View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.commons.vfs2.provider.sftp;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import java.time.Duration;
22  import java.util.Objects;
23  import;
25  import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystem;
26  import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemConfigBuilder;
27  import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException;
28  import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemOptions;
30  import com.jcraft.jsch.ConfigRepository;
31  import com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo;
33  /**
34   * The config builder for various SFTP configuration options.
35   */
36  public final class SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder extends FileSystemConfigBuilder {
38      /**
39       * Proxy type.
40       */
41      public static final class ProxyType implements Serializable, Comparable<ProxyType> {
42          /**
43           * serialVersionUID format is YYYYMMDD for the date of the last binary change.
44           */
45          private static final long serialVersionUID = 20101208L;
47          private final String proxyType;
49          private ProxyType(final String proxyType) {
50              this.proxyType = proxyType;
51          }
53          @Override
54          public int compareTo(final ProxyType pType) {
55              return this.proxyType.compareTo(pType.proxyType);
56          }
58          @Override
59          public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
60              if (this == obj) {
61                  return true;
62              }
63              if (obj == null || this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
64                  return false;
65              }
66              return Objects.equals(this.proxyType, ((ProxyType) obj).proxyType);
67          }
69          /**
70           * @return a hash code value for this object.
71           * @since 2.0
72           */
73          @Override
74          public int hashCode() {
75              return this.proxyType.hashCode();
76          }
77      }
78      private static final Duration DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = Duration.ZERO;
80      private static final Duration DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT = Duration.ZERO;
82      private static final String _PREFIX = SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName();
83      private static final SftpFileSystemConfigBuilderleSystemConfigBuilder.html#SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder">SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder BUILDER = new SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder();
84      private static final String COMPRESSION = _PREFIX + "COMPRESSION";
85      private static final String CONNECT_TIMEOUT = _PREFIX + ".CONNECT_TIMEOUT";
86      private static final String ENCODING = _PREFIX + ".ENCODING";
87      private static final String HOST_KEY_CHECK_ASK = "ask";
88      private static final String HOST_KEY_CHECK_NO = "no";
89      private static final String HOST_KEY_CHECK_YES = "yes";
90      private static final String IDENTITIES = _PREFIX + ".IDENTITIES";
92      private static final String CONFIG_REPOSITORY = _PREFIX + "CONFIG_REPOSITORY";
93      private static final String KEY_EXCHANGE_ALGORITHM = _PREFIX + ".KEY_EXCHANGE_ALGORITHM";
94      private static final String LOAD_OPENSSH_CONFIG = _PREFIX + "LOAD_OPENSSH_CONFIG";
95      private static final String KNOWN_HOSTS = _PREFIX + ".KNOWN_HOSTS";
97      private static final String PROXY_COMMAND = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_COMMAND";
98      private static final String PROXY_HOST = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_HOST";
99      private static final String PROXY_OPTIONS = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_OPTIONS";
100     private static final String PROXY_PASSWORD = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_PASSWORD";
101     private static final String PROXY_PORT = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_PORT";
104     /** HTTP Proxy. */
105     public static final ProxyType PROXY_HTTP = new ProxyType("http");
107     /** SOCKS Proxy. */
108     public static final ProxyType PROXY_SOCKS5 = new ProxyType("socks");
110     /**
111      * Connects to the SFTP server through a remote host reached by SSH.
112      * <p>
113      * On this proxy host, a command (e.g. {@linkplain SftpStreamProxy#NETCAT_COMMAND} or
114      * {@linkplain SftpStreamProxy#NETCAT_COMMAND}) is run to forward input/output streams between the target host and
115      * the VFS host.
116      * </p>
117      * <p>
118      * When used, the proxy username ({@linkplain #setProxyUser}) and hostname ({@linkplain #setProxyHost}) <b>must</b>
119      * be set. Optionnaly, the command ({@linkplain #setProxyCommand}), password ({@linkplain #setProxyPassword}) and
120      * connection options ({@linkplain #setProxyOptions}) can be set.
