002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.lang3;
019import java.io.IOException;
020import java.io.Serializable;
021import java.lang.reflect.Array;
022import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
023import java.lang.reflect.Method;
024import java.util.Collections;
025import java.util.Comparator;
026import java.util.HashMap;
027import java.util.Map;
028import java.util.TreeSet;
030import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.CloneFailedException;
031import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
032import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder;
035 * <p>Operations on {@code Object}.</p>
036 *
037 * <p>This class tries to handle {@code null} input gracefully.
038 * An exception will generally not be thrown for a {@code null} input.
039 * Each method documents its behaviour in more detail.</p>
040 *
041 * <p>#ThreadSafe#</p>
042 * @since 1.0
043 */
045@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // deprecated class StrBuilder is imported
046// because it is part of the signature of deprecated methods
047public class ObjectUtils {
049    private static final char AT_SIGN = '@';
051    /**
052     * <p>Singleton used as a {@code null} placeholder where
053     * {@code null} has another meaning.</p>
054     *
055     * <p>For example, in a {@code HashMap} the
056     * {@link java.util.HashMap#get(java.lang.Object)} method returns
057     * {@code null} if the {@code Map} contains {@code null} or if there
058     * is no matching key. The {@code Null} placeholder can be used to
059     * distinguish between these two cases.</p>
060     *
061     * <p>Another example is {@code Hashtable}, where {@code null}
062     * cannot be stored.</p>
063     *
064     * <p>This instance is Serializable.</p>
065     */
066    public static final Null NULL = new Null();
068    /**
069     * <p>{@code ObjectUtils} instances should NOT be constructed in
070     * standard programming. Instead, the static methods on the class should
071     * be used, such as {@code ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull("a","b");}.</p>
072     *
073     * <p>This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean
074     * instance to operate.</p>
075     */
076    public ObjectUtils() {
077        super();
078    }
080    // Defaulting
081    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
082    /**
083     * <p>Returns a default value if the object passed is {@code null}.</p>
084     *
085     * <pre>
086     * ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(null, null)      = null
087     * ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(null, "")        = ""
088     * ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(null, "zz")      = "zz"
089     * ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull("abc", *)        = "abc"
090     * ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(Boolean.TRUE, *) = Boolean.TRUE
091     * </pre>
092     *
093     * @param <T> the type of the object
094     * @param object  the {@code Object} to test, may be {@code null}
095     * @param defaultValue  the default value to return, may be {@code null}
096     * @return {@code object} if it is not {@code null}, defaultValue otherwise
097     */
098    public static <T> T defaultIfNull(final T object, final T defaultValue) {
099        return object != null ? object : defaultValue;
100    }
102    /**
103     * <p>Returns the first value in the array which is not {@code null}.
104     * If all the values are {@code null} or the array is {@code null}
105     * or empty then {@code null} is returned.</p>
106     *
107     * <pre>
108     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(null, null)      = null
109     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(null, "")        = ""
110     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(null, null, "")  = ""
111     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(null, "zz")      = "zz"
112     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull("abc", *)        = "abc"
113     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(null, "xyz", *)  = "xyz"
114     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(Boolean.TRUE, *) = Boolean.TRUE
115     * ObjectUtils.firstNonNull()                = null
116     * </pre>
117     *
118     * @param <T> the component type of the array
119     * @param values  the values to test, may be {@code null} or empty
120     * @return the first value from {@code values} which is not {@code null},
121     *  or {@code null} if there are no non-null values
122     * @since 3.0
123     */
124    @SafeVarargs
125    public static <T> T firstNonNull(final T... values) {
126        if (values != null) {
127            for (final T val : values) {
128                if (val != null) {
129                    return val;
130                }
131            }
132        }
133        return null;
134    }
136    /**
137     * Checks if any value in the given array is not {@code null}.
138     *
139     * <p>
140     * If all the values are {@code null} or the array is {@code null}
141     * or empty then {@code false} is returned. Otherwise {@code true} is returned.
