
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.shape;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp.RegionCutRule;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.AbstractNSphere;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Plane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Planes;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.RegionBSPTree3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.RegionBSPTree3D.RegionNode3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.line.Line3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.line.LineConvexSubset3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.line.LinecastPoint3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.line.Linecastable3D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.mesh.SimpleTriangleMesh;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.mesh.TriangleMesh;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Precision;

/** Class representing a 3 dimensional sphere in Euclidean space.
public final class Sphere extends AbstractNSphere<Vector3D> implements Linecastable3D {

    /** Message used when requesting a sphere approximation with an invalid subdivision number. */
    private static final String INVALID_SUBDIVISION_MESSAGE =
        "Number of sphere approximation subdivisions must be greater than or equal to zero; was {0}";

    /** Constant equal to {@code 4 * pi}. */
    private static final double FOUR_PI = 4.0 * Math.PI;

    /** Constant equal to {@code (4/3) * pi}. */
    private static final double FOUR_THIRDS_PI = FOUR_PI / 3.0;

    /** Construct a new sphere from its component parts.
     * @param center the center of the sphere
     * @param radius the sphere radius
     * @param precision precision context used to compare floating point numbers
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if center is not finite or radius is not finite or is
     *      less than or equal to zero as evaluated by the given precision context
    private Sphere(final Vector3D center, final double radius, final Precision.DoubleEquivalence precision) {
        super(center, radius, precision);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double getSize() {
        final double r = getRadius();
        return FOUR_THIRDS_PI * r * r * r;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double getBoundarySize() {
        final double r = getRadius();
        return FOUR_PI * r * r;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Vector3D project(final Vector3D pt) {
        return project(pt, Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_X);

    /** Build an approximation of this sphere using a {@link RegionBSPTree3D}. The approximation is constructed by
     * taking an octahedron (8-sided polyhedron with triangular faces) inscribed in the sphere and subdividing each
     * triangular face {@code subdivisions} number of times, each time projecting the newly created vertices onto the
     * sphere surface. Each triangle subdivision produces 4 triangles, meaning that the total number of triangles
     * inserted into tree is equal to \(8 \times 4^s\), where \(s\) is the number of subdivisions. For
     * example, calling this method with {@code subdivisions} equal to {@code 3} will produce a tree having
     * \(8 \times 4^3 = 512\) triangular facets inserted. See the table below for other examples. The returned BSP
     * tree also contains structural cuts to reduce the overall height of the tree.
     * <table>
     *  <caption>Subdivisions to Triangle Counts</caption>
     *  <thead>
     *      <tr>
     *          <th>Subdivisions</th>
     *          <th>Triangles</th>
     *      </tr>
     *  </thead>
     *  <tbody>
     *      <tr><td>0</td><td>8</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>1</td><td>32</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>2</td><td>128</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>3</td><td>512</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>4</td><td>2048</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>5</td><td>8192</td></tr>
     *  </tbody>
     * </table>
     * <p>Care must be taken when using this method with large subdivision numbers so that floating point errors
     * do not interfere with the creation of the planes and triangles in the tree. For example, if the number of
     * subdivisions is too high, the subdivided triangle points may become equivalent according to the sphere's
     * {@link #getPrecision() precision context} and plane creation may fail. Or plane creation may succeed but
     * insertion of the plane into the tree may fail for similar reasons. In general, it is best to use the lowest
     * subdivision number practical for the intended purpose.</p>
     * @param subdivisions the number of triangle subdivisions to use when creating the tree; the total number of
     *      triangular facets inserted into the returned tree is equal to \(8 \times 4^s\), where \(s\) is the number
     *      of subdivisions
     * @return a BSP tree containing an approximation of the sphere
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subdivisions} is less than zero
     * @throws IllegalStateException if tree creation fails for the given subdivision count
     * @see #toTriangleMesh(int)
    public RegionBSPTree3D toTree(final int subdivisions) {
        if (subdivisions < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(INVALID_SUBDIVISION_MESSAGE, subdivisions));
        return new SphereTreeApproximationBuilder(this, subdivisions).build();

