynaClass dynamically determines properties for a ConfigurationDynaBean from a wrapped configuration-collection Configuration instance.
    A class representing an argument for a constructor invocation to be used by a BeanDeclaration.
    The default implementation of the BeanFactory interface.
    An implementation of the BeanDeclaration interface that is suitable for XML configuration files.