Interface TarConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveSparseEntry

public interface TarConstants
This interface contains all the definitions used in the package.

For tar formats (FORMAT_OLDGNU, FORMAT_POSIX, etc.) see GNU tar tar.h and type enum archive_format.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The length of the access time field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the access time field in a xstar header buffer.
    static final int
    Offset of the checksum field within header record.
    static final int
    The length of the checksum field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the created time field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the created time field in a xstar header buffer.
    static final int
    Default block size
    static final int
    Default record size
    static final int
    The length of each of the device fields (major and minor) in a header buffer.
    static final int
    GNU format as per before tar 1.12.
    static final int
    Pure POSIX format.
    static final int
    xstar format used by Jörg Schilling's star.
    static final int
    The length of the group id field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the group name field in a header buffer.
    static final String
    The name of the GNU tar entry which contains a long name.
    static final int
    The length of the is extension field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the is extension field in a sparse header buffer.
    static final byte
    Block device file type.
    static final byte
    Character device file type.
    static final byte
    Contiguous file type.
    static final byte
    Directory file type.
    static final byte
    FIFO (pipe) file type.
    static final byte
    Identifies the *next* file on the tape as having a long link name.
    static final byte
    Identifies the *next* file on the tape as having a long name.
    static final byte
    Sparse file type.
    static final byte
    Link file type.
    static final byte
    Identifies the entry as a multi-volume past volume #0
    static final byte
    Normal file type.
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the "link flag" field.
    static final byte
    LF_ constants represent the "link flag" of an entry, or more commonly, the "entry type".
    static final byte
    Identifies the entry as a Pax extended header.
    static final byte
    Identifies the entry as a Pax extended header (SunOS tar -E).
    static final byte
    Identifies the entry as a Pax global extended header.
    static final byte
    Symbolic link file type.
    static final int
    The length of the long names field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final String
    The magic tag representing an Ant tar archive.
    static final String
    The magic tag representing a GNU tar archive.
    static final int
    Offset of start of magic field within header record
    static final String
    The magic tag representing a POSIX tar archive.
    static final String
    The magix string used in the last four bytes of the header to identify the xstar format.
    static final int
    The length of the magic field in a header buffer.
    static final long
    The maximum value of gid/uid in a tar archive which can be expressed in octal char notation (that's 7 sevens, octal).
    static final long
    The maximum size of a file in a tar archive which can be expressed in octal char notation (that's 11 sevens, octal).
    static final int
    The length of the mode field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the modification time field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the name field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the multivolume start offset field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the padding field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    Length of the prefix field.
    static final int
    Length of the prefix field in xstar archives.
    static final int
    The length of the real size field in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the size field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The number of sparse headers in an extension header
    static final int
    The number of sparse headers in an old GNU header
    static final int
    The length of numbytes in struct sparse
    static final int
    The length of offset in struct sparse
    static final int
    The sum of the length of all sparse headers in an old GNU header buffer.
    static final int
    The sum of the length of all sparse headers in a sparse header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the user id field in a header buffer.
    static final int
    The length of the user name field in a header buffer.
    static final String
    The "version" representing an Ant tar archive.
    static final String
    One of two possible GNU versions
    static final String
    One of two possible GNU versions
    static final int
    Offset of start of magic field within header record
    static final String
    static final int
    Previously this was regarded as part of "magic" field, but it is separate.
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the atime field in xstar archives.
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the ctime field in xstar archives.
    static final int
    Length of the XSTAR magic.
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the xstar magic bytes.
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the xtar multivolume data
    static final int
    Offset inside the header for the prefix field in xstar archives.