The Commons-launcher project provides a smart way to start a Java application. In the facts, the CommonsLauncher provides a bootstrap class which starts a ant process.
This ant process :
We want to start a small Main class :
package org.apache.launcher.example; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { LogFactory.getLog(Main.class).info("start"); } }
This runtime distribution includes:
User script
The demo.(sh/bat) is the bootstrap script used by the user to start the application:
java -cp . LauncherBootstrap -executablename launcher-demo demo
Launcher ant configuration
Our launcher.xml is as simple as possible :
<project name="Demo Launcher" default="demo" basedir="."> <property name="base.dir" value="${basedir}/.."/> <property name="etc.dir" value="${base.dir}/etc"/> <property name="lib.dir" value="${base.dir}/lib"/> <property name="log.dir" value="${base.dir}/log"/> <path id="base.class.path"> <pathelement path="${etc.dir}"/> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/> </path> <target name="demo"> <mkdir dir="${log.dir}" /> <launch classname="org.apache.launcher.example.Main"> <classpath refid="base.class.path"/> <syspropertyset> <sysproperty key="log.dir" file="${log.dir}"/> </syspropertyset> </launch> </target> </project>
Other files