121      * </p>
122      */
123     public static final ProxyType PROXY_STREAM = new ProxyType("stream");
125     private static final String PROXY_TYPE = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_TYPE";
126     private static final String PROXY_USER = _PREFIX + ".PROXY_USER";
127     private static final String SESSION_TIMEOUT = _PREFIX + ".TIMEOUT";
128     private static final String STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = _PREFIX + ".STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING";
129     private static final String USER_DIR_IS_ROOT = _PREFIX + ".USER_DIR_IS_ROOT";
131     /**
132      * Gets the singleton builder.
133      *
134      * @return the singleton builder.
135      */
136     public static SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder getInstance() {
137         return BUILDER;
138     }
140     private SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder() {
141         super("sftp.");
142     }
144     /**
145      * @param options The FileSystem options.
146      * @return The names of the compression algorithms, comma-separated.
147      * @see #setCompression
148      */
149     public String getCompression(final FileSystemOptions options) {
150         return this.getString(options, COMPRESSION);
151     }
153     @Override
154     protected Class<? extends FileSystem> getConfigClass() {
155         return SftpFileSystem.class;
156     }
158     /**
159      * Gets the config repository.
160      *
161      * @param options The FileSystem options.
162      * @return the ConfigRepository
163      */
164     public ConfigRepository getConfigRepository(final FileSystemOptions options) {
165         return getParam(options, CONFIG_REPOSITORY);
166     }
168     /**
169      * Gets the connect timeout duration.
170      *
171      * @param options The FileSystem options.
172      * @return The connect timeout duration.
173      * @see #setConnectTimeoutMillis
174      * @since 2.8.0
175      */
176     public Duration getConnectTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options) {
177         return this.getDuration(options, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
178     }
180     /**
181      * Gets the connect timeout duration.
182      *
183      * @param options The FileSystem options.
184      * @return The connect timeout value in milliseconds.
185      * @see #setConnectTimeoutMillis
186      * @since 2.3
187      * @deprecated Use {@link #getConnectTimeout(FileSystemOptions)}.
188      */
189     @Deprecated
190     public Integer getConnectTimeoutMillis(final FileSystemOptions options) {
191         return this.getDurationInteger(options, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
192     }
194     /**
195      * Gets the file name encoding.
196      *
197      * @param options The FileSystem options.
198      * @return the file name encoding
199      */
200     public String getFileNameEncoding(final FileSystemOptions options) {
201         return this.getString(options, ENCODING);
202     }
204     /**
205      * Gets the identity files (your private key files).
206      * <p>
207      * We use because JSch cannot deal with VFS FileObjects.
208      * </p>
209      *
210      * @param options The FileSystem options.
211      * @return the array of identity Files.
212      * @see #setIdentities
213      * @deprecated As of 2.1 use {@link #getIdentityInfo(FileSystemOptions)}
214      */
215     @Deprecated
216     public File[] getIdentities(final FileSystemOptions options) {
217         final IdentityInfo[] info = getIdentityInfo(options);
218         if (info != null) {
219             return Stream.of(info).map(IdentityInfo::getPrivateKey).toArray(File[]::new);
220         }
221         return null;
222     }
224     /**
225      * Gets the identity infos.
226      *
227      * @param options The FileSystem options.
228      * @return the array of identity info.
229      * @see #setIdentityInfo
230      */
231     public IdentityInfo[] getIdentityInfo(final FileSystemOptions options) {
232         final IdentityProvider[] infos = getIdentityProvider(options);
233         if (infos != null) {
234             return Stream.of(infos).filter(info -> info instanceof IdentityInfo)
235                                    .map(info -> (IdentityInfo/../../org/apache/commons/vfs2/provider/sftp/IdentityInfo.html#IdentityInfo">IdentityInfo) info).toArray(IdentityInfo[]::new);
236         }
237         return null;
238     }
240     /**
241      * Gets the identity providers.
242      *
243      * @param options The FileSystem options.
244      * @return the array of identity providers.
245      * @see #setIdentityProvider
246      * @since 2.4
247      */
248     public IdentityProvider[] getIdentityProvider(final FileSystemOptions options) {
249         return getParam(options, IDENTITIES);
250     }
252     /**
253      * Get the identity repository factory.