    /** Build an approximation of this sphere using a {@link TriangleMesh}. The approximation is constructed by
     * taking an octahedron (8-sided polyhedron with triangular faces) inscribed in the sphere and subdividing each
     * triangular face {@code subdivisions} number of times, each time projecting the newly created vertices onto the
     * sphere surface. Each triangle subdivision produces 4 triangles, meaning that the total number of triangles
     * in the returned mesh is equal to \(8 \times 4^s\), where \(s\) is the number of subdivisions. For
     * example, calling this method with {@code subdivisions} equal to {@code 3} will produce a mesh having
     * \(8 \times 4^3 = 512\) triangular facets inserted. See the table below for other examples.
     * <table>
     *  <caption>Subdivisions to Triangle Counts</caption>
     *  <thead>
     *      <tr>
     *          <th>Subdivisions</th>
     *          <th>Triangles</th>
     *      </tr>
     *  </thead>
     *  <tbody>
     *      <tr><td>0</td><td>8</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>1</td><td>32</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>2</td><td>128</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>3</td><td>512</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>4</td><td>2048</td></tr>
     *      <tr><td>5</td><td>8192</td></tr>
     *  </tbody>
     * </table>
     * <p><strong>BSP Tree Conversion</strong></p>
     * <p>Inserting the boundaries of a sphere mesh approximation directly into a BSP tree will invariably result
     * in poor performance: since the region is convex the constructed BSP tree degenerates into a simple linked
     * list of nodes. If a BSP tree is needed, users should prefer the {@link #toTree(int)} method, which creates
     * balanced tree approximations directly, or the {@link RegionBSPTree3D.PartitionedRegionBuilder3D} class,
     * which can be used to insert the mesh faces into a pre-partitioned tree.
     * </p>
     * @param subdivisions the number of triangle subdivisions to use when creating the mesh; the total number of
     *      triangular faces in the returned mesh is equal to \(8 \times 4^s\), where \(s\) is the number
     *      of subdivisions
     * @return a triangle mesh approximation of the sphere
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subdivisions} is less than zero
     * @see #toTree(int)
    public TriangleMesh toTriangleMesh(final int subdivisions) {
        if (subdivisions < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(INVALID_SUBDIVISION_MESSAGE, subdivisions));
        return new SphereMeshApproximationBuilder(this, subdivisions).build();

    /** Get the intersections of the given line with this sphere. The returned list will
     * contain either 0, 1, or 2 points.
     * <ul>
     *      <li><strong>2 points</strong> - The line is a secant line and intersects the sphere at two
     *      distinct points. The points are ordered such that the first point in the list is the first point
     *      encountered when traveling in the direction of the line. (In other words, the points are ordered
     *      by increasing abscissa value.)
     *      </li>
     *      <li><strong>1 point</strong> - The line is a tangent line and only intersects the sphere at a
     *      single point (as evaluated by the sphere's precision context).
     *      </li>
     *      <li><strong>0 points</strong> - The line does not intersect the sphere.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param line line to intersect with the sphere
     * @return a list of intersection points between the given line and this sphere
    public List<Vector3D> intersections(final Line3D line) {
        return intersections(line, Line3D::abscissa, Line3D::distance);

    /** Get the first intersection point between the given line and this sphere, or null
     * if no such point exists. The "first" intersection point is the first such point
     * encountered when traveling in the direction of the line from infinity.
     * @param line line to intersect with the sphere
     * @return the first intersection point between the given line and this instance or
     *      null if no such point exists
    public Vector3D firstIntersection(final Line3D line) {
        return firstIntersection(line, Line3D::abscissa, Line3D::distance);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<LinecastPoint3D> linecast(final LineConvexSubset3D subset) {
        return getLinecastStream(subset)

