Class SegmentConstantPoolArrayCache.CachedArray

Enclosing class:

Keeps track of the last known size of an array as well as a HashMap that knows the mapping from element values to the indices of the array which contain that value.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • cacheIndexes

      protected void cacheIndexes()
      Given a primaryArray, cache its values in a HashMap to provide a backwards mapping from element values to element indexes. For instance, a primaryArray of: {"Zero", "Foo", "Two", "Foo"} would yield a HashMap of: "Zero" -> 0 "Foo" -> 1, 3 "Two" -> 2 which is then cached.
    • indexesForKey

      Given a particular key, answer a List of index locations in the array which contain that key. If no elements are found, answer an empty list.
      key - String element of the array
      List of indexes containing that key in the array.
    • lastKnownSize

      public int lastKnownSize()
      Answer the last known size of the array cached. If the last known size is not the same as the current size, the array must have changed.
      int last known size of the cached array