Class CSVRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<String>

public final class CSVRecord extends Object implements Serializable, Iterable<String>
A CSV record parsed from a CSV file.

Note: Support for Serializable is scheduled to be removed in version 2.0. In version 1.8 the mapping between the column header and the column index was removed from the serialized state. The class maintains serialization compatibility with versions pre-1.8 for the record values; these must be accessed by index following deserialization. There will be a loss of any functionally linked to the header mapping when transferring serialized forms pre-1.8 to 1.8 and vice versa.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • get

      public String get(Enum<?> e)
      Returns a value by Enum.
      e - an enum
      the String at the given enum String
    • get

      public String get(int i)
      Returns a value by index.
      i - a column index (0-based)
      the String at the given index
    • get

      public String get(String name)
      Returns a value by name. If multiple instances of the header name exists, only the last occurrence is returned.

      Note: This requires a field mapping obtained from the original parser. A check using isMapped(String) should be used to determine if a mapping exists from the provided name to a field index. In this case an exception will only be thrown if the record does not contain a field corresponding to the mapping, that is the record length is not consistent with the mapping size.

      name - the name of the column to be retrieved.
      the column value, maybe null depending on CSVFormat.getNullString().
      IllegalStateException - if no header mapping was provided
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is not mapped or if the record is inconsistent
      See Also:
    • getCharacterPosition

      public long getCharacterPosition()
      Returns the start position of this record as a character position in the source stream. This may or may not correspond to the byte position depending on the character set.
      the position of this record in the source stream.
    • getComment

      public String getComment()
      Returns the comment for this record, if any. Note that comments are attached to the following record. If there is no following record (i.e. the comment is at EOF), then the comment will be ignored.
      the comment for this record, or null if no comment for this record is available.
    • getParser

      public CSVParser getParser()
      Returns the parser.

      Note: The parser is not part of the serialized state of the record. A null check should be used when the record may have originated from a serialized form.

      the parser.
    • getRecordNumber

      public long getRecordNumber()
      Returns the number of this record in the parsed CSV file.

      ATTENTION: If your CSV input has multi-line values, the returned number does not correspond to the current line number of the parser that created this record.

      the number of this record.
      See Also:
    • hasComment

      public boolean hasComment()
      Checks whether this record has a comment, false otherwise. Note that comments are attached to the following record. If there is no following record (i.e. the comment is at EOF), then the comment will be ignored.
      true if this record has a comment, false otherwise
    • isConsistent

      public boolean isConsistent()
      Tells whether the record size matches the header size.

      Returns true if the sizes for this record match and false if not. Some programs can export files that fail this test but still produce parsable files.

      true of this record is valid, false if not
    • isMapped

      public boolean isMapped(String name)
      Checks whether a given column is mapped, i.e. its name has been defined to the parser.
      name - the name of the column to be retrieved.
      whether a given column is mapped.
    • isSet

      public boolean isSet(int index)
      Checks whether a column with a given index has a value.
      index - a column index (0-based)
      whether a column with a given index has a value
    • isSet

      public boolean isSet(String name)
      Checks whether a given column is mapped and has a value.
      name - the name of the column to be retrieved.
      whether a given column is mapped and has a value
    • iterator

      Returns an iterator over the values of this record.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<String>
      an iterator over the values of this record.
    • putIn

      public <M extends Map<String, String>> M putIn(M map)
      Puts all values of this record into the given Map.
      Type Parameters:
      M - the map type
      map - The Map to populate.
      the given map.
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of values in this record.
      the number of values.
    • stream

      public Stream<String> stream()
      Returns a sequential ordered stream whose elements are the values.
      the new stream.
    • toList

      public List<String> toList()
      Converts the values to a new List.

      Editing the list does not update this instance.

      a new List
    • toMap

      public Map<String,String> toMap()
      Copies this record into a new Map of header name to record value. If multiple instances of a header name exist, then only the last occurrence is mapped.

      Editing the map does not update this instance.

      A new Map. The map is empty if the record has no headers.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the contents of this record. The result is constructed by comment, mapping, recordNumber and by passing the internal values array to Arrays.toString(Object[]).
      toString in class Object
      a String representation of this record.
    • values

      public String[] values()
      Gets the values for this record. This is not a copy.
      the values for this record.