The commons-jelly team is pleased to announce the commons-jelly 1.0-beta-4 release! Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting engine. Jelly combines the best ideas from JSTL, Velocity, DVSL, Ant and Cocoon all together in a simple yet powerful scripting engine. Changes in this version include: New Features: o Handle JVMs that return null for getClass().getClassLoader() Issue: JELLY-134. o Run a script from an input source Issue: JELLY-108. Thanks to Maarten Coene. o Thread safety of tag support Issue: JELLY-113. Thanks to Gary Franklin. o Add var to break tag Issue: JELLY-115. Thanks to Felipe Leme. o Add exceptionVar to invoke and invokeStatic Issue: JELLY-116. Thanks to Felipe Leme. Fixed bugs: o Default XMLOutput to not escape XML Issue: JELLY-66. Thanks to Knut Wannheden. o jelly can't resolve vars with dots (.) in the name, in function calls Issue: JELLY-87. o Source compiles with JDK 1.5 o No exceptions silently swallowed Issue: JELLY-25. o Attribute corruption when dealing with converting attributes that include namespaces Issue: JELLY-47. o Windows path in build.xml Issue: JELLY-103. Thanks to Ralph Apel. o Mention swing directory in docs Issue: JELLY-71. Thanks to David Eric Pugh. o The "items" attribute of a "forEach" tag can contain a comma-separated String Issue: JELLY-98. Thanks to Joerg Schaible. o Allow useBean subclasses to ignore certain properties and ignore bad properties Issue: JELLY-120. o Documentation fixes for Invoke and ForEach Issue: JELLY-58. o Bad entity processing Issue: JELLY-28. Thanks to Hans Gilde. o Can't set inherit or export to false for Include tag Issue: JELLY-73. Thanks to Scott Howlett. o Remove sandbox and fix some dependencies to use groupId/artifactId Issue: JELLY-117. Thanks to Dennis Lundberg. Removed features: o Back out patch as it breaks define taglibs Issue: JELLY-85. Have fun! -The commons-jelly team