002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
018package org.apache.commons.math3.random;
020import java.io.BufferedReader;
021import java.io.File;
022import java.io.FileInputStream;
023import java.io.IOException;
024import java.io.InputStream;
025import java.io.InputStreamReader;
026import java.net.URL;
027import java.nio.charset.Charset;
028import java.util.ArrayList;
029import java.util.List;
031import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.AbstractRealDistribution;
032import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ConstantRealDistribution;
033import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;
034import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.RealDistribution;
035import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathIllegalStateException;
036import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathInternalError;
037import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NullArgumentException;
038import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.OutOfRangeException;
039import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ZeroException;
040import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NotStrictlyPositiveException;
041import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.util.LocalizedFormats;
042import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.StatisticalSummary;
043import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
044import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
045import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils;
048 * <p>Represents an <a href="http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empirical_distribution_function">
049 * empirical probability distribution</a> -- a probability distribution derived
050 * from observed data without making any assumptions about the functional form
051 * of the population distribution that the data come from.</p>
052 *
053 * <p>An <code>EmpiricalDistribution</code> maintains data structures, called
054 * <i>distribution digests</i>, that describe empirical distributions and
055 * support the following operations: <ul>
056 * <li>loading the distribution from a file of observed data values</li>
057 * <li>dividing the input data into "bin ranges" and reporting bin frequency
058 *     counts (data for histogram)</li>
059 * <li>reporting univariate statistics describing the full set of data values
060 *     as well as the observations within each bin</li>
061 * <li>generating random values from the distribution</li>
062 * </ul>
063 * Applications can use <code>EmpiricalDistribution</code> to build grouped
064 * frequency histograms representing the input data or to generate random values
065 * "like" those in the input file -- i.e., the values generated will follow the
066 * distribution of the values in the file.</p>
067 *
068 * <p>The implementation uses what amounts to the
069 * <a href="http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March02/Silverman/Silver2_6.html">
070 * Variable Kernel Method</a> with Gaussian smoothing:<p>
071 * <strong>Digesting the input file</strong>
072 * <ol><li>Pass the file once to compute min and max.</li>
073 * <li>Divide the range from min-max into <code>binCount</code> "bins."</li>
074 * <li>Pass the data file again, computing bin counts and univariate
075 *     statistics (mean, std dev.) for each of the bins </li>
076 * <li>Divide the interval (0,1) into subintervals associated with the bins,
077 *     with the length of a bin's subinterval proportional to its count.</li></ol>
078 * <strong>Generating random values from the distribution</strong><ol>
079 * <li>Generate a uniformly distributed value in (0,1) </li>
080 * <li>Select the subinterval to which the value belongs.
081 * <li>Generate a random Gaussian value with mean = mean of the associated
082 *     bin and std dev = std dev of associated bin.</li></ol></p>
083 *
084 * <p>EmpiricalDistribution implements the {@link RealDistribution} interface
085 * as follows.  Given x within the range of values in the dataset, let B
086 * be the bin containing x and let K be the within-bin kernel for B.  Let P(B-)
087 * be the sum of the probabilities of the bins below B and let K(B) be the
088 * mass of B under K (i.e., the integral of the kernel density over B).  Then
089 * set P(X < x) = P(B-) + P(B) * K(x) / K(B) where K(x) is the kernel distribution
090 * evaluated at x. This results in a cdf that matches the grouped frequency
091 * distribution at the bin endpoints and interpolates within bins using
092 * within-bin kernels.</p>
093 *
094 *<strong>USAGE NOTES:</strong><ul>
095 *<li>The <code>binCount</code> is set by default to 1000.  A good rule of thumb
096 *    is to set the bin count to approximately the length of the input file divided
097 *    by 10. </li>
098 *<li>The input file <i>must</i> be a plain text file containing one valid numeric
099 *    entry per line.</li>
100 * </ul></p>
101 *
102 */
103public class EmpiricalDistribution extends AbstractRealDistribution {
105    /** Default bin count */
106    public static final int DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT = 1000;
108    /** Character set for file input */
109    private static final String FILE_CHARSET = "US-ASCII";
111    /** Serializable version identifier */
112    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5729073523949762654L;
114    /** RandomDataGenerator instance to use in repeated calls to getNext() */
115    protected final RandomDataGenerator randomData;
117    /** List of SummaryStatistics objects characterizing the bins */
118    private final List<SummaryStatistics> binStats;
120    /** Sample statistics */
121    private SummaryStatistics sampleStats = null;
123    /** Max loaded value */
124    private double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
126    /** Min loaded value */
127    private double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
129    /** Grid size */
130    private double delta = 0d;
132    /** number of bins */
133    private final int binCount;
135    /** is the distribution loaded? */
136    private boolean loaded = false;
138    /** upper bounds of subintervals in (0,1) "belonging" to the bins */
139    private double[] upperBounds = null;
141    /**
142     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with the default bin count.