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public LinecastPoint3D linecastFirst(final LineConvexSubset3D subset) {
        return getLinecastStream(subset)

    /** Get a stream containing the linecast intersection points of the given
     * line subset with this instance.
     * @param subset line subset to intersect against this instance
     * @return a stream containing linecast intersection points
    private Stream<LinecastPoint3D> getLinecastStream(final LineConvexSubset3D subset) {
        return intersections(subset.getLine()).stream()
            .map(pt -> new LinecastPoint3D(pt, getCenter().directionTo(pt), subset.getLine()));

    /** Construct a sphere from a center point and radius.
     * @param center the center of the sphere
     * @param radius the sphere radius
     * @param precision precision context used to compare floating point numbers
     * @return a sphere constructed from the given center point and radius
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if center is not finite or radius is not finite or is
     *      less than or equal to zero as evaluated by the given precision context
    public static Sphere from(final Vector3D center, final double radius, final Precision.DoubleEquivalence precision) {
        return new Sphere(center, radius, precision);

    /** Internal class used to construct hyperplane-bounded approximations of spheres as BSP trees. The class
     * begins with an octahedron inscribed in the sphere and then subdivides each triangular face a specified
     * number of times.
    private static final class SphereTreeApproximationBuilder {

        /** Threshold used to determine when to stop inserting structural cuts and begin adding facets. */
        private static final int PARTITION_THRESHOLD = 2;

        /** The sphere that an approximation is being created for. */
        private final Sphere sphere;

        /** The number of triangular subdivisions to use. */
        private final int subdivisions;

        /** Construct a new builder for creating a BSP tree approximation of the given sphere.
         * @param sphere the sphere to create an approximation of
         * @param subdivisions the number of triangle subdivisions to use in tree creation
        SphereTreeApproximationBuilder(final Sphere sphere, final int subdivisions) {
            this.sphere = sphere;
            this.subdivisions = subdivisions;

        /** Build the sphere approximation BSP tree.
         * @return the sphere approximation BSP tree
         * @throws IllegalStateException if tree creation fails for the configured subdivision count
        RegionBSPTree3D build() {
            final RegionBSPTree3D tree = RegionBSPTree3D.empty();

            final Vector3D center = sphere.getCenter();
            final double radius = sphere.getRadius();
            final Precision.DoubleEquivalence precision = sphere.getPrecision();

            // insert the primary split planes
            final Plane plusXPlane = Planes.fromPointAndNormal(center, Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_X, precision);
            final Plane plusYPlane = Planes.fromPointAndNormal(center, Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_Y, precision);
            final Plane plusZPlane = Planes.fromPointAndNormal(center, Vector3D.Unit.PLUS_Z, precision);

            tree.insert(plusXPlane.span(), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
            tree.insert(plusYPlane.span(), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
            tree.insert(plusZPlane.span(), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);

            // create the vertices for the octahedron
            final double cx = center.getX();
            final double cy = center.getY();
            final double cz = center.getZ();

            final Vector3D maxX = Vector3D.of(cx + radius, cy, cz);
            final Vector3D minX = Vector3D.of(cx - radius, cy, cz);

            final Vector3D maxY = Vector3D.of(cx, cy + radius, cz);
            final Vector3D minY = Vector3D.of(cx, cy - radius, cz);

            final Vector3D maxZ = Vector3D.of(cx, cy, cz + radius);
            final Vector3D minZ = Vector3D.of(cx, cy, cz - radius);

