
Commons Discovery uses Maven or Ant as a build system.

Maven Goals

To build a jar file, change into Discovery's root directory and run mvn package. The result will be in the "target" subdirectory.

To build the Javadocs, run mvn javadoc:javadoc. The result will be in "target/site/apidocs".

To build the full website, run mvn site. The result will be in "target/site".

Further details can be found in the commons build instructions.

Ant Goals

To build a jar file and the javadocs, change into Discovery's root directory and run ant dist. The result will be in the "dist" subdirectory.

Nightly Builds

Nightly Builds are built once a day from the current SVN HEAD. These are provided purely for test purposes and are NOT official releases of the Apache Software Foundation - Released versions of Commons Discovery are available here.