Fix Version | Key | Component | Summary | Type | Resolution | Status |
| CODEC-170 | | Link broken in Metaphone Javadoc | Bug | Fixed | Resolved |
| CODEC-108 | | Base64 encoding issue for larger avi files | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
| CODEC-87 | | DigestUtils: MD5 checksum is not calculated correctly on linux64-platforms | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
| CODEC-53 | | build.xml "dist" target refers to ../LICENSE | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
| CODEC-85 | | Hex class is inefficient and uses default platform encoding for String <=> byte[] conversions | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
| CODEC-67 | | Fix headerFile location in Checkstyle configuration | Task | Fixed | Closed |
| CODEC-66 | | Add bin to svn:ignore | Wish | Fixed | Closed |
Nightly Builds | CODEC-98 | | Base64InputStream causes NullPointerException on some input | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
Nightly Builds | CODEC-109 | | Allow the build to run with Maven 2 and Maven 3 with commons-parent 17 | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.9 | CODEC-175 | | Beider Morse does not close Scanners used to read config files. | Bug | Fixed | Resolved |
1.9 | CODEC-172 | | Base32 decode table has spurious value | Bug | Fixed | Resolved |
1.9 | CODEC-176 | | Spelling fixes in Javadoc and comments | Improvement | Fixed | Resolved |
1.8 | CODEC-160 | | Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString doesn't add padding characters at the end. | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.8 | CODEC-168 | | Add DigestUtils.updateDigest(MessageDigest, InputStream) | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.8 | CODEC-163 | | ColognePhonetic encoder unneccessarily creates many char arrays on every loop run | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.8 | CODEC-161 | | Add Match Rating Approach (MRA) phonetic algorithm encoder | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.8 | CODEC-167 | | Test our decode with pad character in the middle | Test | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-157 | | DigestUtils: Add MD2 APIs | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-156 | | DigestUtils: add APIs named after standard alg name SHA-1 | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-155 | | DigestUtils.getDigest(String) should throw IllegalArgumentException instead of RuntimeException | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-153 | | Create a class MessageDigestAlgorithms to define standard algorithm names | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-152 | | DigestUtils.getDigest(String) looses the orginal exception | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-147 | | BeiderMorse phonetic filter give uncertain results | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-132 | | BeiderMorseEncoder OOM issues | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-131 | | DoubleMetaphone javadoc contains dead links | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-130 | | Base64InputStream.skip skips underlying stream, not output | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-96 | | Base64 encode() method is no longer thread-safe, breaking clients using it as a shared BinaryEncoder | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-154 | | Trim lines to 120chars | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-151 | | Remove unnecessary attempt to fill up the salt variable in UnixCrypt | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-150 | | Remove unnecessary call to Math.abs() | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-148 | | More tests and minor things | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-143 | | StringBuffer could be replaced by StringBuilder for local variables | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-139 | | DigestUtils: add updateDigest methods and make methods public. | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-138 | | Complete FilterInputStream interface for BaseNCodecInputStream | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-136 | | Use Charset objects when possible, create Charsets class for required character encodings | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-133 | | Add classes for MD5/SHA1/SHA-512-based Unix crypt(3) hash variants. | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-63 | | Implement NYSIIS | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.7 | CODEC-146 | | Add JUnit tests that use BeiderMorse like Solr does | Test | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-128 | | Documentation spelling fixes | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-127 | | Non-ascii characters in source files | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-123 | | ColognePhonetic Javadoc should use HTML entities for special characters. | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-129 | | Use standard Maven directory layout. | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-120 | | Migrate to JUnit 4 | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-119 | | Migrate to Java 5 | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.6 | CODEC-125 | | Implement a Beider-Morse phonetic matching codec | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.x | CODEC-36 | | [codec] Support of Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.x | CODEC-8 | | REQ: Streaming codecs | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-117 | | Caverphone encodes names starting and ending with "mb" incorrectly. | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-115 | | DoubleMetaphone.maxCodeLen should probably be private | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-114 | | org.apache.commons.codec.language.Soundex.US_ENGLISH_MAPPING should be package protected MALICIOUS_CODE | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-113 | | org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex.US_ENGLISH_MAPPING