002 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 *  limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200;
019import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.io.InputStream;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.Collections;
024import java.util.List;
026import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.pack200.Codec;
027import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.pack200.Pack200Exception;
028import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.Attribute;
029import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.BCIRenumberedAttribute;
030import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.ByteCode;
031import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPClass;
032import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CodeAttribute;
033import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.ExceptionTableEntry;
034import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.NewAttribute;
035import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.OperandManager;
038 * Bytecode bands
039 */
040public class BcBands extends BandSet {
042    // The bytecodes for each method in each class as they come (i.e. in their
043    // packed format)
044    private byte[][][] methodByteCodePacked;
046    // The bands
047    // TODO: Haven't resolved references yet. Do we want to?
048    private int[] bcCaseCount;
049    private int[] bcCaseValue;
050    private int[] bcByte;
051    private int[] bcLocal;
052    private int[] bcShort;
053    private int[] bcLabel;
054    private int[] bcIntRef;
055    private int[] bcFloatRef;
056    private int[] bcLongRef;
057    private int[] bcDoubleRef;
058    private int[] bcStringRef;
059    private int[] bcClassRef;
060    private int[] bcFieldRef;
061    private int[] bcMethodRef;
062    private int[] bcIMethodRef;
063    private int[] bcThisField;
064    private int[] bcSuperField;
065    private int[] bcThisMethod;
066    private int[] bcSuperMethod;
067    private int[] bcInitRef;
068    private int[] bcEscRef;
069    private int[] bcEscRefSize;
070    private int[] bcEscSize;
071    private int[][] bcEscByte;
073    private List<Integer> wideByteCodes;
075    /**
076     * @param segment TODO
077     */
078    public BcBands(final Segment segment) {
079        super(segment);
080    }
082    private boolean endsWithLoad(final int codePacked) {
083        return codePacked >= 21 && codePacked <= 25;
084    }
086    private boolean endsWithStore(final int codePacked) {
087        return codePacked >= 54 && codePacked <= 58;
088    }
090    public int[] getBcByte() {
091        return bcByte;
092    }
094    public int[] getBcCaseCount() {
095        return bcCaseCount;
096    }
098    public int[] getBcCaseValue() {
099        return bcCaseValue;
100    }
102    public int[] getBcClassRef() {
103        return bcClassRef;
104    }
106    public int[] getBcDoubleRef() {
107        return bcDoubleRef;
108    }
110    public int[] getBcFieldRef() {
111        return bcFieldRef;
112    }
114    public int[] getBcFloatRef() {
115        return bcFloatRef;
116    }
118    public int[] getBcIMethodRef() {
119        return bcIMethodRef;
120    }
122    public int[] getBcInitRef() {
123        return bcInitRef;
124    }
126    public int[] getBcIntRef() {
127        return bcIntRef;
128    }
130    public int[] getBcLabel() {
131        return bcLabel;
132    }
134    public int[] getBcLocal() {
135        return bcLocal;
136    }
138    public int[] getBcLongRef() {
139        return bcLongRef;
140    }
142    public int[] getBcMethodRef() {
143        return bcMethodRef;
144    }
146    public int[] getBcShort() {
147        return bcShort;
148    }
150    public int[] getBcStringRef() {
151        return bcStringRef;
152    }
154    public int[] getBcSuperField() {
155        return bcSuperField;
156    }
158    public int[] getBcSuperMethod() {
159        return bcSuperMethod;
160    }
162    public int[] getBcThisField() {
163        return bcThisField;
164    }
166    public int[] getBcThisMethod() {
167        return bcThisMethod;
168    }
170    public byte[][][] getMethodByteCodePacked() {
171        return methodByteCodePacked;
172    }
174    /*
175     * (non-Javadoc)
176     *
177     * @see org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.BandSet#unpack(java.io.InputStream)
178     */
179    @Override
180    public void read(final InputStream in) throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
182        final AttributeLayoutMap attributeDefinitionMap = segment.getAttrDefinitionBands().getAttributeDefinitionMap();
183        final int classCount = header.getClassCount();
184        final long[][] methodFlags = segment.getClassBands().getMethodFlags();
186        int bcCaseCountCount = 0;
187        int bcByteCount = 0;
188        int bcShortCount = 0;
189        int bcLocalCount = 0;
190        int bcLabelCount = 0;
191        int bcIntRefCount = 0;
192        int bcFloatRefCount = 0;
193        int bcLongRefCount = 0;
194        int bcDoubleRefCount = 0;
195        int bcStringRefCount = 0;
196        int bcClassRefCount = 0;
197        int bcFieldRefCount = 0;
198        int bcMethodRefCount = 0;