142     * </p>
143     *
144     * <pre>
145     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(*)                = true
146     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(*, null)          = true
147     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(null, *)          = true
148     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(null, null, *, *) = true
149     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(null)             = false
150     * ObjectUtils.anyNotNull(null, null)       = false
151     * </pre>
152     *
153     * @param values  the values to test, may be {@code null} or empty
154     * @return {@code true} if there is at least one non-null value in the array,
155     * {@code false} if all values in the array are {@code null}s.
156     * If the array is {@code null} or empty {@code false} is also returned.
157     * @since 3.5
158     */
159    public static boolean anyNotNull(final Object... values) {
160        return firstNonNull(values) != null;
161    }
163    /**
164     * Checks if all values in the array are not {@code nulls}.
165     *
166     * <p>
167     * If any value is {@code null} or the array is {@code null} then
168     * {@code false} is returned. If all elements in array are not
169     * {@code null} or the array is empty (contains no elements) {@code true}
170     * is returned.
171     * </p>
172     *
173     * <pre>
174     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(*)             = true
175     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(*, *)          = true
176     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(null)          = false
177     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(null, null)    = false
178     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(null, *)       = false
179     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(*, null)       = false
180     * ObjectUtils.allNotNull(*, *, null, *) = false
181     * </pre>
182     *
183     * @param values  the values to test, may be {@code null} or empty
184     * @return {@code false} if there is at least one {@code null} value in the array or the array is {@code null},
185     * {@code true} if all values in the array are not {@code null}s or array contains no elements.
186     * @since 3.5
187     */
188    public static boolean allNotNull(final Object... values) {
189        if (values == null) {
190            return false;
191        }
193        for (final Object val : values) {
194            if (val == null) {
195                return false;
196            }
197        }
199        return true;
200    }
202    // Null-safe equals/hashCode
203    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
204    /**
205     * <p>Compares two objects for equality, where either one or both
206     * objects may be {@code null}.</p>
207     *
208     * <pre>
209     * ObjectUtils.equals(null, null)                  = true
210     * ObjectUtils.equals(null, "")                    = false
211     * ObjectUtils.equals("", null)                    = false
212     * ObjectUtils.equals("", "")                      = true
213     * ObjectUtils.equals(Boolean.TRUE, null)          = false
214     * ObjectUtils.equals(Boolean.TRUE, "true")        = false
215     * ObjectUtils.equals(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE)  = true
216     * ObjectUtils.equals(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE) = false
217     * </pre>
218     *
219     * @param object1  the first object, may be {@code null}
220     * @param object2  the second object, may be {@code null}
221     * @return {@code true} if the values of both objects are the same
222     * @deprecated this method has been replaced by {@code java.util.Objects.equals(Object, Object)} in Java 7 and will
223     * be removed from future releases.
224     */
225    @Deprecated
226    public static boolean equals(final Object object1, final Object object2) {
227        if (object1 == object2) {
228            return true;
229        }
230        if (object1 == null || object2 == null) {
231            return false;
232        }
233        return object1.equals(object2);
234    }
236    /**
237     * <p>Compares two objects for inequality, where either one or both
238     * objects may be {@code null}.</p>
239     *
240     * <pre>
241     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(null, null)                  = false
242     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(null, "")                    = true
243     * ObjectUtils.notEqual("", null)                    = true
244     * ObjectUtils.notEqual("", "")                      = false
245     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(Boolean.TRUE, null)          = true
246     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(Boolean.TRUE, "true")        = true
247     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE)  = false
248     * ObjectUtils.notEqual(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE) = true
249     * </pre>
250     *
251     * @param object1  the first object, may be {@code null}
252     * @param object2  the second object, may be {@code null}
253     * @return {@code false} if the values of both objects are the same
254     */
255    public static boolean notEqual(final Object object1, final Object object2) {
256        return !equals(object1, object2);
257    }
259    /**
260     * <p>Gets the hash code of an object returning zero when the
261     * object is {@code null}.</p>
262     *
263     * <pre>
264     * ObjectUtils.hashCode(null)   = 0
265     * ObjectUtils.hashCode(obj)    = obj.hashCode()
266     * </pre>
267     *
268     * @param obj  the object to obtain the hash code of, may be {@code null}
269     * @return the hash code of the object, or zero if null
270     * @since 2.1
271     * @deprecated this method has been replaced by {@code java.util.Objects.hashCode(Object)} in Java 7 and will be
272     * removed in future releases
273     */
274    @Deprecated
275    public static int hashCode(final Object obj) {
276        // hashCode(Object) retained for performance, as hash code is often critical
277        return obj == null ? 0 : obj.hashCode();
278    }
280    /**
281     * <p>Gets the hash code for multiple objects.</p>
282     *
283     * <p>This allows a hash code to be rapidly calculated for a number of objects.