should be package protected MALICIOUS_CODE | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-112 | | Base64.encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe, int maxResultSize) throws IAE for valid maxResultSize if isChunked is false | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-111 | | isn't final but should be | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-105 | | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when doing multiple reads() on encoding Base64InputStream | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-101 | | Base64InputStream#read(byte[]) incorrectly returns 0 at end of any stream which is multiple of 3 bytes long | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-99 | | Base64.encodeBase64String() shouldn't chunk | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-97 | | Base64 default constructor behaviour changed to enable chunking in 1.4 | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-92 | | Many test cases use getBytes() which uses the default platform encoding so tests may fail on some platforms | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-89 | | new Base64().encode() appends a CRLF, and chunks results into 76 character lines | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-118 | | Split Caverphone class into two classes for Caverphone 1.0 and 2.0. | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-103 | | Typo in DecoderException message thrown from Hex.decodeHex | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-110 | | Add a String version of Base64.isArrayByteBase64() | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-106 | | Add the "Kölner Phonetik" encoder (cologne phonetic) to codec.lang | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-88 | | Base32 encoder | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.5 | CODEC-116 | | Remove deprecated package private method Base64.discardWhitespace(byte[]) | Task | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-84 | | Double Metaphone bugs in alternative encoding | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-81 | | Base64's new constructor parameters ignored | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-80 | | Regression: Base64.encode(chunk=true) has bug when input length is multiple of 76 | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-77 | | Base64 bug with empty input (new byte[0]) | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-76 | | All links to fixed bugs in the "Changes Report" point nowhere, e.g. Looks as if all JIRA tickets were renumbered. | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-73 | | Make string2byte conversions indepedent of platform default encoding | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-72 | | Soundex and RefinedSoundex issues with character arrays | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-65 | | Fix case-insensitive string handling | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-61 | | Base64.encodeBase64() throws NegativeArraySizeException on large files | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-58 | | Character set used by Base64 not documented | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-56 | | RefinedSoundex creates instance before al fields have been initialized | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-54 | | testUsEnglishStatic doesn't fail | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-51 | | 2 Test failures in SoundexTest | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-22 | | [codec] Base64.isArrayByteBase64() throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for negative octets. | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-10 | | [codec] Using US_ENGLISH static in Soundex causes NPE | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-6 | | [codec] Source tarball spews files all over the place | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-75 | | Make Base64 URL-safe | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-71 | | Base64.isArrayByteBase64() method is inefficient for large byte arrays | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-70 | | Thread safety and malicious code safety improvements | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-69 | | Streaming Base64 | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-59 | | Add methods to Base64 which work with String instead of byte[] | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-52 | | Digest on InputStreams | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-40 | | [codec] Patch to add crypto-compatible BigInteger encoding support to Base64 | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-39 | | [codec] Add methods for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 to DigestUtils | Improvement | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-74 | | Allow for uppercase letters output in Hex.encodeHex() | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-60 | | Implement Caverphone | New Feature | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-64 | | Add svn:eol-style=native | Task | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-83 | | Improve Double Metaphone test coverage | Test | Fixed | Closed |
1.4 | CODEC-78 | | Base64: Improve Code Coverage | Test | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-31 | | Base64 chunked encoding not compliant with RFC 2045 section 2.1 CRLF | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-25 | | [Codec] Default URL encoding logic broken | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-21 | | [codec] Alterations to and its unit test for 1.3 release | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-17 | | [codec] Metaphone B not handling ending MB correctly | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-9 | | [Codec][PATCH] Inconsistent use of the word 'encodning' in the URLCodec API | Bug | Fixed | Closed |
1.3 | CODEC-5 | | [codec] Hex converts illegal characters to 255 | Bug | Fixed | Closed |