Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.swing

The JellySwing Library which is a Jelly Library for creating Rich User Interfaces using Swing via XML markup (a Jelly script)


Interface Summary
ContainerTag An interface which represents a Tag which is capable of containing AWT Components.
Factory An interface to represent a factory of beans

Class Summary
ActionTag Creates a Swing Action which on invocation will execute the body of this tag.
BeanFactory A default Factory implementation that creates new instances from a bean class
BorderAlignTag Represents a layout of a child component within its parent <borderLayout> layout.
BorderLayoutTag A Layout tag which uses nested <borderAlign> tags to implement a BorderLayout
BorderTagSupport An abstract base class used for concrete border tags which create new Border implementations and sets then on parent widgets and optionally export them as variables .
ButtonGroupTag Implements a ButtonGroup.
CardLayoutTag Implements CardLayout.
ComponentTag This tag creates a Swing component and adds it to its parent tag, optionally declaring this component as a variable if the var attribute is specified.
ConstraintTag This class represents a layout-manager constraints as passed in the second argument of Container#add(Component,Object).
DialogTag Creates a Swing Dialog.
EmptyBorderTag Creates an empty border.
EtchedBorderTag Creates an etched border.
FontTag Creates an Font and attaches it to the parent component or exports the font as a reusable variable that can be attached to multiple widgets.
GbcTag This class represents a GridBagConstraints constraints as passed in the second argument of Container#add(Component,Object).
GridBagLayoutTag A Layout tag which uses nested <gbc> tags to implement a GridBagLayout
LayoutTagSupport An abstract base class used for concrete layout tags which create new LayoutManager implementations and either export them as variables or set them on parent widgets.
SwingTagLibrary The Swing tag library.
TableLayoutTag A Layout tag which mimicks the table, tr and td tags of HTML.
TableModelColumnTag Creates a default TableColumnModel.
TableModelTag Creates a default TableModel using nested tableColumn tags.
TdTag Represents a tabular cell inside a <tl> tag inside a <tableLayout> tag which mimicks the <td> HTML tag.
TitledBorderTag Creates a titled border.
TrTag Represents a tabular row inside a <tableLayout> tag which mimicks the <tr> HTML tag.
WindowListenerTag Creates a WindowListener which is attached to its parent window control which will invoke named Jelly scripts as window events are fired, or will invoke its body if there is no script specified for the named event type.

Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.swing Description

The JellySwing Library which is a Jelly Library for creating Rich User Interfaces using Swing via XML markup (a Jelly script)

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