All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description DistanceMeasure Interface for distance measures between two n-dimensional vectors.EuclideanDistance Euclidean distance measures of n-dimensional vectors.ExponentialDecayFunction Exponential decay function:a e-x / b
, wherex
is the (integer) independent variable.FeatureInitializer Defines how to assign the first value of a neuron's feature.FeatureInitializerFactory Creates functions that will select the initial values of a neuron's features.KohonenTrainingTask Trainer for Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map.KohonenUpdateAction Update formula for Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map.LearningFactorFunction Provides the learning rate as a function of the number of calls already performed during the learning task.LearningFactorFunctionFactory Factory for creating instances ofLearningFactorFunction
.LocationFinder Helper class to find the grid coordinates of a neuron.LocationFinder.Location Container holding a (row, column) pair.MapDataVisualization Interface for algorithms that compute some metrics of the projection of data on a 2D-map.MapRanking Utility for ranking the units (neurons) of a network.MapUtils Utilities for network maps.MapVisualization Interface for algorithms that compute some property of a 2D-map.NeighbourhoodSizeFunction Provides the network neighbourhood's size as a function of the number of calls already performed during the learning task.NeighbourhoodSizeFunctionFactory Factory for creating instances ofNeighbourhoodSizeFunction
.Network Neural network, composed ofNeuron
instances and the links between them.NeuralNetException Exception class with constants for frequently used messages.Neuron Describes a neuron element of a neural network.NeuronSquareMesh2D Neural network with the topology of a two-dimensional surface.NeuronSquareMesh2D.DataVisualization Miscellaneous indicators of the map quality.NeuronSquareMesh2D.HorizontalDirection Horizontal (along row) direction.NeuronSquareMesh2D.VerticalDirection Vertical (along column) direction.NeuronString Neural network with the topology of a one-dimensional line.QuasiSigmoidDecayFunction Decay function whose shape is similar to a sigmoid.SmoothedDataHistogram Visualization of high-dimensional data projection on a 2D-map.SquareNeighbourhood Defines neighbourhood types.UnifiedDistanceMatrix U-Matrix visualization of high-dimensional data projection.UpdateAction Describes how to update the network in response to a training sample.