 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationRuntimeException;

 * <p>
 * A class which can track specific nodes in an {@link InMemoryNodeModel}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Sometimes it is necessary to keep track on a specific node, for instance when operating on a subtree of a model. For
 * a model comprised of immutable nodes this is not trivial because each update of the model may cause the node to be
 * replaced. So holding a direct pointer onto the target node is not an option; this instance may become outdated.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This class provides an API for selecting a specific node by using a {@link NodeSelector}. The selector is used to
 * obtain an initial reference to the target node. It is then applied again after each update of the associated node
 * model (which is done in the {@code update()} method). At this point of time two things can happen:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The {@code NodeSelector} associated with the tracked node still selects a single node. Then this node becomes the
 * new tracked node. This may be the same instance as before or a new one.</li>
 * <li>The selector does no longer find the target node. This can happen for instance if it has been removed by an
 * operation. In this case, the previous node instance is used. It is now detached from the model, but can still be used
 * for operations on this subtree. It may even become life again after another update of the model.</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Implementation note: This class is intended to work in a concurrent environment. Instances are immutable. The
 * represented state can be updated by creating new instances which are then stored by the owning node model.
 * </p>
 * @since 2.0
final class NodeTracker {
     * A simple data class holding information about a tracked node.
    private static final class TrackedNodeData {
        /** The current instance of the tracked node. */
        private final ImmutableNode node;

        /** The number of observers of this tracked node. */
        private final int observerCount;

        /** A node model to be used when the tracked node is detached. */
        private final InMemoryNodeModel detachedModel;

         * Creates a new instance of {@code TrackedNodeData} and initializes it with the current reference to the tracked node.
         * @param nd the tracked node
        public TrackedNodeData(final ImmutableNode nd) {
            this(nd, 1, null);

         * Creates a new instance of {@code TrackedNodeData} and initializes its properties.
         * @param nd the tracked node
         * @param obsCount the observer count
         * @param detachedNodeModel a model to be used in detached mode
        private TrackedNodeData(final ImmutableNode nd, final int obsCount, final InMemoryNodeModel detachedNodeModel) {
            node = nd;
            observerCount = obsCount;
            detachedModel = detachedNodeModel;

         * Returns an instance with the detached flag set to true. This method is called if the selector of a tracked node does
         * not match a single node any more. It is possible to pass in a new node instance which becomes the current tracked
         * node. If this is <b>null</b>, the previous node instance is used.
         * @param newNode the new tracked node instance (may be <b>null</b>)
         * @return the updated instance
        public TrackedNodeData detach(final ImmutableNode newNode) {
            final ImmutableNode newTrackedNode = newNode != null ? newNode : getNode();
            return new TrackedNodeData(newTrackedNode, observerCount, new InMemoryNodeModel(newTrackedNode));

         * Gets the node model to be used in detached mode. This is <b>null</b> if the represented tracked node is not
         * detached.
         * @return the node model in detached mode
        public InMemoryNodeModel getDetachedModel() {
            return detachedModel;

         * Gets the tracked node.
         * @return the tracked node
        public ImmutableNode getNode() {
            return getDetachedModel() != null ? getDetachedModel().getRootNode() : node;

         * Returns a flag whether the represented tracked node is detached.
         * @return the detached flag
        public boolean isDetached() {
            return getDetachedModel() != null;

         * Another observer was added for this tracked node. This method returns a new instance with an adjusted observer count.
         * @return the updated instance
        public TrackedNodeData observerAdded() {
            return new TrackedNodeData(node, observerCount + 1, getDetachedModel());

         * An observer for this tracked node was removed. This method returns a new instance with an adjusted observer count. If
         * there are no more observers, result is <b>null</b>. This means that this node is no longer tracked and can be
         * released.
         * @return the updated instance or <b>null</b>
        public TrackedNodeData observerRemoved() {
            return observerCount <= 1 ? null : new TrackedNodeData(node, observerCount - 1, getDetachedModel());

         * Updates the node reference. This method is called after an update of the underlying node structure if the tracked
         * node was replaced by another instance.
         * @param newNode the new tracked node instance
         * @return the updated instance
        public TrackedNodeData updateNode(final ImmutableNode newNode) {
            return new TrackedNodeData(newNode, observerCount, getDetachedModel());

     * Creates an empty node derived from the passed in {@code TrackedNodeData} object. This method is called if a tracked
     * node got cleared by a transaction.
     * @param data the {@code TrackedNodeData}
     * @return the new node instance for this tracked node
    private static ImmutableNode createEmptyTrackedNode(final TrackedNodeData data) {
        return new ImmutableNode.Builder().name(data.getNode().getNodeName()).create();