254      *
255      * @param options The FileSystem options.
256      * @return the IdentityRepositoryFactory
257      */
258     public IdentityRepositoryFactory getIdentityRepositoryFactory(final FileSystemOptions options) {
259         return getParam(options, IDENTITY_REPOSITORY_FACTORY);
260     }
262     /**
263      * @param options The FileSystem options.
264      * @return the option value for specific key exchange algorithm
265      * @see #setKeyExchangeAlgorithm(FileSystemOptions, String)
266      * @since 2.4
267      */
268     public String getKeyExchangeAlgorithm(final FileSystemOptions options) {
269         return this.getString(options, KEY_EXCHANGE_ALGORITHM);
270     }
273     /**
274      * @param options The FileSystem options.
275      * @return the known hosts File.
276      * @see #setKnownHosts
277      */
278     public File getKnownHosts(final FileSystemOptions options) {
279         return getParam(options, KNOWN_HOSTS);
280     }
282     /**
283      * Gets authentication order.
284      *
285      * @param options The FileSystem options.
286      * @return The authentication order.
287      * @since 2.0
288      */
289     public String getPreferredAuthentications(final FileSystemOptions options) {
290         return getString(options, PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS);
291     }
293     /**
294      * Gets the command that will be run on the proxy host when using a {@linkplain SftpStreamProxy}. The command
295      * defaults to {@linkplain SftpStreamProxy#NETCAT_COMMAND}.
296      *
297      * @param options The FileSystem options.
298      * @return proxyOptions
299      * @see SftpStreamProxy
300      * @see #setProxyOptions
301      * @since 2.1
302      */
303     public String getProxyCommand(final FileSystemOptions options) {
304         return this.getString(options, PROXY_COMMAND, SftpStreamProxy.NETCAT_COMMAND);
305     }
307     /**
308      * Gets the proxy to use for the SFTP connection.
309      *
310      * @param options The FileSystem options.
311      * @return proxyHost
312      * @see #getProxyPort
313      * @see #setProxyHost
314      */
315     public String getProxyHost(final FileSystemOptions options) {
316         return this.getString(options, PROXY_HOST);
317     }
319     /**
320      * Gets the proxy options that are used to connect to the proxy host.
321      *
322      * @param options The FileSystem options.
323      * @return proxyOptions
324      * @see SftpStreamProxy
325      * @see #setProxyOptions
326      * @since 2.1
327      */
328     public FileSystemOptionshtml#FileSystemOptions">FileSystemOptions getProxyOptions(final FileSystemOptions options) {
329         return getParam(options, PROXY_OPTIONS);
330     }
332     /**
333      * Gets the proxy password that are used to connect to the proxy host.
334      *
335      * @param options The FileSystem options.
336      * @return proxyOptions
337      * @see SftpStreamProxy
338      * @see #setProxyPassword
339      * @since 2.1
340      */
341     public String getProxyPassword(final FileSystemOptions options) {
342         return this.getString(options, PROXY_PASSWORD);
343     }
345     /**
346      * Gets the proxy-port to use for the SFTP the connection.
347      *
348      * @param options The FileSystem options.
349      * @return proxyPort: the port number or 0 if it is not set
350      * @see #setProxyPort
351      * @see #getProxyHost
352      */
353     public int getProxyPort(final FileSystemOptions options) {
354         return this.getInteger(options, PROXY_PORT, 0);
355     }
357     /**
358      * Gets the proxy type to use for the SFTP connection.
359      *
360      * @param options The FileSystem options.
361      * @return The ProxyType.
362      */
363     public ProxyType getProxyType(final FileSystemOptions options) {
364         return getParam(options, PROXY_TYPE);
365     }
367     /**
368      * Gets the user name for the proxy used for the SFTP connection.
369      *
370      * @param options The FileSystem options.
371      * @return proxyUser
372      * @see #setProxyUser
373      * @since 2.1
374      */
375     public String getProxyUser(final FileSystemOptions options) {
376         return this.getString(options, PROXY_USER);
377     }
379     /**
380      * @param options The FileSystem options.
