001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     * 
009     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     * 
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.commons.lang.enums;
019    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
020    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
021    import java.util.Iterator;
022    import java.util.List;
024    import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils;
026    /**
027     * <p>Abstract superclass for type-safe enums with integer values suitable
028     * for use in <code>switch</code> statements.</p>
029     *
030     * <p><em>NOTE:</em>Due to the way in which Java ClassLoaders work, comparing
031     * <code>Enum</code> objects should always be done using the equals() method,
032     * not <code>==</code>. The equals() method will try <code>==</code> first so
033     * in most cases the effect is the same.</p>
034     *
035     * <p>To use this class, it must be subclassed. For example:</p>
036     *
037     * <pre>
038     * public final class JavaVersionEnum extends ValuedEnum {
039     *   //standard enums for version of JVM
040     *   public static final int  JAVA1_0_VALUE  = 100;
041     *   public static final int  JAVA1_1_VALUE  = 110;
042     *   public static final int  JAVA1_2_VALUE  = 120;
043     *   public static final int  JAVA1_3_VALUE  = 130;
044     *   public static final JavaVersionEnum  JAVA1_0  = new JavaVersionEnum( "Java 1.0", JAVA1_0_VALUE );
045     *   public static final JavaVersionEnum  JAVA1_1  = new JavaVersionEnum( "Java 1.1", JAVA1_1_VALUE );
046     *   public static final JavaVersionEnum  JAVA1_2  = new JavaVersionEnum( "Java 1.2", JAVA1_2_VALUE );
047     *   public static final JavaVersionEnum  JAVA1_3  = new JavaVersionEnum( "Java 1.3", JAVA1_3_VALUE );
048     *
049     *   private JavaVersionEnum(String name, int value) {
050     *     super( name, value );
051     *   }
052     * 
053     *   public static JavaVersionEnum getEnum(String javaVersion) {
054     *     return (JavaVersionEnum) getEnum(JavaVersionEnum.class, javaVersion);
055     *   }
056     * 
057     *   public static JavaVersionEnum getEnum(int javaVersion) {
058     *     return (JavaVersionEnum) getEnum(JavaVersionEnum.class, javaVersion);
059     *   }
060     * 
061     *   public static Map getEnumMap() {
062     *     return getEnumMap(JavaVersionEnum.class);
063     *   }
064     * 
065     *   public static List getEnumList() {
066     *     return getEnumList(JavaVersionEnum.class);
067     *   }
068     * 
069     *   public static Iterator iterator() {
070     *     return iterator(JavaVersionEnum.class);
071     *   }
072     * }
073     * </pre>
074     *
075     * <p><em>NOTE:</em>These are declared <code>final</code>, so compilers may 
076     * inline the code. Ensure you recompile everything when using final. </p>
077     *
078     * <p>The above class could then be used as follows:</p>
079     *
080     * <pre>
081     * public void doSomething(JavaVersionEnum ver) {
082     *   switch (ver.getValue()) {
083     *     case JAVA1_0_VALUE:
084     *       // ...
085     *       break;
086     *     case JAVA1_1_VALUE:
087     *       // ...
088     *       break;
089     *     //...
090     *   }
091     * }
092     * </pre>
093     *
094     * <p>As shown, each enum has a name and a value. These can be accessed using
095     * <code>getName</code> and <code>getValue</code>.</p>
096     *
097     * <p><em>NOTE:</em> Because the switch is ultimately sitting on top of an 
098     * int, the example above is not type-safe. That is, there is nothing that 
099     * checks that JAVA1_0_VALUE is a legal constant for JavaVersionEnum. </p>
100     *
101     * <p>The <code>getEnum</code> and <code>iterator</code> methods are recommended.
102     * Unfortunately, Java restrictions require these to be coded as shown in each subclass.
