The commons-jelly team is pleased to announce the JellySwing 1.0 release! This is a Jelly interface for configuring Swing applications. Changes in this version include: New Features: o ComponentTag methods should throw JellyTagException. Issue: JELLY-133. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o ButtonGroup tag is broken. Issue: JELLY-132. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o Action tag ignores enabled property. Issue: JELLY-114. o Unit tests for swing tag lib. Issue: JELLY-131. Thanks to Hans Gilde. Fixed bugs: o Layout constraints don't work with RootPaneContainer classes. Issue: JELLY-128. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o Fix error message for bad nesting of Gbc and BorderAlign tags. Issue: JELLY-129. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o Add EmptyBorder tag. Issue: JELLY-92. Thanks to Robert McIntosh. o Add EtchedBorder tag. Issue: JELLY-93. Thanks to Robert McIntosh. o Ensure JDK 1.3 compatibility. o Handle JDK 1.4 GridbagConstraints using reflection Issue: JELLY-130. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o ComponentTag should clear it's bean reference after doTag Issue: JELLY-122. Thanks to Hans Gilde. Have fun! -The commons-jelly team