199        int bcIMethodRefCount = 0;
200        int bcThisFieldCount = 0;
201        int bcSuperFieldCount = 0;
202        int bcThisMethodCount = 0;
203        int bcSuperMethodCount = 0;
204        int bcInitRefCount = 0;
205        int bcEscCount = 0;
206        int bcEscRefCount = 0;
208        final AttributeLayout abstractModifier = attributeDefinitionMap.getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ACC_ABSTRACT, AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_METHOD);
209        final AttributeLayout nativeModifier = attributeDefinitionMap.getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ACC_NATIVE, AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_METHOD);
211        methodByteCodePacked = new byte[classCount][][];
212        int bcParsed = 0;
214        final List<Boolean> switchIsTableSwitch = new ArrayList<>();
215        wideByteCodes = new ArrayList<>();
216        for (int c = 0; c < classCount; c++) {
217            final int numberOfMethods = methodFlags[c].length;
218            methodByteCodePacked[c] = new byte[numberOfMethods][];
219            for (int m = 0; m < numberOfMethods; m++) {
220                final long methodFlag = methodFlags[c][m];
221                if (!abstractModifier.matches(methodFlag) && !nativeModifier.matches(methodFlag)) {
222                    final ByteArrayOutputStream codeBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
223                    byte code;
224                    while ((code = (byte) (0xff & in.read())) != -1) {
225                        codeBytes.write(code);
226                    }
227                    methodByteCodePacked[c][m] = codeBytes.toByteArray();
228                    bcParsed += methodByteCodePacked[c][m].length;
229                    final int[] codes = new int[methodByteCodePacked[c][m].length];
230                    for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
231                        codes[i] = methodByteCodePacked[c][m][i] & 0xff;
232                    }
233                    for (int i = 0; i < methodByteCodePacked[c][m].length; i++) {
234                        final int codePacked = 0xff & methodByteCodePacked[c][m][i];
235                        switch (codePacked) {
236                        case 16: // bipush
237                        case 188: // newarray
238                            bcByteCount++;
239                            break;
240                        case 17: // sipush
241                            bcShortCount++;
242                            break;
243                        case 18: // (a)ldc
244                        case 19: // aldc_w
245                            bcStringRefCount++;
246                            break;
247                        case 234: // ildc
248                        case 237: // ildc_w
249                            bcIntRefCount++;
250                            break;
251                        case 235: // fldc
252                        case 238: // fldc_w
253                            bcFloatRefCount++;
254                            break;
255                        case 197: // multianewarray
256                            bcByteCount++;
257                            // fallthrough intended
258                        case 233: // cldc
259                        case 236: // cldc_w
260                        case 187: // new
261                        case 189: // anewarray
262                        case 192: // checkcast
263                        case 193: // instanceof
264                            bcClassRefCount++;
265                            break;
266                        case 20: // lldc2_w
267                            bcLongRefCount++;
268                            break;
269                        case 239: // dldc2_w
270                            bcDoubleRefCount++;
271                            break;
272                        case 169: // ret
273                            bcLocalCount++;
274                            break;
275                        case 167: // goto
276                        case 168: // jsr
277                        case 200: // goto_w
278                        case 201: // jsr_w
279                            bcLabelCount++;
280                            break;
281                        case 170: // tableswitch
282                            switchIsTableSwitch.add(Boolean.TRUE);
283                            bcCaseCountCount++;
284                            bcLabelCount++;
285                            break;
286                        case 171: // lookupswitch
287                            switchIsTableSwitch.add(Boolean.FALSE);
288                            bcCaseCountCount++;
289                            bcLabelCount++;
290                            break;
291                        case 178: // getstatic
292                        case 179: // putstatic
293                        case 180: // getfield
294                        case 181: // putfield
295                            bcFieldRefCount++;
296                            break;
297                        case 182: // invokevirtual
298                        case 183: // invokespecial