103     * An alternative choice is to use the {@link EnumUtils} class.</p>
104     *
105     * @author Apache Avalon project
106     * @author Apache Software Foundation
107     * @since 2.1 (class existed in enum package from v1.0)
108     * @version $Id: ValuedEnum.java 905636 2010-02-02 14:03:32Z niallp $
109     */
110    public abstract class ValuedEnum extends Enum {
112        /**
113         * Required for serialization support.
114         * 
115         * @see java.io.Serializable
116         */
117        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7129650521543789085L;
119        /**
120         * The value contained in enum.
121         */
122        private final int iValue;
124        /**
125         * Constructor for enum item.
126         *
127         * @param name  the name of enum item
128         * @param value  the value of enum item
129         */
130        protected ValuedEnum(String name, int value) {
131            super(name);
132            iValue = value;
133        }
135        /**
136         * <p>Gets an <code>Enum</code> object by class and value.</p>
137         *
138         * <p>This method loops through the list of <code>Enum</code>,
139         * thus if there are many <code>Enum</code>s this will be
140         * slow.</p>
141         * 
142         * @param enumClass  the class of the <code>Enum</code> to get
143         * @param value  the value of the <code>Enum</code> to get
144         * @return the enum object, or null if the enum does not exist
145         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the enum class is <code>null</code>
146         */
147        protected static Enum getEnum(Class enumClass, int value) {
148            if (enumClass == null) {
149                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Enum Class must not be null");
150            }
151            List list = Enum.getEnumList(enumClass);
152            for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
153                ValuedEnum enumeration = (ValuedEnum) it.next();
154                if (enumeration.getValue() == value) {
155                    return enumeration;
156                }
157            }
158            return null;
159        }
161        /**
162         * <p>Get value of enum item.</p>
163         *
164         * @return the enum item's value.
165         */
166        public final int getValue() {
167            return iValue;
168        }
170        /**
171         * <p>Tests for order.</p>
172         *
173         * <p>The default ordering is numeric by value, but this
174         * can be overridden by subclasses.</p>
175         *
176         * <p>NOTE: From v2.2 the enums must be of the same type.
177         * If the parameter is in a different class loader than this instance,
178         * reflection is used to compare the values.</p>
179         *
180         * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(Object)
181         * @param other  the other object to compare to
182         * @return -ve if this is less than the other object, +ve if greater than,
183         *  <code>0</code> of equal
184         * @throws ClassCastException if other is not an <code>Enum</code>
185         * @throws NullPointerException if other is <code>null</code>
186         */
187        public int compareTo(Object other) {
188            if (other == this) {
189                return 0;
190            }
191            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
192                if (other.getClass().getName().equals(this.getClass().getName())) {
193                    return iValue - getValueInOtherClassLoader(other);
194                }
195                throw new ClassCastException(
196                        "Different enum class '" + ClassUtils.getShortClassName(other.getClass()) + "'");
197            }
198            return iValue - ((ValuedEnum) other).iValue;
199        }
201        /**
202         * <p>Use reflection to return an objects value.</p>
203         *
204         * @param other  the object to determine the value for
205         * @return the value
206         */
207        private int getValueInOtherClassLoader(Object other) {
208            try {
209                Method mth = other.getClass().getMethod("getValue", null);
210                Integer value = (Integer) mth.invoke(other, null);
211                return value.intValue();
212            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
213                // ignore - should never happen
214            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
215                // ignore - should never happen
216            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
217                // ignore - should never happen
218            }
219            throw new IllegalStateException("This should not happen");
220        }
222        /**
223         * <p>Human readable description of this <code>Enum</code> item.</p>
224         *
225         * @return String in the form <code>type[name=value]</code>, for example:
226         *  <code>JavaVersion[Java 1.0=100]</code>. Note that the package name is
227         *  stripped from the type name.
228         */
229        public String toString() {
230            if (iToString == null) {
231                String shortName = ClassUtils.getShortClassName(getEnumClass());
232                iToString = shortName + "[" + getName() + "=" + getValue() + "]";
233            }
234            return iToString;
235        }
236    }