The following document contains the results of RAT (Release Audit Tool) .
***************************************************** Summary ------- Notes: 3 Binaries: 4 Archives: 0 Standards: 75 Apache Licensed: 67 Generated Documents: 0 JavaDocs are generated and so license header is optional Generated files do not required license headers 8 Unknown Licenses ******************************* Archives (+ indicates readable, $ unreadable): ***************************************************** Files with AL headers will be marked L Binary files (which do not require AL headers) will be marked B Compressed archives will be marked A Notices, licenses etc will be marked N AL AL AL build.xml !????? doap_modeler.rdf N LICENSE.txt AL maven.xml !????? mbeans.xml N NOTICE.txt AL pom.xml AL AL project.xml !????? PROPOSAL.html !????? RELEASE-NOTES-1.1.txt !????? RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.txt N RELEASE-NOTES.txt !????? 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These APIs include standards for designing "Managed Beans" (MBeans) that are associated with components of your application that you wish to make manageable via a variety of tools (either local or remote.</p> <p>The JMX architecture includes a variety of design patterns for MBeans. The two most commonly used patterns are:</p> <ul> <li><em>Standard MBeans</em> - The developer designs an interface that corresponds with the class for each managed resource, exposing only the attributes and operations required for management. The managed resource class must implement this interface, according to standard Java language rules, for this resource to become manageable.</li> <li><em>Model MBeans</em> - A generic, configurable MBean which can be used to make almost any resource manageable. Rather than relying on implementing a Java interface, Model MBeans utilize <em>metadata</em> about the constructors, attributes, and operations that are supported to make calls on the managed resource's class, using Java's reflection APIs to call arbitrary methods with arbitrary arguments.</li> </ul> <p>At first glance, Model MBeans sound incredibly useful -- they require no changes at all to the Java class representing the managed resource, and you can use a standard base class provided with the JMX implementation to perform almost all of your management requirements. However, the developer is still required to provide the metadata, which can be tedious to create when there are many managed resources, with many attributes and operations made available by those resources. This is where the <strong>Modeler</strong> comes in.</p> <p><strong>Modeler</strong> provides the following services to the application developer who wishes to make their applications manageable via JMX:</p> <ul> <li>Reads an XML-based description of the Model MBeans to be provided for a set of managed resource classes, defining all of the constructors, ======================================================================= ==RELEASE-NOTES-1.1.txt ======================================================================= $Id: RELEASE-NOTES-1.1.txt 155428 2005-02-26 13:12:25Z dirkv $ Commons Modeler Package Version 1.1 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============ This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Modeler package, and highlights changes since the previous version. NEW FEATURES: ============ * Support for components that are not explicitely declared. Introspection and common patterns are used to expose all attributes and simple methods with known type. * New parser using DOM. That reduces the dependencies, is a bit faster and allows more flexibility in processing the input, * Support serialization of the model, and loading the .ser format. Serialization is implemented using an ant task, and all objects in the model are serializable. Reading the .ser form is much faster than processing the XML. * A set of ant tasks that use modeler to load metadata and operate on mbeans. The tasks can be used with any JMX component, not only with modeler. An example use is tomcat5. * Support for loading extended mlet files, with a syntax consistent with the ant tasks and JBoss ( and other ). * Helper to perform lifecycle operations on sets of mbeans. * A small startup program ( org.apache.commons.modeler.Main ) capable of loading an mlet file and performing init/start on all components. This can help in testing and jumpstarting small applications. * Cleaner APIs, with deprecation of static methods. * New methods to access the Registry, with support for container application separation. * (Experimental) support for remote mbeans, allowing management of non-local mbeans. * (Experimental) support for persistence for mbeans loaded from the mbeans file. Modification of attributes will be saved, however adding new mbeans is not yet implemented. * The distribution package includes commons-modeler-src.jar which can be used in IDEs to quickly see the sources when debugging and to do small builds. ======================================================================= ==RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.txt ======================================================================= $Id: RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.txt 549466 2007-06-21 13:10:59Z niallp $ Commons Modeler Package Version 2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============ This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Modeler package, and highlights changes since the previous version. For more information on Jakarta Commons Modeler, see o API CHANGES: ============ o In org.apache.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean, getObjectName's method signature was as follows: public getObjectName() Now it has been changed to public String getObjectName() NOTE: This was not logged as a modeler bug. More information can be found at the Sun Bug Database: o In org.apache.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean, Folks who need the ObjectName can now use the new method: public getJmxName() NOTE: This was not logged as a modeler bug. More information can be found at the Sun Bug Database: o In org.apache.commons.modeler.util.IntrospectionUtils, A new method clear has been added: public void clear() NOTE: This was done as part of fix for MODELER-15 BUG REPORTS ADDRESSED: ===================== o MODELER-18 support for general descriptors o MODELER-17 [modeler] MbeansSource don't use args at mbeans and operations o MODELER-16 [modeler] download links broken o MODELER-15 [modeler] IntrospectionUtils memory leak o MODELER-14 After setting an Attribute the Notification Listener will not performed o MODELER-13 [modeler] BaseModelMBean class setModeledType method should be setModelerType o MODELER-12 [modeler] ManagedBean uses the wrong case for ObjectReference o MODELER-11 [modeler] Null Pointer Exception - Non-Singleton Registry o MODELER-10 [modeler] DTD violation when using simple wrapping o MODELER-9 [modeler] Registry.convertValue doesn't support longs ======================================================================= ==RELEASE-PLAN-1.1.txt ======================================================================= Release Plan for Jakarta Commons Modeler 1.1 ============================================ Introduction: ------------ This document is a release plan for the final release of Jakarta Commons Modeler 1.1. The 1.1-M1 release has been available for several weeks now, with no bugs reported against it. A final stable release is desired for Tomcat 5. The release notes are in this directory's RELEASE-NOTES-1.1.txt file. This Release Plan the following prospective target dates: 2003-07-29: commons-dev vote on this Release Plan Assuming this plan is approved by committer majority: 2003-08-03: Code freeze for modeler 1.1 2003-08-04: Modeler 1.1 final build built and tagged in CVS This release plan is subject should change should bugs be reported against the 1.1-M1 release of Modeler. ======================================================================= ==src/conf/MANIFEST.MF ======================================================================= Manifest-version: 1.1 Extension-Name: org.apache.commons.modeler Specification-Title: Commons Modeler Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Specification-Version: 2.1-SNAPSHOT Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-Version: 2.1-SNAPSHOT ======================================================================= ==xdocs/style/project.css ======================================================================= @import url("");