381      * @return The session timeout value in milliseconds.
382      * @see #setSessionTimeout
383      * @since 2.3
384      */
385     public Duration getSessionTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options) {
386         return this.getDuration(options, SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
387     }
389     /**
390      * @param options The FileSystem options.
391      * @return The session timeout value in milliseconds.
392      * @see #setSessionTimeoutMillis
393      * @since 2.3
394      * @deprecated Use {@link #getSessionTimeout(FileSystemOptions)}.
395      */
396     @Deprecated
397     public Integer getSessionTimeoutMillis(final FileSystemOptions options) {
398         return this.getDurationInteger(options, SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
399     }
401     /**
402      * @param options The FileSystem options.
403      * @return the option value The host key checking.
404      * @see #setStrictHostKeyChecking(FileSystemOptions, String)
405      */
406     public String getStrictHostKeyChecking(final FileSystemOptions options) {
407         return this.getString(options, STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING, HOST_KEY_CHECK_NO);
408     }
410     /**
411      * @param options The FileSystem options.
412      * @return The timeout value in milliseconds.
413      * @see #setTimeout
414      * @deprecated Use {@link #getSessionTimeoutMillis(FileSystemOptions)}
415      */
416     @Deprecated
417     public Integer getTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options) {
418         return this.getInteger(options, SESSION_TIMEOUT);
419     }
421     /**
422      * Returns {@link Boolean#TRUE} if VFS should treat the user directory as the root directory. Defaults to
423      * {@code Boolean.TRUE} if the method {@link #setUserDirIsRoot(FileSystemOptions, boolean)} has not been
424      * invoked.
425      *
426      * @param options The FileSystemOptions.
427      * @return {@code Boolean.TRUE} if VFS treats the user directory as the root directory.
428      * @see #setUserDirIsRoot
429      */
430     public Boolean getUserDirIsRoot(final FileSystemOptions options) {
431         return this.getBoolean(options, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT, Boolean.TRUE);
432     }
434     /**
435      * @param options The FileSystem options.
436      * @return The UserInfo.
437      * @see #setUserInfo
438      */
439     public UserInfo getUserInfo(final FileSystemOptions options) {
440         return getParam(options, UserInfo.class.getName());
441     }
443     /**
444      * Returns {@code true} if the detection of the exec channel should be disabled.
445      * Returns {@code false} if the detection of the exec channel should be enabled.
446      * Defaults to {@code false} if the method {@link #setDisableDetectExecChannel(FileSystemOptions, boolean)} has not been invoked.
447      *
448      * @param options The FileSystemOptions.
449      * @return {@code true} if detection of exec channel should be disabled.
450      *
451      * @see #setDisableDetectExecChannel(FileSystemOptions, boolean)
452      * @since 2.7.0
453      */
454     public boolean isDisableDetectExecChannel(final FileSystemOptions options) {
455         return this.getBoolean(options, DISABLE_DETECT_EXEC_CHANNEL, Boolean.FALSE);
456     }
458     /**
459      * Returns {@link Boolean#TRUE} if VFS should load the OpenSSH config. Defaults to {@code Boolean.FALSE} if the
460      * method {@link #setLoadOpenSSHConfig(FileSystemOptions, boolean)} has not been invoked.
461      *
462      * @param options The FileSystemOptions.
463      * @return {@code Boolean.TRUE} if VFS should load the OpenSSH config.
464      * @see #setLoadOpenSSHConfig
465      */
466     public boolean isLoadOpenSSHConfig(final FileSystemOptions options) {
467         return this.getBoolean(options, LOAD_OPENSSH_CONFIG, Boolean.FALSE);
468     }
470     /**
471      * Configures the compression algorithms to use.
472      * <p>
473      * For example, use {@code "zlib,none"} to enable compression.
474      * </p>
475      * <p>
476      * See the Jsch documentation (in particular the README file) for details.
477      * </p>
478      *
479      * @param options        The FileSystem options.
480      * @param compression The names of the compression algorithms, comma-separated.