284     * The hash code for a single object is the <em>not</em> same as {@link #hashCode(Object)}.
285     * The hash code for multiple objects is the same as that calculated by an
286     * {@code ArrayList} containing the specified objects.</p>
287     *
288     * <pre>
289     * ObjectUtils.hashCodeMulti()                 = 1
290     * ObjectUtils.hashCodeMulti((Object[]) null)  = 1
291     * ObjectUtils.hashCodeMulti(a)                = 31 + a.hashCode()
292     * ObjectUtils.hashCodeMulti(a,b)              = (31 + a.hashCode()) * 31 + b.hashCode()
293     * ObjectUtils.hashCodeMulti(a,b,c)            = ((31 + a.hashCode()) * 31 + b.hashCode()) * 31 + c.hashCode()
294     * </pre>
295     *
296     * @param objects  the objects to obtain the hash code of, may be {@code null}
297     * @return the hash code of the objects, or zero if null
298     * @since 3.0
299     * @deprecated this method has been replaced by {@code java.util.Objects.hash(Object...)} in Java 7 and will be
300     * removed in future releases.
301     */
302    @Deprecated
303    public static int hashCodeMulti(final Object... objects) {
304        int hash = 1;
305        if (objects != null) {
306            for (final Object object : objects) {
307                final int tmpHash = hashCode(object);
308                hash = hash * 31 + tmpHash;
309            }
310        }
311        return hash;
312    }
314    // Identity ToString
315    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
316    /**
317     * <p>Gets the toString that would be produced by {@code Object}
318     * if a class did not override toString itself. {@code null}
319     * will return {@code null}.</p>
320     *
321     * <pre>
322     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(null)         = null
323     * ObjectUtils.identityToString("")           = "java.lang.String@1e23"
324     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(Boolean.TRUE) = "java.lang.Boolean@7fa"
325     * </pre>
326     *
327     * @param object  the object to create a toString for, may be
328     *  {@code null}
329     * @return the default toString text, or {@code null} if
330     *  {@code null} passed in
331     */
332    public static String identityToString(final Object object) {
333        if (object == null) {
334            return null;
335        }
336        final String name = object.getClass().getName();
337        final String hexString = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object));
338        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(name.length() + 1 + hexString.length());
339        // @formatter:off
340        builder.append(name)
341              .append(AT_SIGN)
342              .append(hexString);
343        // @formatter:off
344        return builder.toString();
345    }
347    /**
348     * <p>Appends the toString that would be produced by {@code Object}
349     * if a class did not override toString itself. {@code null}
350     * will throw a NullPointerException for either of the two parameters. </p>
351     *
352     * <pre>
353     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(appendable, "")            = appendable.append("java.lang.String@1e23"
354     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(appendable, Boolean.TRUE)  = appendable.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa"
355     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(appendable, Boolean.TRUE)  = appendable.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa")
356     * </pre>
357     *
358     * @param appendable  the appendable to append to
359     * @param object  the object to create a toString for
360     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
361     * @since 3.2
362     */
363    public static void identityToString(final Appendable appendable, final Object object) throws IOException {
364        Validate.notNull(object, "Cannot get the toString of a null object");
365        appendable.append(object.getClass().getName())
366              .append(AT_SIGN)
367              .append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object)));
368    }
370    /**
371     * <p>Appends the toString that would be produced by {@code Object}
372     * if a class did not override toString itself. {@code null}
373     * will throw a NullPointerException for either of the two parameters. </p>
374     *
375     * <pre>
376     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, "")            = builder.append("java.lang.String@1e23"
377     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, Boolean.TRUE)  = builder.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa"
378     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, Boolean.TRUE)  = builder.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa")
379     * </pre>
380     *
381     * @param builder  the builder to append to
382     * @param object  the object to create a toString for
383     * @since 3.2
384     * @deprecated as of 3.6, because StrBuilder was moved to commons-text,
385     *  use one of the other {@code identityToString} methods instead
386     */
387    @Deprecated
388    public static void identityToString(final StrBuilder builder, final Object object) {
389        Validate.notNull(object, "Cannot get the toString of a null object");
