Package org.apache.commons.messenger

The main Messenger interface, a simple facade for working with JMS, together with all the default implementation classes and additional factory classes.


Interface Summary
Messenger Messenger a facade over the JMS API making it easy to use JMS and hiding much of the complexity of threading and configuration.
MessengerListener MessengerListener is a JMS MessageListener which is associated with a Messenger instance so that it can send replies or send other messages using the same JMS connection to which its listening.
XACapable XACapable is an object (typically a MessageListener in this context) which can be part of an XA transaction.

Class Summary
DefaultMessenger DefaultMessenger is the default implementation of Messenger which uses a ThreadLocal variable to keep the JMS Session that should be used for a given calling thread.
DefaultServerSession DefaultServerSession is a default implementation of the JMS ServerSession interface.
DefaultServerSessionPool DefaultServerSessionPool is a default implementation of the JMS ServerSessionPool interface.
InitMessengerServlet InitMessengerServlet is a simple servlet that will initialize the MessengerManager from a URL specified in the web.xml deployment descriptor.
JNDISessionFactory JNDISessionFactory is a Factory of JMS Session objects which looks up the ConnectionFactory object from JNDI.
Lock Lock is a simple lock.
MessengerDigester MessengerDigester is a digester of Messenger objects so that JMS Messengers can be created from an XML config file.
MessengerListenerSupport MessengerListenerSupport is an abstract base class for a MessengerListener objects which is useful for implementation inheritence.
MessengerManager MessengerManager is a manager of Messenger instances.
MessengerServlet MessengerServlet is a simple servlet that dispatches the current HTTP GET to a JMS connection to a receiveNoWait() call or a HTTP POST to send() message.
MessengerSession MessengerSession represents all the local information for a single thread.
MessengerSupport MessengerSupport is an abstract base class which implements most of the functionality of Messenger.
SessionFactory SessionFactory is a Factory of JMS Session objects.
SimpleMessenger SimpleMessenger is an implementation of Messenger which uses a single JMS Session for sending to keep the JMS Session that should be used for a given calling thread.
XACapableAdapter XACapableAdapter is an adapter that implements XACapable for a given Messenger
XAMessenger XAMessenger is a default implementation of Messenger which can also support XA transactions by enlisting and delisting XAResources.

Package org.apache.commons.messenger Description

The main Messenger interface, a simple facade for working with JMS, together with all the default implementation classes and additional factory classes.

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