143     */
144    public EmpiricalDistribution() {
145        this(DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT);
146    }
148    /**
149     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with the specified bin count.
150     *
151     * @param binCount number of bins. Must be strictly positive.
152     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code binCount <= 0}.
153     */
154    public EmpiricalDistribution(int binCount) {
155        this(binCount, new RandomDataGenerator());
156    }
158    /**
159     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with the specified bin count using the
160     * provided {@link RandomGenerator} as the source of random data.
161     *
162     * @param binCount number of bins. Must be strictly positive.
163     * @param generator random data generator (may be null, resulting in default JDK generator)
164     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code binCount <= 0}.
165     * @since 3.0
166     */
167    public EmpiricalDistribution(int binCount, RandomGenerator generator) {
168        this(binCount, new RandomDataGenerator(generator));
169    }
171    /**
172     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with default bin count using the
173     * provided {@link RandomGenerator} as the source of random data.
174     *
175     * @param generator random data generator (may be null, resulting in default JDK generator)
176     * @since 3.0
177     */
178    public EmpiricalDistribution(RandomGenerator generator) {
179        this(DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT, generator);
180    }
182    /**
183     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with the specified bin count using the
184     * provided {@link RandomDataImpl} instance as the source of random data.
185     *
186     * @param binCount number of bins
187     * @param randomData random data generator (may be null, resulting in default JDK generator)
188     * @since 3.0
189     * @deprecated As of 3.1. Please use {@link #EmpiricalDistribution(int,RandomGenerator)} instead.
190     */
191    @Deprecated
192    public EmpiricalDistribution(int binCount, RandomDataImpl randomData) {
193        this(binCount, randomData.getDelegate());
194    }
196    /**
197     * Creates a new EmpiricalDistribution with default bin count using the
198     * provided {@link RandomDataImpl} as the source of random data.
199     *
200     * @param randomData random data generator (may be null, resulting in default JDK generator)
201     * @since 3.0
202     * @deprecated As of 3.1. Please use {@link #EmpiricalDistribution(RandomGenerator)} instead.
203     */
204    @Deprecated
205    public EmpiricalDistribution(RandomDataImpl randomData) {
206        this(DEFAULT_BIN_COUNT, randomData);
207    }
209    /**
210     * Private constructor to allow lazy initialisation of the RNG contained
211     * in the {@link #randomData} instance variable.
212     *
213     * @param binCount number of bins. Must be strictly positive.
214     * @param randomData Random data generator.
215     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code binCount <= 0}.
216     */
217    private EmpiricalDistribution(int binCount,
218                                  RandomDataGenerator randomData) {
219        super(randomData.getRandomGenerator());
220        if (binCount <= 0) {
221            throw new NotStrictlyPositiveException(binCount);
222        }
223        this.binCount = binCount;
224        this.randomData = randomData;
225        binStats = new ArrayList<SummaryStatistics>();
226    }
228    /**
229     * Computes the empirical distribution from the provided
230     * array of numbers.
231     *
232     * @param in the input data array
233     * @exception NullArgumentException if in is null
234     */
235    public void load(double[] in) throws NullArgumentException {
236        DataAdapter da = new ArrayDataAdapter(in);
237        try {
238            da.computeStats();
239            // new adapter for the second pass
240            fillBinStats(new ArrayDataAdapter(in));
241        } catch (IOException ex) {
242            // Can't happen
243            throw new MathInternalError();
244        }
245        loaded = true;
247    }
249    /**
250     * Computes the empirical distribution using data read from a URL.
