Serialized Form

  • Package org.apache.commons.csv

    • Exception org.apache.commons.csv.CSVException

      class CSVException extends IOException implements Serializable
    • Class org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat

      class CSVFormat extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • allowMissingColumnNames
          boolean allowMissingColumnNames
          Whether missing column names are allowed when parsing the header line.
        • autoFlush
          boolean autoFlush
          Whether to flush on close.
        • commentMarker
          Character commentMarker
          Set to null if commenting is disabled.
        • delimiter
          String delimiter
          The character delimiting the values (typically ";", "," or "\t").
        • duplicateHeaderMode
          DuplicateHeaderMode duplicateHeaderMode
          How duplicate headers are handled.
        • escapeCharacter
          Character escapeCharacter
          Set to null if escaping is disabled.
        • headerComments
          String[] headerComments
          Array of header comment lines.
        • headers
          String[] headers
          Array of header column names.
        • ignoreEmptyLines
          boolean ignoreEmptyLines
          Whether empty lines between records are ignored when parsing input.
        • ignoreHeaderCase
          boolean ignoreHeaderCase
          Should ignore header names case.
        • ignoreSurroundingSpaces
          boolean ignoreSurroundingSpaces
          Should leading/trailing spaces be ignored around values?.
        • lenientEof
          boolean lenientEof
          Whether reading end-of-file is allowed even when input is malformed, helps Excel compatibility.
        • nullString
          String nullString
          The string to be used for null values.
        • quoteCharacter
          Character quoteCharacter
          Set to null if quoting is disabled.
        • quotedNullString
          String quotedNullString
          Set to quoteCharacter + nullString + quoteCharacter
        • quoteMode
          QuoteMode quoteMode
          The quote policy output fields.
        • recordSeparator
          String recordSeparator
          For output.
        • skipHeaderRecord
          boolean skipHeaderRecord
          Whether to skip the header record.
        • trailingData
          boolean trailingData
          Whether reading trailing data is allowed in records, helps Excel compatibility.
        • trailingDelimiter
          boolean trailingDelimiter
          Whether to add a trailing delimiter.
        • trim
          boolean trim
          Whether to trim leading and trailing blanks.
    • Class org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord

      class CSVRecord extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • characterPosition
          long characterPosition
          The start position of this record as a character position in the source stream. This may or may not correspond to the byte position depending on the character set.
        • comment
          String comment
          The accumulated comments (if any)
        • recordNumber
          long recordNumber
          The record number.
        • values
          String[] values
          The values of the record