     * Creates a new {@code TrackedNodeData} object for a tracked node which becomes detached within the current
     * transaction. This method checks whether the affected node is the root node of the current transaction. If so, it is
     * cleared.
     * @param txTarget the {@code NodeSelector} referencing the target node of the current transaction (may be <b>null</b>)
     * @param e the current selector and {@code TrackedNodeData}
     * @return the new {@code TrackedNodeData} object to be used for this tracked node
    private static TrackedNodeData detachedTrackedNodeData(final NodeSelector txTarget, final Map.Entry<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> e) {
        final ImmutableNode newNode = e.getKey().equals(txTarget) ? createEmptyTrackedNode(e.getValue()) : null;
        return e.getValue().detach(newNode);

     * Returns a {@code TrackedNodeData} object for an update operation. If the tracked node is still life, its selector is
     * applied to the current root node. It may become detached if there is no match.
     * @param root the root node
     * @param txTarget the {@code NodeSelector} referencing the target node of the current transaction (may be <b>null</b>)
     * @param resolver the {@code NodeKeyResolver}
     * @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
     * @param e the current selector and {@code TrackedNodeData}
     * @return the updated {@code TrackedNodeData}
    private static TrackedNodeData determineUpdatedTrackedNodeData(final ImmutableNode root, final NodeSelector txTarget,
        final NodeKeyResolver<ImmutableNode> resolver, final NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> handler, final Map.Entry<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> e) {
        if (e.getValue().isDetached()) {
            return e.getValue();

        ImmutableNode newTarget;
        try {
            newTarget = e.getKey().select(root, resolver, handler);
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
             * Evaluation of the key caused an exception. This can happen for instance if the expression engine was changed. In this
             * case, the node becomes detached.
            newTarget = null;
        if (newTarget == null) {
            return detachedTrackedNodeData(txTarget, e);
        return e.getValue().updateNode(newTarget);

     * Creates a {@code TrackedNodeData} object for a newly added observer for the specified node selector.
     * @param root the root node
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @param resolver the {@code NodeKeyResolver}
     * @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
     * @param trackData the current data for this selector
     * @return the updated {@code TrackedNodeData}
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if the selector does not select a single node
    private static TrackedNodeData trackDataForAddedObserver(final ImmutableNode root, final NodeSelector selector,
        final NodeKeyResolver<ImmutableNode> resolver, final NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> handler, final TrackedNodeData trackData) {
        if (trackData != null) {
            return trackData.observerAdded();
        final ImmutableNode target =, resolver, handler);
        if (target == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Selector does not select unique node: " + selector);
        return new TrackedNodeData(target);

    /** A map with data about tracked nodes. */
    private final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> trackedNodes;

     * Creates a new instance of {@code NodeTracker}. This instance does not yet track any nodes.
    public NodeTracker() {
        this(Collections.<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData>emptyMap());

     * Creates a new instance of {@code NodeTracker} and initializes it with the given map of tracked nodes. This
     * constructor is used internally when the state of tracked nodes has changed.
     * @param map the map with tracked nodes
    private NodeTracker(final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> map) {
        trackedNodes = map;

     * Marks all tracked nodes as detached. This method is called if there are some drastic changes on the underlying node
     * structure, e.g. if the root node was replaced.
     * @return the updated instance
    public NodeTracker detachAllTrackedNodes() {
        if (trackedNodes.isEmpty()) {
            // there is not state to be updated
            return this;
        return new NodeTracker(trackedNodes.entrySet().stream()
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().isDetached() ? e.getValue() : e.getValue().detach(null))));

     * Gets the detached node model for the specified tracked node. When a node becomes detached, operations on it are
     * independent from the original model. To implement this, a separate node model is created wrapping this tracked node.
     * This model can be queried by this method. If the node affected is not detached, result is <b>null</b>.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @return the detached node model for this node or <b>null</b>
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if no data for this selector is available
    public InMemoryNodeModel getDetachedNodeModel(final NodeSelector selector) {
        return getTrackedNodeData(selector).getDetachedModel();

     * Gets the current {@code ImmutableNode} instance associated with the given selector.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @return the {@code ImmutableNode} selected by this selector
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if no data for this selector is available
    public ImmutableNode getTrackedNode(final NodeSelector selector) {
        return getTrackedNodeData(selector).getNode();

