Uses of Class

Packages that use TagSupport
org.apache.commons.jelly This package contains the main jelly API classes. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.impl Core implementation classes for Jelly. 
org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core The core Tags from the JSTL plus Jelly extensions. 

Uses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly

Subclasses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly
 class DynaBeanTagSupport
          DynaBeanTag is a DynaTag implementation which uses a DynaBean to store its attribute values in.
 class DynaTagSupport
          DynaTagSupport is an abstract base class for any DynaTag implementation to derive from.
 class MapTagSupport
          MapTag is a DynaTag implementation which uses a Map to store its attribute values in.

Uses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl

Subclasses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.impl
 class DynamicBeanTag
          This tag is bound onto a Java Bean class.
 class DynamicDynaBeanTag
          This tag is bound onto a DynaClass instance.
 class DynamicTag
          DynamicTag is a tag that is created from inside a Jelly script as a Jelly template and will invoke a given script, passing in its instantiation attributes as variables and will allow the template to invoke its instance body.
 class StaticTag
          StaticTag represents a static XML element which echos itself to XMLOutput when it is invoked.

Uses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core

Subclasses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.core
 class ArgTag
          An argument to a NewTag or InvokeTag.
 class BaseClassLoaderTag
          Abstract base tag providing ClassLoader support.
 class BreakTag
          A tag which terminates the execution of the current <forEach> or ≶while> loop.
 class CaseTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body if my value attribute equals my ancestor <switch> tag's "on" attribute.
 class CatchTag
          A tag which catches exceptions thrown by its body.
 class ChooseTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some condition
 class DefaultTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body if none of its preceeding sibling <case> tags have been evaluated.
 class ExprTag
          A tag which evaluates an expression
 class FileTag
          A tag that pipes its body to a file denoted by the name attribute or to an in memory String which is then output to a variable denoted by the var variable.
 class ForEachTag
          Iterates over a collection, iterator or an array of objects.
 class GetStaticTag
          A tag which can retrieve the value of a static field of a given class.
 class IfTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some condition
 class ImportTag
          Imports another script.
 class IncludeTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some condition
 class InvokeStaticTag
          A Tag which can invoke a static method on a class, without an instance of the class being needed.
 class InvokeTag
          A tag which calls a method in an object instantied by core:new
 class JellyTag
          The root Jelly tag which should be evaluated first
 class MuteTag
          A tag which executes its body but passing no output.
 class NewTag
          A tag which creates a new object of the given type
 class OtherwiseTag
          The otherwise block of a choose/when/otherwise group of tags
 class ParseTag
          Parses the output of this tags body or of a given String as a Jelly script then either outputting the Script as a variable or executing the script.
 class RemoveTag
          A tag which removes the variable of the given name from the current variable scope.
 class ScopeTag
          A tag which creates a new child variable scope for its body.
 class SetPropertiesTag
          A tag which sets the bean properties on the given bean.
 class SetTag
          A tag which sets a variable from the result of an expression
 class SwitchTag
          Executes the child <case> tag whose value equals my on attribute.
 class ThreadTag
          A tag that spawns the contained script in a separate thread
 class UseBeanTag
          A tag which instantiates an instance of the given class and then sets the properties on the bean.
 class UseListTag
          A tag which creates a List implementation and optionally adds all of the elements identified by the items attribute.
 class WhenTag
          A tag which conditionally evaluates its body based on some condition
 class WhileTag
          A tag which performs an iteration while the result of an expression is true.
 class WhitespaceTag
          A simple tag used to preserve whitespace inside its body

Uses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.xpath

Subclasses of TagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.xpath
 class XPathTagSupport
          An abstract base class useful for implementation inheritence