390        final String name = object.getClass().getName();
391        final String hexString = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object));
392        builder.ensureCapacity(builder.length() +  name.length() + 1 + hexString.length());
393        builder.append(name)
394              .append(AT_SIGN)
395              .append(hexString);
396    }
398    /**
399     * <p>Appends the toString that would be produced by {@code Object}
400     * if a class did not override toString itself. {@code null}
401     * will throw a NullPointerException for either of the two parameters. </p>
402     *
403     * <pre>
404     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(buf, "")            = buf.append("java.lang.String@1e23"
405     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(buf, Boolean.TRUE)  = buf.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa"
406     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(buf, Boolean.TRUE)  = buf.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa")
407     * </pre>
408     *
409     * @param buffer  the buffer to append to
410     * @param object  the object to create a toString for
411     * @since 2.4
412     */
413    public static void identityToString(final StringBuffer buffer, final Object object) {
414        Validate.notNull(object, "Cannot get the toString of a null object");
415        final String name = object.getClass().getName();
416        final String hexString = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object));
417        buffer.ensureCapacity(buffer.length() + name.length() + 1 + hexString.length());
418        buffer.append(name)
419              .append(AT_SIGN)
420              .append(hexString);
421    }
423    /**
424     * <p>Appends the toString that would be produced by {@code Object}
425     * if a class did not override toString itself. {@code null}
426     * will throw a NullPointerException for either of the two parameters. </p>
427     *
428     * <pre>
429     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, "")            = builder.append("java.lang.String@1e23"
430     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, Boolean.TRUE)  = builder.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa"
431     * ObjectUtils.identityToString(builder, Boolean.TRUE)  = builder.append("java.lang.Boolean@7fa")
432     * </pre>
433     *
434     * @param builder  the builder to append to
435     * @param object  the object to create a toString for
436     * @since 3.2
437     */
438    public static void identityToString(final StringBuilder builder, final Object object) {
439        Validate.notNull(object, "Cannot get the toString of a null object");
440        final String name = object.getClass().getName();
441        final String hexString = Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(object));
442        builder.ensureCapacity(builder.length() +  name.length() + 1 + hexString.length());
443        builder.append(name)
444              .append(AT_SIGN)
445              .append(hexString);
446    }
448    // ToString
449    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
450    /**
451     * <p>Gets the {@code toString} of an {@code Object} returning
452     * an empty string ("") if {@code null} input.</p>
453     *
454     * <pre>
455     * ObjectUtils.toString(null)         = ""
456     * ObjectUtils.toString("")           = ""
457     * ObjectUtils.toString("bat")        = "bat"
458     * ObjectUtils.toString(Boolean.TRUE) = "true"
459     * </pre>
460     *
461     * @see StringUtils#defaultString(String)
462     * @see String#valueOf(Object)
463     * @param obj  the Object to {@code toString}, may be null
464     * @return the passed in Object's toString, or {@code ""} if {@code null} input
465     * @since 2.0
466     * @deprecated this method has been replaced by {@code java.util.Objects.toString(Object)} in Java 7 and will be
467     * removed in future releases. Note however that said method will return "null" for null references, while this
468     * method returns an empty String. To preserve behavior use {@code java.util.Objects.toString(myObject, "")}
469     */
470    @Deprecated
471    public static String toString(final Object obj) {
472        return obj == null ? StringUtils.EMPTY : obj.toString();
473    }
475    /**
476     * <p>Gets the {@code toString} of an {@code Object} returning
477     * a specified text if {@code null} input.</p>
478     *
479     * <pre>
480     * ObjectUtils.toString(null, null)           = null
481     * ObjectUtils.toString(null, "null")         = "null"
482     * ObjectUtils.toString("", "null")           = ""
483     * ObjectUtils.toString("bat", "null")        = "bat"
484     * ObjectUtils.toString(Boolean.TRUE, "null") = "true"
485     * </pre>
486     *
487     * @see StringUtils#defaultString(String,String)
488     * @see String#valueOf(Object)
489     * @param obj  the Object to {@code toString}, may be null
490     * @param nullStr  the String to return if {@code null} input, may be null
491     * @return the passed in Object's toString, or {@code nullStr} if {@code null} input
492     * @since 2.0
493     * @deprecated this method has been replaced by {@code java.util.Objects.toString(Object, String)} in Java 7 and
494     * will be removed in future releases.