299                        case 184: // invokestatic
300                            bcMethodRefCount++;
301                            break;
302                        case 185: // invokeinterface
303                            bcIMethodRefCount++;
304                            break;
305                        case 202: // getstatic_this
306                        case 203: // putstatic_this
307                        case 204: // getfield_this
308                        case 205: // putfield_this
309                        case 209: // aload_0_getstatic_this
310                        case 210: // aload_0_putstatic_this
311                        case 211: // aload_0_putfield_this
312                        case 212: // aload_0_putfield_this
313                            bcThisFieldCount++;
314                            break;
315                        case 206: // invokevirtual_this
316                        case 207: // invokespecial_this
317                        case 208: // invokestatic_this
318                        case 213: // aload_0_invokevirtual_this
319                        case 214: // aload_0_invokespecial_this
320                        case 215: // aload_0_invokestatic_this
321                            bcThisMethodCount++;
322                            break;
323                        case 216: // getstatic_super
324                        case 217: // putstatic_super
325                        case 218: // getfield_super
326                        case 219: // putfield_super
327                        case 223: // aload_0_getstatic_super
328                        case 224: // aload_0_putstatic_super
329                        case 225: // aload_0_getfield_super
330                        case 226: // aload_0_putfield_super
331                            bcSuperFieldCount++;
332                            break;
333                        case 220: // invokevirtual_super
334                        case 221: // invokespecial_super
335                        case 222: // invokestatic_super
336                        case 227: // aload_0_invokevirtual_super
337                        case 228: // aload_0_invokespecial_super
338                        case 229: // aload_0_invokestatic_super
339                            bcSuperMethodCount++;
340                            break;
341                        case 132: // iinc
342                            bcLocalCount++;
343                            bcByteCount++;
344                            break;
345                        case 196: // wide
346                            final int nextInstruction = 0xff & methodByteCodePacked[c][m][i + 1];
347                            wideByteCodes.add(Integer.valueOf(nextInstruction));
348                            if (nextInstruction == 132) { // iinc
349                                bcLocalCount++;
350                                bcShortCount++;
351                            } else if (endsWithLoad(nextInstruction) || endsWithStore(nextInstruction) || nextInstruction == 169) {
352                                bcLocalCount++;
353                            } else {
354                                segment.log(Segment.LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Found unhandled " + ByteCode.getByteCode(nextInstruction));
355                            }
356                            i++;
357                            break;
358                        case 230: // invokespecial_this_init
359                        case 231: // invokespecial_super_init
360                        case 232: // invokespecial_new_init
361                            bcInitRefCount++;
362                            break;
363                        case 253: // ref_escape
364                            bcEscRefCount++;
365                            break;
366                        case 254: // byte_escape
367                            bcEscCount++;
368                            break;
369                        default:
370                            if (endsWithLoad(codePacked) || endsWithStore(codePacked)) {
371                                bcLocalCount++;
372                            } else if (startsWithIf(codePacked)) {
373                                bcLabelCount++;
374                            }
375                        }
376                    }
377                }
378            }
379        }
380        // other bytecode bands
381        bcCaseCount = decodeBandInt("bc_case_count", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcCaseCountCount);
382        int bcCaseValueCount = 0;
383        for (int i = 0; i < bcCaseCount.length; i++) {
384            final boolean isTableSwitch = switchIsTableSwitch.get(i).booleanValue();
385            if (isTableSwitch) {
386                bcCaseValueCount += 1;
387            } else {
388                bcCaseValueCount += bcCaseCount[i];
389            }
390        }
391        bcCaseValue = decodeBandInt("bc_case_value", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcCaseValueCount);
392        // Every case value needs a label. We weren't able to count these
393        // above, because we didn't know how many cases there were.
394        // Have to correct it now.
