Class CombinedBeanDeclaration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CombinedBeanDeclaration extends Object implements BeanDeclaration

A special implementation of the BeanDeclaration interface which allows combining multiple BeanDeclaration objects.

An instance of this class can be used if a bean is defined using multiple sources. For instance, there can be one definition with default values and one with actual values; if actual values are provided, they are used; otherwise, the default values apply.

When constructing an instance an arbitrary number of child BeanDeclaration objects can be specified. The implementations of the BeanDeclaration methods implement a logical combination of the data returned by these child declarations. The order in which child declarations are added is relevant; first entries take precedence over later ones. The comments of the single methods explain in which way a combination of the child declarations is built.

  • Constructor Details

    • CombinedBeanDeclaration

      Constructs a new instance of CombinedBeanDeclaration and initializes it with the given child declarations.
      decl - the child declarations
      NullPointerException - if the array with child declarations is null
  • Method Details

    • getBeanClassName

      Gets the name of the bean class, from which an instance is to be created. This value must be defined unless a default class is provided for the bean creation operation. This implementation iterates over the list of child declarations and asks them for the bean class name. The first non-null value is returned. If none of the child declarations have a defined bean class, result is null.
      Specified by:
      getBeanClassName in interface BeanDeclaration
      the name of the bean class
    • getBeanFactoryName

      Gets the name of the BeanFactory that should be used for creating the bean instance. This can be null, then a default factory will be used. This implementation iterates over the list of child declarations and asks them for a bean factory name. The first non-null value is returned. If none of the child declarations have a defined bean factory name, result is null.
      Specified by:
      getBeanFactoryName in interface BeanDeclaration
      the name of the bean factory
    • getBeanFactoryParameter

      Gets an arbitrary object that will be passed to the bean factory. Its meaning is not further specified. The purpose of this additional parameter is to support a further configuration of the bean factory that can be placed directly at the bean declaration. This implementation iterates over the list of child declarations and asks them for a bean factory parameter. The first non-null value is returned. If none of the child declarations have a defined bean factory parameter, result is null.
      Specified by:
      getBeanFactoryParameter in interface BeanDeclaration
      a parameter for the bean factory
    • getBeanProperties

      Gets a map with properties that should be initialized on the newly created bean. The map's keys are the names of the properties; the corresponding values are the properties' values. The return value can be null if no properties should be set. This implementation creates a union of the properties returned by all child declarations. If a property is defined in multiple child declarations, the declaration that comes before in the list of children takes precedence.
      Specified by:
      getBeanProperties in interface BeanDeclaration
      a map with properties to be initialized
    • getConstructorArgs

      Gets a collection with constructor arguments. This data is used to determine the constructor of the bean class to be invoked. The values of the arguments are passed to the constructor. An implementation can return null or an empty collection; then the standard constructor of the bean class is called. This implementation iterates over the list of child declarations and asks them for constructor arguments. The first non-null and non empty collection is returned. If none of the child declarations provide constructor arguments, result is an empty collection.
      Specified by:
      getConstructorArgs in interface BeanDeclaration
      a collection with the arguments to be passed to the bean class's constructor
    • getNestedBeanDeclarations

      Gets a map with declarations for beans that should be set as properties of the newly created bean. This allows for complex initialization scenarios: a bean for a bean that contains complex properties (e.g. other beans) can have nested declarations for defining these complex properties. The returned map's key are the names of the properties to initialize. The values are either BeanDeclaration implementations or collections thereof. They will be treated like this declaration (in a recursive manner), and the resulting beans are assigned to the corresponding properties. This implementation creates a union of the nested bean declarations returned by all child declarations. If a complex property is defined in multiple child declarations, the declaration that comes before in the list of children takes precedence.
      Specified by:
      getNestedBeanDeclarations in interface BeanDeclaration
      a map with nested bean declarations