481      */
482     public void setCompression(final FileSystemOptions options, final String compression) {
483         this.setParam(options, COMPRESSION, compression);
484     }
486     /**
487      * Sets the config repository. e.g. {@code /home/user/.ssh/config}.
488      * <p>
489      * This is useful when you want to use OpenSSHConfig.
490      * </p>
491      *
492      * @param options             The FileSystem options.
493      * @param configRepository An config repository.
494      * @see <a href="">OpenSSHConfig</a>
495      */
496     public void setConfigRepository(final FileSystemOptions options, final ConfigRepository configRepository) {
497         this.setParam(options, CONFIG_REPOSITORY, configRepository);
498     }
500     /**
501      * Sets the timeout value to create a Jsch connection.
502      *
503      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
504      * @param timeout The connect timeout in milliseconds.
505      * @since 2.8.0
506      */
507     public void setConnectTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options, final Duration timeout) {
508         this.setParam(options, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, timeout);
509     }
511     /**
512      * Sets the timeout value to create a Jsch connection.
513      *
514      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
515      * @param timeout The connect timeout in milliseconds.
516      * @since 2.3
517      * @deprecated Use {@link #setConnectTimeout(FileSystemOptions, Duration)}.
518      */
519     @Deprecated
520     public void setConnectTimeoutMillis(final FileSystemOptions options, final Integer timeout) {
521         this.setConnectTimeout(options, Duration.ofMillis(timeout));
522     }
524     /**
525      * Sets whether detection of exec channel is disabled.
526      * If this value is true the FileSystem will not test if the server allows to exec commands and disable the use of the exec channel.
527      *
528      * @param options        The FileSystem options.
529      * @param disableDetectExecChannel true if the detection of exec channel should be disabled.
530      * @since 2.7.0
531      */
532     public void setDisableDetectExecChannel(final FileSystemOptions options, final boolean disableDetectExecChannel) {
533         this.setParam(options, DISABLE_DETECT_EXEC_CHANNEL, toBooleanObject(disableDetectExecChannel));
534     }
536     /**
537      * Sets the file name encoding.
538      *
539      * @param options             The FileSystem options.
540      * @param fileNameEncoding The name of the encoding to use for file names.
541      */
542     public void setFileNameEncoding(final FileSystemOptions options, final String fileNameEncoding) {
543         this.setParam(options, ENCODING, fileNameEncoding);
544     }
546     /**
547      * Sets the identity files (your private key files).
548      * <p>
549      * We use {@link} because JSch cannot deal with VFS FileObjects.
550      * </p>
551      *
552      * @param options          The FileSystem options.
553      * @param identityFiles An array of identity Files.
554      * @deprecated As of 2.1 use {@link #setIdentityInfo(FileSystemOptions, IdentityInfo...)}
555      */
556     @Deprecated
557     public void setIdentities(final FileSystemOptions options, final File... identityFiles) {
558         IdentityProvider[] info = null;
559         if (identityFiles != null) {
560             info = Stream.of(identityFiles).map(IdentityInfo::new).toArray(IdentityProvider[]::new);
561         }
562         this.setParam(options, IDENTITIES, info);
563     }
565     /**
566      * Sets the identity info (your private key files).
567      *
568      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
569      * @param identites An array of identity info.
570      * @since 2.1
571      * @deprecated Use {@link #setIdentityProvider(FileSystemOptions,IdentityProvider...)}
572      */
573     @Deprecated
574     public void setIdentityInfo(final FileSystemOptions options, final IdentityInfo... identites) {
575         this.setParam(options, IDENTITIES, identites);
576     }
578     /**
579      * Sets the identity info (your private key files).
580      *
581      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
582      * @param identites An array of identity info.
583      * @since 2.4
584      */
585     public void setIdentityProvider(final FileSystemOptions options, final IdentityProvider... identites) {
586         this.setParam(options, IDENTITIES, identites);
587     }
589     /**
590      * Sets the identity repository.
591      * <p>
592      * This is useful when you want to use e.g. an SSH agent as provided.
593      * </p>
594      *
595      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
596      * @param factory An identity repository.