495     */
496    @Deprecated
497    public static String toString(final Object obj, final String nullStr) {
498        return obj == null ? nullStr : obj.toString();
499    }
501    // Comparable
502    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
503    /**
504     * <p>Null safe comparison of Comparables.</p>
505     *
506     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
507     * @param values the set of comparable values, may be null
508     * @return
509     *  <ul>
510     *   <li>If any objects are non-null and unequal, the lesser object.
511     *   <li>If all objects are non-null and equal, the first.
512     *   <li>If any of the comparables are null, the lesser of the non-null objects.
513     *   <li>If all the comparables are null, null is returned.
514     *  </ul>
515     */
516    @SafeVarargs
517    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T min(final T... values) {
518        T result = null;
519        if (values != null) {
520            for (final T value : values) {
521                if (compare(value, result, true) < 0) {
522                    result = value;
523                }
524            }
525        }
526        return result;
527    }
529    /**
530     * <p>Null safe comparison of Comparables.</p>
531     *
532     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
533     * @param values the set of comparable values, may be null
534     * @return
535     *  <ul>
536     *   <li>If any objects are non-null and unequal, the greater object.
537     *   <li>If all objects are non-null and equal, the first.
538     *   <li>If any of the comparables are null, the greater of the non-null objects.
539     *   <li>If all the comparables are null, null is returned.
540     *  </ul>
541     */
542    @SafeVarargs
543    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T max(final T... values) {
544        T result = null;
545        if (values != null) {
546            for (final T value : values) {
547                if (compare(value, result, false) > 0) {
548                    result = value;
549                }
550            }
551        }
552        return result;
553    }
555    /**
556     * <p>Null safe comparison of Comparables.
557     * {@code null} is assumed to be less than a non-{@code null} value.</p>
558     *
559     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
560     * @param c1  the first comparable, may be null
561     * @param c2  the second comparable, may be null
562     * @return a negative value if c1 &lt; c2, zero if c1 = c2
563     *  and a positive value if c1 &gt; c2
564     */
565    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(final T c1, final T c2) {
566        return compare(c1, c2, false);
567    }
569    /**
570     * <p>Null safe comparison of Comparables.</p>
571     *
572     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
573     * @param c1  the first comparable, may be null
574     * @param c2  the second comparable, may be null
575     * @param nullGreater if true {@code null} is considered greater
576     *  than a non-{@code null} value or if false {@code null} is
577     *  considered less than a Non-{@code null} value
578     * @return a negative value if c1 &lt; c2, zero if c1 = c2
579     *  and a positive value if c1 &gt; c2
580     * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(Object, Object)
581     */
582    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> int compare(final T c1, final T c2, final boolean nullGreater) {
583        if (c1 == c2) {
584            return 0;
585        } else if (c1 == null) {
586            return nullGreater ? 1 : -1;
587        } else if (c2 == null) {
588            return nullGreater ? -1 : 1;
589        }
590        return c1.compareTo(c2);
591    }
593    /**
594     * Find the "best guess" middle value among comparables. If there is an even
595     * number of total values, the lower of the two middle values will be returned.
