Class WrappedBloomFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
BitMapExtractor, BloomFilter, IndexExtractor

public abstract class WrappedBloomFilter extends Object implements BloomFilter
An abstract class to assist in implementing Bloom filter decorators.
  • Constructor Details

    • WrappedBloomFilter

      Wraps a Bloom filter. The wrapped filter is maintained as a reference not a copy. Changes in one will be reflected in the other.
      bf - The Bloom filter.
  • Method Details

    • asBitMapArray

      public long[] asBitMapArray()
      Description copied from interface: BitMapExtractor
      Return a copy of the BitMapExtractor data as a bit map array.

      The default implementation of this method is slow. It is recommended that implementing classes reimplement this method.

      Specified by:
      asBitMapArray in interface BitMapExtractor
      An array of bit map data.
    • asIndexArray

      public int[] asIndexArray()
      Description copied from interface: IndexExtractor
      Return a copy of the IndexExtractor data as an int array.

      Indices ordering and uniqueness is not guaranteed.

      The default implementation of this method creates an array and populates it. Implementations that have access to an index array should consider returning a copy of that array if possible.

      Specified by:
      asIndexArray in interface IndexExtractor
      An int array of the data.
    • cardinality

      public int cardinality()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Gets the cardinality (number of enabled bits) of this Bloom filter.

      This is also known as the Hamming value or Hamming number.

      Specified by:
      cardinality in interface BloomFilter
      the cardinality of this filter
    • characteristics

      public int characteristics()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Returns the characteristics of the filter.

      Characteristics are defined as bits within the characteristics integer.

      Specified by:
      characteristics in interface BloomFilter
      the characteristics for this bloom filter.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Resets the filter to its initial, unpopulated state.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface BloomFilter
    • contains

      public boolean contains(BitMapExtractor bitMapExtractor)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Returns true if this filter contains the bits specified in the bit maps produced by the bitMapExtractor.
      Specified by:
      contains in interface BloomFilter
      bitMapExtractor - the BitMapExtractor to provide the bit maps.
      true if this filter is enabled for all bits specified by the bit maps
    • contains

      public boolean contains(BloomFilter other)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Returns true if this filter contains the specified filter.

      Specifically this returns true if this filter is enabled for all bits that are enabled in the other filter. Using the bit representations this is effectively (this AND other) == other.

      Specified by:
      contains in interface BloomFilter
      other - the other Bloom filter
      true if all enabled bits in the other filter are enabled in this filter.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Hasher hasher)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Returns true if this filter contains the bits specified in the hasher.

      Specifically this returns true if this filter is enabled for all bit indexes identified by the hasher. Using the bit map representations this is effectively (this AND hasher) == hasher.

      Specified by:
      contains in interface BloomFilter
      hasher - the hasher to provide the indexes
      true if this filter is enabled for all bits specified by the hasher
    • contains

      public boolean contains(IndexExtractor indexExtractor)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Returns true if this filter contains the indices specified IndexExtractor.

      Specifically this returns true if this filter is enabled for all bit indexes identified by the IndexExtractor.

      Specified by:
      contains in interface BloomFilter
      indexExtractor - the IndexExtractor to provide the indexes
      true if this filter is enabled for all bits specified by the IndexExtractor
    • estimateIntersection

      public int estimateIntersection(BloomFilter other)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Estimates the number of items in the intersection of this Bloom filter with the other bloom filter.

      This method produces estimate is roughly equivalent to the number of unique Hashers that have been merged into both of the filters by rounding the value from the calculation described in the Shape class Javadoc.

      estimateIntersection should only be called with Bloom filters of the same Shape. If called on Bloom filters of differing shape this method is not symmetric. If other has more bits an IllegalArgumentException may be thrown.

      Specified by:
      estimateIntersection in interface BloomFilter
      other - The other Bloom filter
      an estimate of the number of items in the intersection. If the calculated estimate is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE then MAX_VALUE is returned.
      See Also:
    • estimateN

      public int estimateN()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Estimates the number of items in the Bloom filter.

      By default this is the rounding of the Shape.estimateN(cardinality) calculation for the shape and cardinality of this filter.

      This produces an estimate roughly equivalent to the number of Hashers that have been merged into the filter by rounding the value from the calculation described in the Shape class Javadoc.


      • if cardinality == numberOfBits, then result is Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      • if cardinality > numberOfBits, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      estimateN in interface BloomFilter
      an estimate of the number of items in the bloom filter. Will return Integer.MAX_VALUE if the estimate is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      See Also:
    • estimateUnion

      public int estimateUnion(BloomFilter other)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Estimates the number of items in the union of this Bloom filter with the other bloom filter.