597      * @see <a href="">JSch agent proxy</a>
598      */
599     public void setIdentityRepositoryFactory(final FileSystemOptions options, final IdentityRepositoryFactory factory) {
600         this.setParam(options, IDENTITY_REPOSITORY_FACTORY, factory);
601     }
603     /**
604      * Configures Key exchange algorithm explicitly e.g diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,
605      * diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
606      *
607      * @param options                The FileSystem options.
608      * @param keyExchangeAlgoritm The key exchange algorithm picked.
609      * @since 2.4
610      */
611     public void setKeyExchangeAlgorithm(final FileSystemOptions options, final String keyExchangeAlgoritm) {
612         setParam(options, KEY_EXCHANGE_ALGORITHM, keyExchangeAlgoritm);
613     }
615     /**
616      * Sets the known_hosts file. e.g. {@code /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts2}.
617      * <p>
618      * We use {@link} because JSch cannot deal with VFS FileObjects.
619      * </p>
620      *
621      * @param options       The FileSystem options.
622      * @param knownHosts The known hosts file.
623      */
624     public void setKnownHosts(final FileSystemOptions options, final File knownHosts) {
625         this.setParam(options, KNOWN_HOSTS, knownHosts);
626     }
628     /**
629      * Sets the whether to load OpenSSH config.
630      *
631      * @param options              The FileSystem options.
632      * @param loadOpenSSHConfig true if the OpenSSH config should be loaded.
633      */
634     public void setLoadOpenSSHConfig(final FileSystemOptions options, final boolean loadOpenSSHConfig) {
635         this.setParam(options, LOAD_OPENSSH_CONFIG, toBooleanObject(loadOpenSSHConfig));
636     }
638     /**
639      * Configures authentication order.
640      *
641      * @param options                     The FileSystem options.
642      * @param preferredAuthentications The authentication order.
643      * @since 2.0
644      */
645     public void setPreferredAuthentications(final FileSystemOptions options, final String preferredAuthentications) {
646         this.setParam(options, PREFERRED_AUTHENTICATIONS, preferredAuthentications);
647     }
649     /**
650      * Sets the proxy username to use for the SFTP connection.
651      *
652      * @param options         The FileSystem options.
653      * @param proxyCommand the port
654      * @see #getProxyOptions
655      * @since 2.1
656      */
657     public void setProxyCommand(final FileSystemOptions options, final String proxyCommand) {
658         this.setParam(options, PROXY_COMMAND, proxyCommand);
659     }
661     /**
662      * Sets the proxy to use for the SFTP connection.
663      *
664      * You MUST also set the proxy port to use the proxy.
665      *
666      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
667      * @param proxyHost the host
668      * @see #setProxyPort
669      */
670     public void setProxyHost(final FileSystemOptions options, final String proxyHost) {
671         this.setParam(options, PROXY_HOST, proxyHost);
672     }
674     /**
675      * Sets the proxy username to use for the SFTP connection.
676      *
677      * @param options         The FileSystem options.
678      * @param proxyOptions the options
679      * @see #getProxyOptions
680      * @since 2.1
681      */
682     public void setProxyOptions(final FileSystemOptionsptions.html#FileSystemOptions">FileSystemOptions options, final FileSystemOptions proxyOptions) {
683         this.setParam(options, PROXY_OPTIONS, proxyOptions);
684     }
686     /**
687      * Sets the proxy password to use for the SFTP connection.
688      *
689      * @param options          The FileSystem options.
690      * @param proxyPassword the username used to connect to the proxy
691      * @see #getProxyPassword
692      * @since 2.1
693      */
694     public void setProxyPassword(final FileSystemOptions options, final String proxyPassword) {
695         this.setParam(options, PROXY_PASSWORD, proxyPassword);
696     }
698     /**
699      * Sets the proxy port to use for the SFTP connection.
700      * <p>
701      * You MUST also set the proxy host to use the proxy.
702      * </p>
703      *
704      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
705      * @param proxyPort the port
706      * @see #setProxyHost
707      */
708     public void setProxyPort(final FileSystemOptions options, final int proxyPort) {
709         this.setParam(options, PROXY_PORT, Integer.valueOf(proxyPort));
710     }
712     /**
713      * Sets the proxy type to use for the SFTP connection.