596     * @param <T> type of values processed by this method
597     * @param items to compare
598     * @return T at middle position
599     * @throws NullPointerException if items is {@code null}
600     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if items is empty or contains {@code null} values
601     * @since 3.0.1
602     */
603    @SafeVarargs
604    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T median(final T... items) {
605        Validate.notEmpty(items);
606        Validate.noNullElements(items);
607        final TreeSet<T> sort = new TreeSet<>();
608        Collections.addAll(sort, items);
609        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //we know all items added were T instances
610        final T result = (T) sort.toArray()[(sort.size() - 1) / 2];
611        return result;
612    }
614    /**
615     * Find the "best guess" middle value among comparables. If there is an even
616     * number of total values, the lower of the two middle values will be returned.
617     * @param <T> type of values processed by this method
618     * @param comparator to use for comparisons
619     * @param items to compare
620     * @return T at middle position
621     * @throws NullPointerException if items or comparator is {@code null}
622     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if items is empty or contains {@code null} values
623     * @since 3.0.1
624     */
625    @SafeVarargs
626    public static <T> T median(final Comparator<T> comparator, final T... items) {
627        Validate.notEmpty(items, "null/empty items");
628        Validate.noNullElements(items);
629        Validate.notNull(comparator, "null comparator");
630        final TreeSet<T> sort = new TreeSet<>(comparator);
631        Collections.addAll(sort, items);
632        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //we know all items added were T instances
633        final
634        T result = (T) sort.toArray()[(sort.size() - 1) / 2];
635        return result;
636    }
638    // Mode
639    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
640    /**
641     * Find the most frequently occurring item.
642     *
643     * @param <T> type of values processed by this method
644     * @param items to check
645     * @return most populous T, {@code null} if non-unique or no items supplied
646     * @since 3.0.1
647     */
648    @SafeVarargs
649    public static <T> T mode(final T... items) {
650        if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(items)) {
651            final HashMap<T, MutableInt> occurrences = new HashMap<>(items.length);
652            for (final T t : items) {
653                final MutableInt count = occurrences.get(t);
654                if (count == null) {
655                    occurrences.put(t, new MutableInt(1));
656                } else {
657                    count.increment();
658                }
659            }
660            T result = null;
661            int max = 0;
662            for (final Map.Entry<T, MutableInt> e : occurrences.entrySet()) {
663                final int cmp = e.getValue().intValue();
664                if (cmp == max) {
665                    result = null;
666                } else if (cmp > max) {
667                    max = cmp;
668                    result = e.getKey();
669                }
670            }
671            return result;
672        }
673        return null;
674    }
676    // cloning
677    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
678    /**
679     * <p>Clone an object.</p>
680     *
681     * @param <T> the type of the object
682     * @param obj  the object to clone, null returns null
683     * @return the clone if the object implements {@link Cloneable} otherwise {@code null}
684     * @throws CloneFailedException if the object is cloneable and the clone operation fails
685     * @since 3.0
686     */
687    public static <T> T clone(final T obj) {
688        if (obj instanceof Cloneable) {
689            final Object result;
690            if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
691                final Class<?> componentType = obj.getClass().getComponentType();
692                if (componentType.isPrimitive()) {
693                    int length = Array.getLength(obj);
694                    result = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
695                    while (length-- > 0) {
696                        Array.set(result, length, Array.get(obj, length));
697                    }
698                } else {
699                    result = ((Object[]) obj).clone();
700                }
701            } else {
702                try {
703                    final Method clone = obj.getClass().getMethod("clone");
704                    result = clone.invoke(obj);
705                } catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
706                    throw new CloneFailedException("Cloneable type "
707                        + obj.getClass().getName()
708                        + " has no clone method", e);
709                } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
710                    throw new CloneFailedException("Cannot clone Cloneable type "
711                        + obj.getClass().getName(), e);
712                } catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
713                    throw new CloneFailedException("Exception cloning Cloneable type "
714                        + obj.getClass().getName(), e.getCause());
715                }
716            }
717            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // OK because input is of type T
718            final T checked = (T) result;
719            return checked;
720        }
722        return null;
723    }
725    /**
726     * <p>Clone an object if possible.</p>
727     *
728     * <p>This method is similar to {@link #clone(Object)}, but will return the provided
729     * instance as the return value instead of {@code null} if the instance