            // partition and subdivide the face triangles and insert them into the tree
            final RegionNode3D root = tree.getRoot();

            try {
                partitionAndInsert(root.getMinus().getMinus().getMinus(), minX, minZ, minY, 0);
                partitionAndInsert(root.getMinus().getMinus().getPlus(), minX, minY, maxZ, 0);

                partitionAndInsert(root.getMinus().getPlus().getMinus(), minX, maxY, minZ, 0);
                partitionAndInsert(root.getMinus().getPlus().getPlus(), minX, maxZ, maxY, 0);

                partitionAndInsert(root.getPlus().getMinus().getMinus(), maxX, minY, minZ, 0);
                partitionAndInsert(root.getPlus().getMinus().getPlus(), maxX, maxZ, minY, 0);

                partitionAndInsert(root.getPlus().getPlus().getMinus(), maxX, minZ, maxY, 0);
                partitionAndInsert(root.getPlus().getPlus().getPlus(), maxX, maxY, maxZ, 0);
            } catch (final IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException exc) {
                // standardize any tree construction failure as an IllegalStateException
                throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to construct sphere approximation with subdivision count " +
                        subdivisions + ": " + exc.getMessage(), exc);

            return tree;

        /** Recursively insert structural BSP tree cuts into the given node and then insert subdivided triangles
         * when a target subdivision level is reached. The structural BSP tree cuts are used to help reduce the
         * overall depth of the BSP tree.
         * @param node the node to insert into
         * @param p1 first triangle point
         * @param p2 second triangle point
         * @param p3 third triangle point
         * @param level current subdivision level
        private void partitionAndInsert(final RegionNode3D node,
                                        final Vector3D p1, final Vector3D p2, final Vector3D p3, final int level) {

            if (subdivisions - level > PARTITION_THRESHOLD) {
                final int nextLevel = level + 1;

                final Vector3D center = sphere.getCenter();

                final Vector3D m1 = sphere.project(p1.lerp(p2, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m2 = sphere.project(p2.lerp(p3, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m3 = sphere.project(p3.lerp(p1, 0.5));

                RegionNode3D curNode = node;

                checkedCut(curNode, createPlane(m3, m2, center), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
                partitionAndInsert(curNode.getPlus(), m3, m2, p3, nextLevel);

                curNode = curNode.getMinus();
                checkedCut(curNode, createPlane(m2, m1, center), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
                partitionAndInsert(curNode.getPlus(), m1, p2, m2, nextLevel);

                curNode = curNode.getMinus();
                checkedCut(curNode, createPlane(m1, m3, center), RegionCutRule.INHERIT);
                partitionAndInsert(curNode.getPlus(), p1, m1, m3, nextLevel);

                partitionAndInsert(curNode.getMinus(), m1, m2, m3, nextLevel);
            } else {
                insertSubdividedTriangles(node, p1, p2, p3, level);

        /** Recursively insert subdivided triangles into the given node. Each triangle is inserted into the minus
         * side of the previous triangle.
         * @param node the node to insert into
         * @param p1 first triangle point
         * @param p2 second triangle point
         * @param p3 third triangle point
         * @param level the current subdivision level
         * @return the node representing the inside of the region after insertion of all triangles
        private RegionNode3D insertSubdividedTriangles(final RegionNode3D node,
                                                       final Vector3D p1, final Vector3D p2, final Vector3D p3,
                                                       final int level) {

            if (level >= subdivisions) {
                // base case
                checkedCut(node, createPlane(p1, p2, p3), RegionCutRule.MINUS_INSIDE);
                return node.getMinus();
            } else {
                final int nextLevel = level + 1;

                final Vector3D m1 = sphere.project(p1.lerp(p2, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m2 = sphere.project(p2.lerp(p3, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m3 = sphere.project(p3.lerp(p1, 0.5));

                RegionNode3D curNode = node;
                curNode = insertSubdividedTriangles(curNode, p1, m1, m3, nextLevel);
                curNode = insertSubdividedTriangles(curNode, m1, p2, m2, nextLevel);
                curNode = insertSubdividedTriangles(curNode, m3, m2, p3, nextLevel);
                curNode = insertSubdividedTriangles(curNode, m1, m2, m3, nextLevel);

                return curNode;