714      * <p>
715      * The possibles values are:
716      * </p>
717      * <ul>
718      * <li>{@linkplain #PROXY_HTTP} connects using an HTTP proxy</li>
719      * <li>{@linkplain #PROXY_SOCKS5} connects using an Socket5 proxy</li>
720      * <li>{@linkplain #PROXY_STREAM} connects through a remote host stream command</li>
721      * </ul>
722      *
723      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
724      * @param proxyType the type of the proxy to use.
725      */
726     public void setProxyType(final FileSystemOptions options, final ProxyType proxyType) {
727         this.setParam(options, PROXY_TYPE, proxyType);
728     }
730     /**
731      * Sets the proxy username to use for the SFTP connection.
732      *
733      * @param options      The FileSystem options.
734      * @param proxyUser the username used to connect to the proxy
735      * @see #getProxyUser
736      * @since 2.1
737      */
738     public void setProxyUser(final FileSystemOptions options, final String proxyUser) {
739         this.setParam(options, PROXY_USER, proxyUser);
740     }
742     /**
743      * Sets the timeout value on Jsch session.
744      *
745      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
746      * @param timeout The session timeout in milliseconds.
747      * @since 2.8.0
748      */
749     public void setSessionTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options, final Duration timeout) {
750         this.setParam(options, SESSION_TIMEOUT, timeout);
751     }
753     /**
754      * Sets the timeout value on Jsch session.
755      *
756      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
757      * @param timeout The session timeout in milliseconds.
758      * @since 2.3
759      * @deprecated Use {@link #setSessionTimeout(FileSystemOptions, Duration)}.
760      */
761     @Deprecated
762     public void setSessionTimeoutMillis(final FileSystemOptions options, final Integer timeout) {
763         this.setSessionTimeout(options, Duration.ofMillis(timeout));
764     }
766     /**
767      * Configures the host key checking to use.
768      * <p>
769      * Valid arguments are: {@code "yes"}, {@code "no"} and {@code "ask"}.
770      * </p>
771      * <p>
772      * See the jsch documentation for details.
773      * </p>
774      *
775      * @param options            The FileSystem options.
776      * @param hostKeyChecking The host key checking to use.
777      * @throws FileSystemException if an error occurs.
778      */
779     public void setStrictHostKeyChecking(final FileSystemOptions options, final String hostKeyChecking)
780             throws FileSystemException {
781         if (hostKeyChecking == null || (!hostKeyChecking.equals(HOST_KEY_CHECK_ASK)
782                 && !hostKeyChecking.equals(HOST_KEY_CHECK_NO) && !hostKeyChecking.equals(HOST_KEY_CHECK_YES))) {
783             throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider.sftp/StrictHostKeyChecking-arg.error", hostKeyChecking);
784         }
786         this.setParam(options, STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING, hostKeyChecking);
787     }
789     /**
790      * Sets the timeout value on Jsch session.
791      *
792      * @param options    The FileSystem options.
793      * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds.
794      * @deprecated Use {@link #setSessionTimeout(FileSystemOptions, Duration)}
795      */
796     @Deprecated
797     public void setTimeout(final FileSystemOptions options, final Integer timeout) {
798         this.setParam(options, SESSION_TIMEOUT, timeout);
799     }
801     /**
802      * Sets the whether to use the user directory as root (do not change to file system root).
803      *
804      * @param options          The FileSystem options.
805      * @param userDirIsRoot true if the user directory is the root directory.
806      */
807     public void setUserDirIsRoot(final FileSystemOptions options, final boolean userDirIsRoot) {
808         this.setParam(options, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT, toBooleanObject(userDirIsRoot));
809     }
811     /**
812      * Sets the Jsch UserInfo class to use.
813      *
814      * @param options The FileSystem options.
815      * @param info User information.
816      */
817     public void setUserInfo(final FileSystemOptions options, final UserInfo info) {
818         this.setParam(options, UserInfo.class.getName(), info);
819     }
821 }