      This produces an estimate roughly equivalent to the number of unique Hashers that have been merged into either of the filters by rounding the value from the calculation described in the Shape class Javadoc.

      estimateUnion should only be called with Bloom filters of the same Shape. If called on Bloom filters of differing shape this method is not symmetric. If other has more bits an IllegalArgumentException may be thrown.

      Specified by:
      estimateUnion in interface BloomFilter
      other - The other Bloom filter
      an estimate of the number of items in the union. Will return Integer.MAX_VALUE if the estimate is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      See Also:
    • processBitMaps

      public boolean processBitMaps(LongPredicate predicate)
      Description copied from interface: BitMapExtractor
      Each bit map is passed to the predicate in order. The predicate is applied to each bit map value, if the predicate returns false the execution is stopped, false is returned, and no further bit maps are processed.

      If the extractor is empty this method will return true.

      Any exceptions thrown by the action are relayed to the caller.

      Specified by:
      processBitMaps in interface BitMapExtractor
      predicate - the function to execute
      true if all bit maps returned true, false otherwise.
    • processBitMapPairs

      public boolean processBitMapPairs(BitMapExtractor other, LongBiPredicate func)
      Description copied from interface: BitMapExtractor
      Applies the func to each bit map pair in order. Will apply all of the bit maps from the other BitMapExtractor to this extractor. If this extractor does not have as many bit maps it will provide 0 (zero) for all excess calls to the LongBiPredicate.

      The default implementation of this method uses asBitMapArray(). It is recommended that implementations of BitMapExtractor that have local arrays reimplement this method.

      Specified by:
      processBitMapPairs in interface BitMapExtractor
      other - The other BitMapExtractor that provides the y values in the (x,y) pair.
      func - The function to apply.
      A LongPredicate that tests this BitMapExtractor's bitmap values in order.
    • processIndices

      public boolean processIndices(IntPredicate predicate)
      Description copied from interface: IndexExtractor
      Each index is passed to the predicate. The predicate is applied to each index value, if the predicate returns false the execution is stopped, false is returned, and no further indices are processed.

      Any exceptions thrown by the action are relayed to the caller.

      Indices ordering and uniqueness is not guaranteed.

      Specified by:
      processIndices in interface IndexExtractor
      predicate - the action to be performed for each non-zero bit index.
      true if all indexes return true from consumer, false otherwise.
    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Gets the shape that was used when the filter was built.
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface BloomFilter
      The shape the filter was built with.
    • getWrapped

      protected BloomFilter getWrapped()
    • isFull

      public boolean isFull()
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Determines if the bloom filter is "full".

      Full is defined as having no unset bits.

      Specified by:
      isFull in interface BloomFilter
      true if the filter is full, false otherwise.
    • merge

      public boolean merge(BitMapExtractor bitMapExtractor)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Merges the specified hasher into this Bloom filter. Specifically all bit indexes that are identified by the bitMapExtractor will be enabled in this filter.

      Note: This method should return true even if no additional bit indexes were enabled. A false result indicates that this filter may or may not contain all the indexes enabled in the bitMapExtractor. This state may occur in complex Bloom filter implementations like counting Bloom filters.

      Specified by:
      merge in interface BloomFilter
      bitMapExtractor - The BitMapExtractor to merge.
      true if the merge was successful
    • merge

      public boolean merge(BloomFilter other)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Merges the specified Bloom filter into this Bloom filter.

      Specifically all bit indexes that are identified by the other will be enabled in this filter.

      Note: This method should return true even if no additional bit indexes were enabled. A false result indicates that this filter may or may not contain the other Bloom filter. This state may occur in complex Bloom filter implementations like counting Bloom filters.

      Specified by:
      merge in interface BloomFilter
      other - The bloom filter to merge into this one.
      true if the merge was successful
    • merge

      public boolean merge(Hasher hasher)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Merges the specified hasher into this Bloom filter. Specifically all bit indexes that are identified by the hasher will be enabled in this filter.

      Note: This method should return true even if no additional bit indexes were enabled. A false result indicates that this filter may or may not contain the hasher values. This state may occur in complex Bloom filter implementations like counting Bloom filters.

      Specified by:
      merge in interface BloomFilter
      hasher - The hasher to merge.
      true if the merge was successful
    • merge

      public boolean merge(IndexExtractor indexExtractor)
      Description copied from interface: BloomFilter
      Merges the specified IndexExtractor into this Bloom filter. Specifically all bit indexes that are identified by the indexExtractor will be enabled in this filter.

      Note: This method should return true even if no additional bit indexes were enabled. A false result indicates that this filter may or may not contain all the indexes of the indexExtractor. This state may occur in complex Bloom filter implementations like counting Bloom filters.

      Specified by:
      merge in interface BloomFilter
      indexExtractor - The IndexExtractor to merge.
      true if the merge was successful