002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.math3;
019import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
022 * Interface representing a <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RealNumber.html">real</a>
023 * <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Field.html">field</a>.
024 * @param <T> the type of the field elements
025 * @see FieldElement
026 * @since 3.2
027 */
028public interface RealFieldElement<T> extends FieldElement<T> {
030    /** Get the real value of the number.
031     * @return real value
032     */
033    double getReal();
035    /** '+' operator.
036     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
037     * @return this+a
038     */
039    T add(double a);
041    /** '-' operator.
042     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
043     * @return this-a
044     */
045    T subtract(double a);
047    /** '&times;' operator.
048     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
049     * @return this&times;a
050     */
051    T multiply(double a);
053    /** '&divide;' operator.
054     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
055     * @return this&divide;a
056     */
057    T divide(double a);
059    /** IEEE remainder operator.
060     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
061     * @return this - n &times; a where n is the closest integer to this/a
062     * (the even integer is chosen for n if this/a is halfway between two integers)
063     */
064    T remainder(double a);
066    /** IEEE remainder operator.
067     * @param a right hand side parameter of the operator
068     * @return this - n &times; a where n is the closest integer to this/a
069     * (the even integer is chosen for n if this/a is halfway between two integers)
070     * @exception DimensionMismatchException if number of free parameters or orders are inconsistent
071     */
072    T remainder(T a)
073        throws DimensionMismatchException;
075    /** absolute value.
076     * @return abs(this)
077     */
078    T abs();
080    /** Get the smallest whole number larger than instance.
081     * @return ceil(this)
082     */
083    T ceil();
085    /** Get the largest whole number smaller than instance.
086     * @return floor(this)
087     */
088    T floor();
090    /** Get the whole number that is the nearest to the instance, or the even one if x is exactly half way between two integers.
091     * @return a double number r such that r is an integer r - 0.5 &le; this &le; r + 0.5
092     */
093    T rint();
095    /** Get the closest long to instance value.
096     * @return closest long to {@link #getReal()}
097     */
098    long round();
100    /** Compute the signum of the instance.
101     * The signum is -1 for negative numbers, +1 for positive numbers and 0 otherwise
102     * @return -1.0, -0.0, +0.0, +1.0 or NaN depending on sign of a
103     */
104    T signum();
106    /**
107     * Returns the instance with the sign of the argument.
108     * A NaN {@code sign} argument is treated as positive.
109     *
110     * @param sign the sign for the returned value
111     * @return the instance with the same sign as the {@code sign} argument
112     */
113    T copySign(T sign);
115    /**
116     * Returns the instance with the sign of the argument.
117     * A NaN {@code sign} argument is treated as positive.
118     *
119     * @param sign the sign for the returned value
120     * @return the instance with the same sign as the {@code sign} argument
121     */
122    T copySign(double sign);
124    /**
125     * Multiply the instance by a power of 2.
126     * @param n power of 2
127     * @return this &times; 2<sup>n</sup>
128     */
129    T scalb(int n);
131    /**
132     * Returns the hypotenuse of a triangle with sides {@code this} and {@code y}
133     * - sqrt(<i>this</i><sup>2</sup>&nbsp;+<i>y</i><sup>2</sup>)
134     * avoiding intermediate overflow or underflow.
135     *
136     * <ul>
137     * <li> If either argument is infinite, then the result is positive infinity.</li>
138     * <li> else, if either argument is NaN then the result is NaN.</li>
139     * </ul>
140     *
141     * @param y a value
142     * @return sqrt(<i>this</i><sup>2</sup>&nbsp;+<i>y</i><sup>2</sup>)
143     * @exception DimensionMismatchException if number of free parameters or orders are inconsistent
144     */
145    T hypot(T y)
146        throws DimensionMismatchException;
148    /** {@inheritDoc} */
149    T reciprocal();
151    /** Square root.
152     * @return square root of the instance
153     */
154    T sqrt();
156    /** Cubic root.
157     * @return cubic root of the instance
158     */
159    T cbrt();
161    /** N<sup>th</sup> root.
162     * @param n order of the root
163     * @return n<sup>th</sup> root of the instance
164     */
165    T rootN(int n);
167    /** Power operation.
168     * @param p power to apply
169     * @return this<sup>p</sup>
170     */
171    T pow(double p);
173    /** Integer power operation.
174     * @param n power to apply
175     * @return this<sup>n</sup>
176     */
177    T pow(int n);
179    /** Power operation.
180     * @param e exponent
181     * @return this<sup>e</sup>
182     * @exception DimensionMismatchException if number of free parameters or orders are inconsistent
183     */
184    T pow(T e)
185        throws DimensionMismatchException;
187    /** Exponential.
188     * @return exponential of the instance
189     */
190    T exp();
192    /** Exponential minus 1.
193     * @return exponential minus one of the instance
194     */
195    T expm1();
197    /** Natural logarithm.
198     * @return logarithm of the instance
199     */
200    T log();
202    /** Shifted natural logarithm.
203     * @return logarithm of one plus the instance
204     */
205    T log1p();
207//    TODO: add this method in 4.0, as it is not possible to do it in 3.2
208//          due to incompatibility of the return type in the Dfp class
209//    /** Base 10 logarithm.