730     * is not cloneable. This is more convenient if the caller uses different
731     * implementations (e.g. of a service) and some of the implementations do not allow concurrent
732     * processing or have state. In such cases the implementation can simply provide a proper
733     * clone implementation and the caller's code does not have to change.</p>
734     *
735     * @param <T> the type of the object
736     * @param obj  the object to clone, null returns null
737     * @return the clone if the object implements {@link Cloneable} otherwise the object itself
738     * @throws CloneFailedException if the object is cloneable and the clone operation fails
739     * @since 3.0
740     */
741    public static <T> T cloneIfPossible(final T obj) {
742        final T clone = clone(obj);
743        return clone == null ? obj : clone;
744    }
746    // Null
747    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
748    /**
749     * <p>Class used as a null placeholder where {@code null}
750     * has another meaning.</p>
751     *
752     * <p>For example, in a {@code HashMap} the
753     * {@link java.util.HashMap#get(java.lang.Object)} method returns
754     * {@code null} if the {@code Map} contains {@code null} or if there is
755     * no matching key. The {@code Null} placeholder can be used to distinguish
756     * between these two cases.</p>
757     *
758     * <p>Another example is {@code Hashtable}, where {@code null}
759     * cannot be stored.</p>
760     */
761    public static class Null implements Serializable {
762        /**
763         * Required for serialization support. Declare serialization compatibility with Commons Lang 1.0
764         *
765         * @see java.io.Serializable
766         */
767        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7092611880189329093L;
769        /**
770         * Restricted constructor - singleton.
771         */
772        Null() {
773            super();
774        }
776        /**
777         * <p>Ensure singleton.</p>
778         *
779         * @return the singleton value
780         */
781        private Object readResolve() {
782            return NULL;
783        }
784    }
787    // Constants (LANG-816):
788    /*
789        These methods ensure constants are not inlined by javac.
790        For example, typically a developer might declare a constant like so:
792            public final static int MAGIC_NUMBER = 5;
794        Should a different jar file refer to this, and the MAGIC_NUMBER
795        is changed a later date (e.g., MAGIC_NUMBER = 6), the different jar
796        file will need to recompile itself.  This is because javac
797        typically inlines the primitive or String constant directly into
798        the bytecode, and removes the reference to the MAGIC_NUMBER field.
800        To help the other jar (so that it does not need to recompile
801        when constants are changed) the original developer can declare
802        their constant using one of the CONST() utility methods, instead:
804            public final static int MAGIC_NUMBER = CONST(5);
805     */
808    /**
809     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
810     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
811     * field, e.g.,
812     *
813     * <pre>
814     *     public final static boolean MAGIC_FLAG = ObjectUtils.CONST(true);
815     * </pre>
816     *
817     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
818     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
819     * changes at some future date.
820     *
821     * @param v the boolean value to return
822     * @return the boolean v, unchanged
823     * @since 3.2
824     */
825    public static boolean CONST(final boolean v) {
826        return v;
827    }
829    /**
830     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
831     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
832     * field, e.g.,
833     *
834     * <pre>
835     *     public final static byte MAGIC_BYTE = ObjectUtils.CONST((byte) 127);
836     * </pre>
837     *
838     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
839     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
840     * changes at some future date.
841     *
842     * @param v the byte value to return
843     * @return the byte v, unchanged
844     * @since 3.2
845     */
846    public static byte CONST(final byte v) {
847        return v;
848    }
850    /**
851     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
852     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
853     * field, e.g.,
854     *
855     * <pre>
856     *     public final static byte MAGIC_BYTE = ObjectUtils.CONST_BYTE(127);
857     * </pre>
858     *
859     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
860     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
861     * changes at some future date.
862     *
863     * @param v the byte literal (as an int) value to return
864     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value passed to v
865     *         is larger than a byte, that is, smaller than -128 or
866     *         larger than 127.
867     * @return the byte v, unchanged
868     * @since 3.2
869     */
870    public static byte CONST_BYTE(final int v) {
871        if (v < Byte.MIN_VALUE || v > Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
872            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied value must be a valid byte literal between -128 and 127: [" + v + "]");
873        }
874        return (byte) v;
875    }
877    /**
878     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
879     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
880     * field, e.g.,
881     *
882     * <pre>
883     *     public final static char MAGIC_CHAR = ObjectUtils.CONST('a');
884     * </pre>
885     *
886     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
887     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
888     * changes at some future date.