     * Obtains the {@code TrackedNodeData} object for the specified selector. If the selector cannot be resolved, an
     * exception is thrown.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @return the {@code TrackedNodeData} object for this selector
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if the selector cannot be resolved
    private TrackedNodeData getTrackedNodeData(final NodeSelector selector) {
        final TrackedNodeData trackData = trackedNodes.get(selector);
        if (trackData == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("No tracked node found: " + selector);
        return trackData;

     * Returns a flag whether the specified tracked node is detached.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @return a flag whether this node is detached
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if no data for this selector is available
    public boolean isTrackedNodeDetached(final NodeSelector selector) {
        return getTrackedNodeData(selector).isDetached();

     * Replaces a tracked node by another one. This operation causes the tracked node to become detached.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @param newNode the replacement node
     * @return the updated instance
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if the selector cannot be resolved
    public NodeTracker replaceAndDetachTrackedNode(final NodeSelector selector, final ImmutableNode newNode) {
        final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> newState = new HashMap<>(trackedNodes);
        newState.put(selector, getTrackedNodeData(selector).detach(newNode));
        return new NodeTracker(newState);

     * Adds a node to be tracked. The passed in selector must select exactly one target node, otherwise an exception is
     * thrown. A new instance is created with the updated tracking state.
     * @param root the root node
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @param resolver the {@code NodeKeyResolver}
     * @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
     * @return the updated instance
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if the selector does not select a single node
    public NodeTracker trackNode(final ImmutableNode root, final NodeSelector selector, final NodeKeyResolver<ImmutableNode> resolver,
        final NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> handler) {
        final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> newState = new HashMap<>(trackedNodes);
        final TrackedNodeData trackData = newState.get(selector);
        newState.put(selector, trackDataForAddedObserver(root, selector, resolver, handler, trackData));
        return new NodeTracker(newState);

     * Adds a number of nodes to be tracked. For each node in the passed in collection, a tracked node entry is created
     * unless already one exists.
     * @param selectors a collection with the {@code NodeSelector} objects
     * @param nodes a collection with the nodes to be tracked
     * @return the updated instance
    public NodeTracker trackNodes(final Collection<NodeSelector> selectors, final Collection<ImmutableNode> nodes) {
        final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> newState = new HashMap<>(trackedNodes);
        final Iterator<ImmutableNode> itNodes = nodes.iterator();
        selectors.forEach(selector -> {
            final ImmutableNode node =;
            TrackedNodeData trackData = newState.get(selector);
            if (trackData == null) {
                trackData = new TrackedNodeData(node);
            } else {
                trackData = trackData.observerAdded();
            newState.put(selector, trackData);

        return new NodeTracker(newState);

     * Notifies this object that an observer was removed for the specified tracked node. If this was the last observer, the
     * track data for this selector can be removed.
     * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
     * @return the updated instance
     * @throws ConfigurationRuntimeException if no information about this node is available
    public NodeTracker untrackNode(final NodeSelector selector) {
        final TrackedNodeData trackData = getTrackedNodeData(selector);

        final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> newState = new HashMap<>(trackedNodes);
        final TrackedNodeData newTrackData = trackData.observerRemoved();
        if (newTrackData == null) {
        } else {
            newState.put(selector, newTrackData);
        return new NodeTracker(newState);

     * Updates tracking information after the node structure has been changed. This method iterates over all tracked nodes.
     * The selectors are evaluated again to update the node reference. If this fails for a selector, the previous node is
     * reused; this tracked node is then detached. The passed in {@code NodeSelector} is the selector of the tracked node
     * which is the target of the current transaction. (It is <b>null</b> if the transaction is not executed on a tracked
     * node.) This is used to handle a special case: if the tracked node becomes detached by an operation targeting itself,
     * this means that the node has been cleared by this operation. In this case, the previous node instance is not used,
     * but an empty node is created.
     * @param root the root node
     * @param txTarget the {@code NodeSelector} referencing the target node of the current transaction (may be <b>null</b>)
     * @param resolver the {@code NodeKeyResolver}
     * @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
     * @return the updated instance
    public NodeTracker update(final ImmutableNode root, final NodeSelector txTarget, final NodeKeyResolver<ImmutableNode> resolver,
            final NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> handler) {
        if (trackedNodes.isEmpty()) {
            // there is not state to be updated
            return this;

        final Map<NodeSelector, TrackedNodeData> newState = new HashMap<>();
        trackedNodes.entrySet().forEach(e -> newState.put(e.getKey(), determineUpdatedTrackedNodeData(root, txTarget, resolver, handler, e)));
        return new NodeTracker(newState);