210//     * @return base 10 logarithm of the instance
211//     */
212//    T log10();
214    /** Cosine operation.
215     * @return cos(this)
216     */
217    T cos();
219    /** Sine operation.
220     * @return sin(this)
221     */
222    T sin();
224    /** Tangent operation.
225     * @return tan(this)
226     */
227    T tan();
229    /** Arc cosine operation.
230     * @return acos(this)
231     */
232    T acos();
234    /** Arc sine operation.
235     * @return asin(this)
236     */
237    T asin();
239    /** Arc tangent operation.
240     * @return atan(this)
241     */
242    T atan();
244    /** Two arguments arc tangent operation.
245     * @param x second argument of the arc tangent
246     * @return atan2(this, x)
247     * @exception DimensionMismatchException if number of free parameters or orders are inconsistent
248     */
249    T atan2(T x)
250        throws DimensionMismatchException;
252    /** Hyperbolic cosine operation.
253     * @return cosh(this)
254     */
255    T cosh();
257    /** Hyperbolic sine operation.
258     * @return sinh(this)
259     */
260    T sinh();
262    /** Hyperbolic tangent operation.
263     * @return tanh(this)
264     */
265    T tanh();
267    /** Inverse hyperbolic cosine operation.
268     * @return acosh(this)
269     */
270    T acosh();
272    /** Inverse hyperbolic sine operation.
273     * @return asin(this)
274     */
275    T asinh();
277    /** Inverse hyperbolic  tangent operation.
278     * @return atanh(this)
279     */
280    T atanh();
282    /**
283     * Compute a linear combination.
284     * @param a Factors.
285     * @param b Factors.
286     * @return <code>&Sigma;<sub>i</sub> a<sub>i</sub> b<sub>i</sub></code>.
287     * @throws DimensionMismatchException if arrays dimensions don't match
288     * @since 3.2
289     */
290    T linearCombination(T[] a, T[] b)
291        throws DimensionMismatchException;
293    /**
294     * Compute a linear combination.
295     * @param a Factors.
296     * @param b Factors.
297     * @return <code>&Sigma;<sub>i</sub> a<sub>i</sub> b<sub>i</sub></code>.
298     * @throws DimensionMismatchException if arrays dimensions don't match
299     * @since 3.2
300     */
301    T linearCombination(double[] a, T[] b)
302        throws DimensionMismatchException;
304    /**
305     * Compute a linear combination.
306     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
307     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
308     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
309     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
310     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
311     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub>
312     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
313     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
314     * @since 3.2
315     */
316    T linearCombination(T a1, T b1, T a2, T b2);
318    /**
319     * Compute a linear combination.
320     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
321     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
322     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
323     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
324     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
325     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub>
326     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object, double, Object)
327     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object, double, Object, double, Object)
328     * @since 3.2
329     */
330    T linearCombination(double a1, T b1, double a2, T b2);
332    /**
333     * Compute a linear combination.
334     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
335     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
336     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
337     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
338     * @param a3 first factor of the third term
339     * @param b3 second factor of the third term
340     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
341     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub> + a<sub>3</sub>&times;b<sub>3</sub>
342     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object)
343     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
344     * @since 3.2
345     */
346    T linearCombination(T a1, T b1, T a2, T b2, T a3, T b3);
348    /**
349     * Compute a linear combination.
350     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
351     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
352     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
353     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
354     * @param a3 first factor of the third term
355     * @param b3 second factor of the third term
356     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
357     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub> + a<sub>3</sub>&times;b<sub>3</sub>
358     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object)
359     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object, double, Object, double, Object)
360     * @since 3.2
361     */
362    T linearCombination(double a1, T b1,  double a2, T b2, double a3, T b3);
364    /**
365     * Compute a linear combination.
366     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
367     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
368     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
369     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
370     * @param a3 first factor of the third term
371     * @param b3 second factor of the third term
372     * @param a4 first factor of the third term
373     * @param b4 second factor of the third term
374     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
375     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub> + a<sub>3</sub>&times;b<sub>3</sub> +
376     * a<sub>4</sub>&times;b<sub>4</sub>
377     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object)
378     * @see #linearCombination(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object)
379     * @since 3.2
380     */
381    T linearCombination(T a1, T b1, T a2, T b2, T a3, T b3, T a4, T b4);
383    /**
384     * Compute a linear combination.
385     * @param a1 first factor of the first term
386     * @param b1 second factor of the first term
387     * @param a2 first factor of the second term
388     * @param b2 second factor of the second term
389     * @param a3 first factor of the third term
390     * @param b3 second factor of the third term
391     * @param a4 first factor of the third term
392     * @param b4 second factor of the third term
393     * @return a<sub>1</sub>&times;b<sub>1</sub> +
394     * a<sub>2</sub>&times;b<sub>2</sub> + a<sub>3</sub>&times;b<sub>3</sub> +
395     * a<sub>4</sub>&times;b<sub>4</sub>
396     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object)
397     * @see #linearCombination(double, Object, double, Object, double, Object)
398     * @since 3.2
399     */
400    T linearCombination(double a1, T b1, double a2, T b2, double a3, T b3, double a4, T b4);