889     *
890     * @param v the char value to return
891     * @return the char v, unchanged
892     * @since 3.2
893     */
894    public static char CONST(final char v) {
895        return v;
896    }
898    /**
899     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
900     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
901     * field, e.g.,
902     *
903     * <pre>
904     *     public final static short MAGIC_SHORT = ObjectUtils.CONST((short) 123);
905     * </pre>
906     *
907     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
908     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
909     * changes at some future date.
910     *
911     * @param v the short value to return
912     * @return the short v, unchanged
913     * @since 3.2
914     */
915    public static short CONST(final short v) {
916        return v;
917    }
919    /**
920     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
921     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
922     * field, e.g.,
923     *
924     * <pre>
925     *     public final static short MAGIC_SHORT = ObjectUtils.CONST_SHORT(127);
926     * </pre>
927     *
928     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
929     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
930     * changes at some future date.
931     *
932     * @param v the short literal (as an int) value to return
933     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value passed to v
934     *         is larger than a short, that is, smaller than -32768 or
935     *         larger than 32767.
936     * @return the byte v, unchanged
937     * @since 3.2
938     */
939    public static short CONST_SHORT(final int v) {
940        if (v < Short.MIN_VALUE || v > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
941            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied value must be a valid byte literal between -32768 and 32767: [" + v + "]");
942        }
943        return (short) v;
944    }
947    /**
948     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
949     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
950     * field, e.g.,
951     *
952     * <pre>
953     *     public final static int MAGIC_INT = ObjectUtils.CONST(123);
954     * </pre>
955     *
956     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
957     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
958     * changes at some future date.
959     *
960     * @param v the int value to return
961     * @return the int v, unchanged
962     * @since 3.2
963     */
964    public static int CONST(final int v) {
965        return v;
966    }
968    /**
969     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
970     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
971     * field, e.g.,
972     *
973     * <pre>
974     *     public final static long MAGIC_LONG = ObjectUtils.CONST(123L);
975     * </pre>
976     *
977     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
978     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
979     * changes at some future date.
980     *
981     * @param v the long value to return
982     * @return the long v, unchanged
983     * @since 3.2
984     */
985    public static long CONST(final long v) {
986        return v;
987    }
989    /**
990     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
991     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
992     * field, e.g.,
993     *
994     * <pre>
995     *     public final static float MAGIC_FLOAT = ObjectUtils.CONST(1.0f);
996     * </pre>
997     *
998     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
999     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
1000     * changes at some future date.
1001     *
1002     * @param v the float value to return
1003     * @return the float v, unchanged
1004     * @since 3.2
1005     */
1006    public static float CONST(final float v) {
1007        return v;
1008    }
1010    /**
1011     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
1012     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
1013     * field, e.g.,
1014     *
1015     * <pre>
1016     *     public final static double MAGIC_DOUBLE = ObjectUtils.CONST(1.0);
1017     * </pre>
1018     *
1019     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
1020     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
1021     * changes at some future date.
1022     *
1023     * @param v the double value to return
1024     * @return the double v, unchanged
1025     * @since 3.2
1026     */
1027    public static double CONST(final double v) {
1028        return v;
1029    }
1031    /**
1032     * This method returns the provided value unchanged.
1033     * This can prevent javac from inlining a constant
1034     * field, e.g.,
1035     *
1036     * <pre>
1037     *     public final static String MAGIC_STRING = ObjectUtils.CONST("abc");
1038     * </pre>
1039     *
1040     * This way any jars that refer to this field do not
1041     * have to recompile themselves if the field's value
1042     * changes at some future date.
1043     *
1044     * @param <T> the Object type
1045     * @param v the genericized Object value to return (typically a String).
1046     * @return the genericized Object v, unchanged (typically a String).
1047     * @since 3.2
1048     */
1049    public static <T> T CONST(final T v) {
1050        return v;
1051    }