251     *
252     * <p>The input file <i>must</i> be an ASCII text file containing one
253     * valid numeric entry per line.</p>
254     *
255     * @param url url of the input file
256     *
257     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
258     * @throws NullArgumentException if url is null
259     * @throws ZeroException if URL contains no data
260     */
261    public void load(URL url) throws IOException, NullArgumentException, ZeroException {
262        MathUtils.checkNotNull(url);
263        Charset charset = Charset.forName(FILE_CHARSET);
264        BufferedReader in =
265            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), charset));
266        try {
267            DataAdapter da = new StreamDataAdapter(in);
268            da.computeStats();
269            if (sampleStats.getN() == 0) {
270                throw new ZeroException(LocalizedFormats.URL_CONTAINS_NO_DATA, url);
271            }
272            // new adapter for the second pass
273            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), charset));
274            fillBinStats(new StreamDataAdapter(in));
275            loaded = true;
276        } finally {
277           try {
278               in.close();
279           } catch (IOException ex) { //NOPMD
280               // ignore
281           }
282        }
283    }
285    /**
286     * Computes the empirical distribution from the input file.
287     *
288     * <p>The input file <i>must</i> be an ASCII text file containing one
289     * valid numeric entry per line.</p>
290     *
291     * @param file the input file
292     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
293     * @throws NullArgumentException if file is null
294     */
295    public void load(File file) throws IOException, NullArgumentException {
296        MathUtils.checkNotNull(file);
297        Charset charset = Charset.forName(FILE_CHARSET);
298        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
299        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, charset));
300        try {
301            DataAdapter da = new StreamDataAdapter(in);
302            da.computeStats();
303            // new adapter for second pass
304            is = new FileInputStream(file);
305            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, charset));
306            fillBinStats(new StreamDataAdapter(in));
307            loaded = true;
308        } finally {
309            try {
310                in.close();
311            } catch (IOException ex) { //NOPMD
312                // ignore
313            }
314        }
315    }
317    /**
318     * Provides methods for computing <code>sampleStats</code> and
319     * <code>beanStats</code> abstracting the source of data.
320     */
321    private abstract class DataAdapter{
323        /**
324         * Compute bin stats.
325         *
326         * @throws IOException  if an error occurs computing bin stats
327         */
328        public abstract void computeBinStats() throws IOException;
330        /**
331         * Compute sample statistics.
332         *
333         * @throws IOException if an error occurs computing sample stats
334         */
335        public abstract void computeStats() throws IOException;
337    }
339    /**
340     * <code>DataAdapter</code> for data provided through some input stream
341     */
342    private class StreamDataAdapter extends DataAdapter{
344        /** Input stream providing access to the data */
345        private BufferedReader inputStream;
347        /**
348         * Create a StreamDataAdapter from a BufferedReader
349         *
350         * @param in BufferedReader input stream
351         */
352        StreamDataAdapter(BufferedReader in){
353            super();
354            inputStream = in;
355        }
357        /** {@inheritDoc} */
358        @Override
359        public void computeBinStats() throws IOException {
360            String str = null;
361            double val = 0.0d;
362            while ((str = inputStream.readLine()) != null) {
363                val = Double.parseDouble(str);
364                SummaryStatistics stats = binStats.get(findBin(val));
365                stats.addValue(val);
366            }
368            inputStream.close();
369            inputStream = null;
370        }
372        /** {@inheritDoc} */
373        @Override
374        public void computeStats() throws IOException {
375            String str = null;
376            double val = 0.0;
377            sampleStats = new SummaryStatistics();
378            while ((str = inputStream.readLine()) != null) {
379                val = Double.parseDouble(str);
380                sampleStats.addValue(val);
381            }
382            inputStream.close();
383            inputStream = null;
384        }
385    }
387    /**
388     * <code>DataAdapter</code> for data provided as array of doubles.
389     */
390    private class ArrayDataAdapter extends DataAdapter {
392        /** Array of input  data values */
393        private double[] inputArray;
395        /**
396         * Construct an ArrayDataAdapter from a double[] array
397         *
398         * @param in double[] array holding the data
399         * @throws NullArgumentException if in is null
400         */
401        ArrayDataAdapter(double[] in) throws NullArgumentException {
402            super();
403            MathUtils.checkNotNull(in);
404            inputArray = in;
405        }
407        /** {@inheritDoc} */
408        @Override
409        public void computeStats() throws IOException {
410            sampleStats = new SummaryStatistics();
411            for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
412                sampleStats.addValue(inputArray[i]);
413            }
414        }
416        /** {@inheritDoc} */
417        @Override
418        public void computeBinStats() throws IOException {
419            for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
420                SummaryStatistics stats =
421                    binStats.get(findBin(inputArray[i]));
422                stats.addValue(inputArray[i]);
423            }
424        }
425    }
427    /**
428     * Fills binStats array (second pass through data file).