395        for (int index = 0; index < bcCaseCountCount; index++) {
396            bcLabelCount += bcCaseCount[index];
397        }
398        bcByte = decodeBandInt("bc_byte", in, Codec.BYTE1, bcByteCount);
399        bcShort = decodeBandInt("bc_short", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcShortCount);
400        bcLocal = decodeBandInt("bc_local", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcLocalCount);
401        bcLabel = decodeBandInt("bc_label", in, Codec.BRANCH5, bcLabelCount);
402        bcIntRef = decodeBandInt("bc_intref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcIntRefCount);
403        bcFloatRef = decodeBandInt("bc_floatref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcFloatRefCount);
404        bcLongRef = decodeBandInt("bc_longref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcLongRefCount);
405        bcDoubleRef = decodeBandInt("bc_doubleref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcDoubleRefCount);
406        bcStringRef = decodeBandInt("bc_stringref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcStringRefCount);
407        bcClassRef = decodeBandInt("bc_classref", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcClassRefCount);
408        bcFieldRef = decodeBandInt("bc_fieldref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcFieldRefCount);
409        bcMethodRef = decodeBandInt("bc_methodref", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcMethodRefCount);
410        bcIMethodRef = decodeBandInt("bc_imethodref", in, Codec.DELTA5, bcIMethodRefCount);
411        bcThisField = decodeBandInt("bc_thisfield", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcThisFieldCount);
412        bcSuperField = decodeBandInt("bc_superfield", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcSuperFieldCount);
413        bcThisMethod = decodeBandInt("bc_thismethod", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcThisMethodCount);
414        bcSuperMethod = decodeBandInt("bc_supermethod", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcSuperMethodCount);
415        bcInitRef = decodeBandInt("bc_initref", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcInitRefCount);
416        bcEscRef = decodeBandInt("bc_escref", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcEscRefCount);
417        bcEscRefSize = decodeBandInt("bc_escrefsize", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcEscRefCount);
418        bcEscSize = decodeBandInt("bc_escsize", in, Codec.UNSIGNED5, bcEscCount);
419        bcEscByte = decodeBandInt("bc_escbyte", in, Codec.BYTE1, bcEscSize);
420    }
422    private boolean startsWithIf(final int codePacked) {
423        return codePacked >= 153 && codePacked <= 166 || codePacked == 198 || codePacked == 199;
424    }
426    @Override
427    public void unpack() throws Pack200Exception {
428        final int classCount = header.getClassCount();
429        final long[][] methodFlags = segment.getClassBands().getMethodFlags();
430        final int[] codeMaxNALocals = segment.getClassBands().getCodeMaxNALocals();
431        final int[] codeMaxStack = segment.getClassBands().getCodeMaxStack();
432        final ArrayList<Attribute>[][] methodAttributes = segment.getClassBands().getMethodAttributes();
433        final String[][] methodDescr = segment.getClassBands().getMethodDescr();
435        final AttributeLayoutMap attributeDefinitionMap = segment.getAttrDefinitionBands().getAttributeDefinitionMap();
437        final AttributeLayout abstractModifier = attributeDefinitionMap.getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ACC_ABSTRACT, AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_METHOD);
438        final AttributeLayout nativeModifier = attributeDefinitionMap.getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ACC_NATIVE, AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_METHOD);
439        final AttributeLayout staticModifier = attributeDefinitionMap.getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ACC_STATIC, AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_METHOD);
441        final int[] wideByteCodeArray = new int[wideByteCodes.size()];
442        for (int index = 0; index < wideByteCodeArray.length; index++) {
443            wideByteCodeArray[index] = wideByteCodes.get(index).intValue();
444        }
445        final OperandManager operandManager = new OperandManager(bcCaseCount, bcCaseValue, bcByte, bcShort, bcLocal, bcLabel, bcIntRef, bcFloatRef, bcLongRef,
446                bcDoubleRef, bcStringRef, bcClassRef, bcFieldRef, bcMethodRef, bcIMethodRef, bcThisField, bcSuperField, bcThisMethod, bcSuperMethod, bcInitRef,
447                wideByteCodeArray);
448        operandManager.setSegment(segment);
450        int i = 0;
451        final ArrayList<List<Attribute>> orderedCodeAttributes = segment.getClassBands().getOrderedCodeAttributes();
452        int codeAttributeIndex = 0;