        /** Create a plane from the given points, using the precision context of the sphere.
         * @param p1 first point
         * @param p2 second point
         * @param p3 third point
         * @return a plane defined by the given points
        private Plane createPlane(final Vector3D p1, final Vector3D p2, final Vector3D p3) {
            return Planes.fromPoints(p1, p2, p3, sphere.getPrecision());

        /** Insert the cut into the given node, throwing an exception if no portion of the cutter intersects
         * the node.
         * @param node node to cut
         * @param cutter plane to use to cut the node
         * @param cutRule cut rule to apply
         * @throws IllegalStateException if no portion of the cutter plane intersects the node
        private void checkedCut(final RegionNode3D node, final Plane cutter, final RegionCutRule cutRule) {
            if (!node.insertCut(cutter, cutRule)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to cut BSP tree node with plane: " + cutter);

    /** Internal class used to construct geodesic mesh sphere approximations. The class begins with an octahedron
     * inscribed in the sphere and then subdivides each triangular face a specified number of times.
    private static final class SphereMeshApproximationBuilder {

        /** The sphere that an approximation is being created for. */
        private final Sphere sphere;

        /** The number of triangular subdivisions to use. */
        private final int subdivisions;

        /** Mesh builder object. */
        private final SimpleTriangleMesh.Builder builder;

        /** Construct a new builder for creating a mesh approximation of the given sphere.
         * @param sphere the sphere to create an approximation of
         * @param subdivisions the number of triangle subdivisions to use in mesh creation
        SphereMeshApproximationBuilder(final Sphere sphere, final int subdivisions) {
            this.sphere = sphere;
            this.subdivisions = subdivisions;
            this.builder = SimpleTriangleMesh.builder(sphere.getPrecision());

        /** Build the mesh approximation of the configured sphere.
         * @return the mesh approximation of the configured sphere
        public SimpleTriangleMesh build() {
            final Vector3D center = sphere.getCenter();
            final double radius = sphere.getRadius();

            // create the vertices for the octahedron
            final double cx = center.getX();
            final double cy = center.getY();
            final double cz = center.getZ();

            final Vector3D maxX = Vector3D.of(cx + radius, cy, cz);
            final Vector3D minX = Vector3D.of(cx - radius, cy, cz);

            final Vector3D maxY = Vector3D.of(cx, cy + radius, cz);
            final Vector3D minY = Vector3D.of(cx, cy - radius, cz);

            final Vector3D maxZ = Vector3D.of(cx, cy, cz + radius);
            final Vector3D minZ = Vector3D.of(cx, cy, cz - radius);

            addSubdivided(minX, minZ, minY, 0);
            addSubdivided(minX, minY, maxZ, 0);

            addSubdivided(minX, maxY, minZ, 0);
            addSubdivided(minX, maxZ, maxY, 0);

            addSubdivided(maxX, minY, minZ, 0);
            addSubdivided(maxX, maxZ, minY, 0);

            addSubdivided(maxX, minZ, maxY, 0);
            addSubdivided(maxX, maxY, maxZ, 0);

            return builder.build();

        /** Recursively subdivide and add triangular faces between the given outer boundary points.
         * @param p1 first point
         * @param p2 second point
         * @param p3 third point
         * @param level recursion level; counts up
        private void addSubdivided(final Vector3D p1, final Vector3D p2, final Vector3D p3, final int level) {
            if (level >= subdivisions) {
                // base case
                builder.addFaceUsingVertices(p1, p2, p3);
            } else {
                // subdivide
                final int nextLevel = level + 1;

                final Vector3D m1 = sphere.project(p1.lerp(p2, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m2 = sphere.project(p2.lerp(p3, 0.5));
                final Vector3D m3 = sphere.project(p3.lerp(p1, 0.5));

                addSubdivided(p1, m1, m3, nextLevel);
                addSubdivided(m1, p2, m2, nextLevel);
                addSubdivided(m3, m2, p3, nextLevel);
                addSubdivided(m1, m2, m3, nextLevel);