429     *
430     * @param da object providing access to the data
431     * @throws IOException  if an IO error occurs
432     */
433    private void fillBinStats(final DataAdapter da)
434        throws IOException {
435        // Set up grid
436        min = sampleStats.getMin();
437        max = sampleStats.getMax();
438        delta = (max - min)/((double) binCount);
440        // Initialize binStats ArrayList
441        if (!binStats.isEmpty()) {
442            binStats.clear();
443        }
444        for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++) {
445            SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
446            binStats.add(i,stats);
447        }
449        // Filling data in binStats Array
450        da.computeBinStats();
452        // Assign upperBounds based on bin counts
453        upperBounds = new double[binCount];
454        upperBounds[0] =
455        ((double) binStats.get(0).getN()) / (double) sampleStats.getN();
456        for (int i = 1; i < binCount-1; i++) {
457            upperBounds[i] = upperBounds[i-1] +
458            ((double) binStats.get(i).getN()) / (double) sampleStats.getN();
459        }
460        upperBounds[binCount-1] = 1.0d;
461    }
463    /**
464     * Returns the index of the bin to which the given value belongs
465     *
466     * @param value  the value whose bin we are trying to find
467     * @return the index of the bin containing the value
468     */
469    private int findBin(double value) {
470        return FastMath.min(
471                FastMath.max((int) FastMath.ceil((value - min) / delta) - 1, 0),
472                binCount - 1);
473    }
475    /**
476     * Generates a random value from this distribution.
477     * <strong>Preconditions:</strong><ul>
478     * <li>the distribution must be loaded before invoking this method</li></ul>
479     * @return the random value.
480     * @throws MathIllegalStateException if the distribution has not been loaded
481     */
482    public double getNextValue() throws MathIllegalStateException {
484        if (!loaded) {
485            throw new MathIllegalStateException(LocalizedFormats.DISTRIBUTION_NOT_LOADED);
486        }
488        return sample();
489    }
491    /**
492     * Returns a {@link StatisticalSummary} describing this distribution.
493     * <strong>Preconditions:</strong><ul>
494     * <li>the distribution must be loaded before invoking this method</li></ul>
495     *
496     * @return the sample statistics
497     * @throws IllegalStateException if the distribution has not been loaded
498     */
499    public StatisticalSummary getSampleStats() {
500        return sampleStats;
501    }
503    /**
504     * Returns the number of bins.
505     *
506     * @return the number of bins.
507     */
508    public int getBinCount() {
509        return binCount;
510    }
512    /**
513     * Returns a List of {@link SummaryStatistics} instances containing
514     * statistics describing the values in each of the bins.  The list is
515     * indexed on the bin number.
516     *
517     * @return List of bin statistics.
518     */
519    public List<SummaryStatistics> getBinStats() {
520        return binStats;
521    }
523    /**
524     * <p>Returns a fresh copy of the array of upper bounds for the bins.
525     * Bins are: <br/>
526     * [min,upperBounds[0]],(upperBounds[0],upperBounds[1]],...,
527     *  (upperBounds[binCount-2], upperBounds[binCount-1] = max].</p>
528     *
529     * <p>Note: In versions 1.0-2.0 of commons-math, this method
530     * incorrectly returned the array of probability generator upper
531     * bounds now returned by {@link #getGeneratorUpperBounds()}.</p>
532     *
533     * @return array of bin upper bounds
534     * @since 2.1
535     */
536    public double[] getUpperBounds() {
537        double[] binUpperBounds = new double[binCount];
538        for (int i = 0; i < binCount - 1; i++) {
539            binUpperBounds[i] = min + delta * (i + 1);
540        }
541        binUpperBounds[binCount - 1] = max;
542        return binUpperBounds;
543    }
545    /**
546     * <p>Returns a fresh copy of the array of upper bounds of the subintervals
547     * of [0,1] used in generating data from the empirical distribution.
548     * Subintervals correspond to bins with lengths proportional to bin counts.</p>
549     *
550     * <strong>Preconditions:</strong><ul>
551     * <li>the distribution must be loaded before invoking this method</li></ul>
552     *
553     * <p>In versions 1.0-2.0 of commons-math, this array was (incorrectly) returned
554     * by {@link #getUpperBounds()}.</p>
555     *
556     * @since 2.1
557     * @return array of upper bounds of subintervals used in data generation
558     * @throws NullPointerException unless a {@code load} method has been
559     * called beforehand.
