Apache Commons Codec 1.18.0 API

Apache Commons Codec consists of a set of utilities and a simple framework for encoding and decoding text and binary data.
You can find the Javadoc package list at the bottom of this page.
Binary Encoders
Interfaces and classes used by the various implementations in the sub-packages.
Base16 | Provides Base16 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 4648 - 8. Base 16 Encoding |
Base16InputStream | Provides Base16 decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
Base16OutputStream | Provides Base16 encoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
Base32 | Provides Base32 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 4648 |
Base32InputStream | Provides Base32 decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
Base32OutputStream | Provides Base32 encoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
Base64 | Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045 |
Base64InputStream | Provides Base64 decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
Base64OutputStream | Provides Base64 encoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size). |
BinaryCodec | Converts between byte arrays and strings of "0"s and "1"s. |
Hex | Converts hexadecimal Strings. |
Digest Encoders
WARNING: Some of the functions in this package might not be suitable for cryptography, or are no longer cryptographically-secure.
Blake3 | Provides a pure Java implementation of the Blake3 hash function which can be used for computing cryptographic hashes (message digests) which are extensible to arbitrary output lengths (known as an extensible-output function or XOF), computing message authentication codes using a 32 byte (256-bit) secret key, computing subkeys from a primary key using a key derivation function, and can be used as the basis for a cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator. WARNING: Blake3 is not a password hashing algorithm! An algorithm such as Argon2 is more appropriate for password hashing. |
Crypt | GNU libc crypt(3) compatible hash method. |
DigestUtils | Simplifies common MessageDigest tasks and provides GNU libc crypt(3) compatible password hashing functions. |
HmacUtils | Simplifies common Mac tasks. Note: Not all JCE implementations support all algorithms. If not supported, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. |
Md5Crypt | The libc crypt() "$1$" and Apache "$apr1$" MD5-based hash algorithm. |
MurmurHash2 | Implementation of the MurmurHash2 32-bit and 64-bit hash functions. |
MurmurHash3 | Implementation of the MurmurHash3 32-bit and 128-bit hash functions. |
PureJavaCrc32 | A pure-java implementation of the CRC32 checksum that uses the same polynomial as the built-in native CRC32. |
PureJavaCrc32C | A pure-java implementation of the CRC32 checksum that uses the CRC32-C polynomial, the same polynomial used by iSCSI and implemented on many Intel chipsets supporting SSE 4.2. |
Sha2Crypt | SHA2-based Unix crypt implementation. |
UnixCrypt | Unix crypt(3) algorithm implementation. This class only implements the traditional 56 bit DES based algorithm. |
XXHash32 | Implementation of the xxHash32 hash algorithm. |
Language Encoders
Caverphone 1.0 | Encodes a string into a Caverphone 1.0 value. |
Caverphone 2.0 | Encodes a string into a Caverphone 2.0 value. |
Cologne Phonetic | Encodes a string into a Cologne Phonetic value. |
Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex | Encodes a string into a Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex value. |
Double Metaphone | Encodes a string into a double metaphone value. |
Metaphone | Encodes a string into a Metaphone value. |
Refined Soundex | Encodes a string into a Refined Soundex value. |
Soundex | Encodes a string into a Soundex value. |
Network Encoders
BCodec | Identical to the Base64 encoding defined by RFC 1521 and allows a character set to be specified. |
PercentCodec | Implements the Percent-Encoding scheme, as described in HTTP 1.1 specification. |
QCodec | Similar to the Quoted-Printable content-transfer-encoding defined in RFC 1521 and designed to allow text containing mostly ASCII characters to be decipherable on an ASCII terminal without decoding. |
QuotedPrintableCodec | Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of RFC 1521 . |
URLCodec | Implements the www-form-urlencoded encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding.
Interfaces and classes used by the various implementations in the sub-packages.
Base64, Base32, Binary, and Hexadecimal String encoding and decoding.
Command line utility.
Simplifies common
tasks and includes a libc crypt(3) compatible crypt method that supports DES, MD5, SHA-256 and SHA-512
based algorithms as well as the Apache specific "$apr1$" variant.Language and phonetic encoders.
Implementation details of the Beider-Morse codec.
Network related encoding and decoding.