454        // Exception table fields
455        final int[] handlerCount = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHandlerCount();
456        final int[][] handlerStartPCs = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHandlerStartP();
457        final int[][] handlerEndPCs = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHandlerEndPO();
458        final int[][] handlerCatchPCs = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHandlerCatchPO();
459        final int[][] handlerClassTypes = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHandlerClassRCN();
461        final boolean allCodeHasFlags = segment.getSegmentHeader().getOptions().hasAllCodeFlags();
462        final boolean[] codeHasFlags = segment.getClassBands().getCodeHasAttributes();
464        for (int c = 0; c < classCount; c++) {
465            final int numberOfMethods = methodFlags[c].length;
466            for (int m = 0; m < numberOfMethods; m++) {
467                final long methodFlag = methodFlags[c][m];
468                if (!abstractModifier.matches(methodFlag) && !nativeModifier.matches(methodFlag)) {
469                    final int maxStack = codeMaxStack[i];
470                    int maxLocal = codeMaxNALocals[i];
471                    if (!staticModifier.matches(methodFlag)) {
472                        maxLocal++; // one for 'this' parameter
473                    }
474                    // I believe this has to take wide arguments into account
475                    maxLocal += SegmentUtils.countInvokeInterfaceArgs(methodDescr[c][m]);
476                    final String[] cpClass = segment.getCpBands().getCpClass();
477                    operandManager.setCurrentClass(cpClass[segment.getClassBands().getClassThisInts()[c]]);
478                    operandManager.setSuperClass(cpClass[segment.getClassBands().getClassSuperInts()[c]]);
479                    final List<ExceptionTableEntry> exceptionTable = new ArrayList<>();
480                    if (handlerCount != null) {
481                        for (int j = 0; j < handlerCount[i]; j++) {
482                            final int handlerClass = handlerClassTypes[i][j] - 1;
483                            CPClass cpHandlerClass = null;
484                            if (handlerClass != -1) {
485                                // The handlerClass will be null if the
486                                // catch is a finally (that is, the
487                                // exception table catch_type should be 0
488                                cpHandlerClass = segment.getCpBands().cpClassValue(handlerClass);
489                            }
490                            final ExceptionTableEntry entry = new ExceptionTableEntry(handlerStartPCs[i][j], handlerEndPCs[i][j], handlerCatchPCs[i][j],
491                                    cpHandlerClass);
492                            exceptionTable.add(entry);
493                        }
494                    }
495                    final CodeAttribute codeAttr = new CodeAttribute(maxStack, maxLocal, methodByteCodePacked[c][m], segment, operandManager, exceptionTable);
496                    final List<Attribute> methodAttributesList = methodAttributes[c][m];
497                    // Make sure we add the code attribute in the right place
498                    int indexForCodeAttr = 0;
499                    for (final Attribute attribute : methodAttributesList) {
500                        if (!(attribute instanceof NewAttribute) || ((NewAttribute) attribute).getLayoutIndex() >= 15) {
501                            break;
502                        }
503                        indexForCodeAttr++;
504                    }
505                    methodAttributesList.add(indexForCodeAttr, codeAttr);
506                    codeAttr.renumber(codeAttr.byteCodeOffsets);
507                    List<Attribute> currentAttributes;
508                    if (allCodeHasFlags) {
509                        currentAttributes = orderedCodeAttributes.get(i);
510                    } else if (codeHasFlags[i]) {
511                        currentAttributes = orderedCodeAttributes.get(codeAttributeIndex);
512                        codeAttributeIndex++;
513                    } else {
514                        currentAttributes = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
515                    }
516                    for (final Attribute currentAttribute : currentAttributes) {
517                        codeAttr.addAttribute(currentAttribute);
518                        // Fix up the line numbers if needed
519                        if (currentAttribute.hasBCIRenumbering()) {
520                            ((BCIRenumberedAttribute) currentAttribute).renumber(codeAttr.byteCodeOffsets);
521                        }
522                    }
523                    i++;
524                }
525            }
526        }
527    }