Apache Commons logo Apache Commons RNG

About Apache Commons RNG Examples

Examples of use of the "Commons RNG" library. Codes in this module and its sub-modules are not part of the library. They provide checking, benchmarking tools to enhance the documentation and to help ensure correctness of the implementations.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Apache Commons RNG Examples Stress Utilities Application for calling external tools that perform stringent uniformity tests. Code in this module is not part of the public API.
Apache Commons RNG Examples Sampling Utilities Contains examples of output from the samplers. Code in this module is not part of the public API.
Apache Commons RNG Quadrature Example Contains examples for computing numerical quadrature (integration). Code in this module is not part of the public API.
Apache Commons RNG JMH Benchmark Code for running JMH benchmarks that assess the performance of the generators. Code in this module is not part of the public API.
Apache Commons RNG JPMS Integration Test Testing JPMS. Code in this module is not part of the public API.