 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod;

import java.util.List;

/** Interface for objects that support linecast operations in Euclidean 2D space.
 * <p>
 * Linecasting is a process that takes a line or convex line subset and intersects it with
 * the boundaries of a region. This is similar to
 * <a href="">raycasting</a> used
 * for collision detection with the exception that the intersecting element can be a
 * line or convex line subset and not just a ray.
 * </p>
public interface Linecastable2D {

    /** Intersect the given line against the boundaries in this instance, returning a
     * list of all intersections in order of increasing position along the line. An empty
     * list is returned if no intersections are discovered.
     * @param line line the line to intersect
     * @return a list of computed intersections in order of increasing position
     *      along the line
    default List<LinecastPoint2D> linecast(final Line line) {
        return linecast(line.span());

    /** Intersect the given line subset against the boundaries in this instance, returning
     * a list of all intersections in order of increasing position along the line. An empty
     * list is returned if no intersections are discovered.
     * @param subset line subset to intersect
     * @return a list of computed intersections in order of increasing position
     *      along the line
    List<LinecastPoint2D> linecast(LineConvexSubset subset);

    /** Intersect the given line against the boundaries in this instance, returning
     * the first intersection found when traveling in the direction of the line from
     * infinity.
     * @param line the line to intersect
     * @return the first intersection found or null if no intersection
     *      is found
    default LinecastPoint2D linecastFirst(final Line line) {
        return linecastFirst(line.span());

    /** Intersect the given line subset against the boundaries in this instance, returning
     * the first intersection found when traveling in the direction of the line subset
     * from its start location.
     * @param subset line subset to intersect
     * @return the first intersection found or null if no intersection
     *      is found
    LinecastPoint2D linecastFirst(LineConvexSubset subset);