560     */
561    public double[] getGeneratorUpperBounds() {
562        int len = upperBounds.length;
563        double[] out = new double[len];
564        System.arraycopy(upperBounds, 0, out, 0, len);
565        return out;
566    }
568    /**
569     * Property indicating whether or not the distribution has been loaded.
570     *
571     * @return true if the distribution has been loaded
572     */
573    public boolean isLoaded() {
574        return loaded;
575    }
577    /**
578     * Reseeds the random number generator used by {@link #getNextValue()}.
579     *
580     * @param seed random generator seed
581     * @since 3.0
582     */
583    public void reSeed(long seed) {
584        randomData.reSeed(seed);
585    }
587    // Distribution methods ---------------------------
589    /**
590     * {@inheritDoc}
591     * @since 3.1
592     */
593    @Override
594    public double probability(double x) {
595        return 0;
596    }
598    /**
599     * {@inheritDoc}
600     *
601     * <p>Returns the kernel density normalized so that its integral over each bin
602     * equals the bin mass.</p>
603     *
604     * <p>Algorithm description: <ol>
605     * <li>Find the bin B that x belongs to.</li>
606     * <li>Compute K(B) = the mass of B with respect to the within-bin kernel (i.e., the
607     * integral of the kernel density over B).</li>
608     * <li>Return k(x) * P(B) / K(B), where k is the within-bin kernel density
609     * and P(B) is the mass of B.</li></ol></p>
610     * @since 3.1
611     */
612    public double density(double x) {
613        if (x < min || x > max) {
614            return 0d;
615        }
616        final int binIndex = findBin(x);
617        final RealDistribution kernel = getKernel(binStats.get(binIndex));
618        return kernel.density(x) * pB(binIndex) / kB(binIndex);
619    }
621    /**
622     * {@inheritDoc}
623     *
624     * <p>Algorithm description:<ol>
625     * <li>Find the bin B that x belongs to.</li>
626     * <li>Compute P(B) = the mass of B and P(B-) = the combined mass of the bins below B.</li>
627     * <li>Compute K(B) = the probability mass of B with respect to the within-bin kernel
628     * and K(B-) = the kernel distribution evaluated at the lower endpoint of B</li>
629     * <li>Return P(B-) + P(B) * [K(x) - K(B-)] / K(B) where
630     * K(x) is the within-bin kernel distribution function evaluated at x.</li></ol>
631     * If K is a constant distribution, we return P(B-) + P(B) (counting the full
632     * mass of B).</p>
633     *
634     * @since 3.1
635     */
636    public double cumulativeProbability(double x) {
637        if (x < min) {
638            return 0d;
639        } else if (x >= max) {
640            return 1d;
641        }
642        final int binIndex = findBin(x);
643        final double pBminus = pBminus(binIndex);
644        final double pB = pB(binIndex);
645        final RealDistribution kernel = k(x);
646        if (kernel instanceof ConstantRealDistribution) {
647            if (x < kernel.getNumericalMean()) {
648                return pBminus;
649            } else {
650                return pBminus + pB;
651            }
652        }
653        final double[] binBounds = getUpperBounds();
654        final double kB = kB(binIndex);
655        final double lower = binIndex == 0 ? min : binBounds[binIndex - 1];
656        final double withinBinCum =
657            (kernel.cumulativeProbability(x) -  kernel.cumulativeProbability(lower)) / kB;
658        return pBminus + pB * withinBinCum;
659    }
661    /**
662     * {@inheritDoc}
663     *
664     * <p>Algorithm description:<ol>
665     * <li>Find the smallest i such that the sum of the masses of the bins
666     *  through i is at least p.</li>
667     * <li>
668     *   Let K be the within-bin kernel distribution for bin i.</br>
669     *   Let K(B) be the mass of B under K. <br/>
670     *   Let K(B-) be K evaluated at the lower endpoint of B (the combined
671     *   mass of the bins below B under K).<br/>
672     *   Let P(B) be the probability of bin i.<br/>
673     *   Let P(B-) be the sum of the bin masses below bin i. <br/>
674     *   Let pCrit = p - P(B-)<br/>
675     * <li>Return the inverse of K evaluated at <br/>
676     *    K(B-) + pCrit * K(B) / P(B) </li>
677     *  </ol></p>
678     *
679     * @since 3.1
680     */
681    @Override
682    public double inverseCumulativeProbability(final double p) throws OutOfRangeException {
683        if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) {
684            throw new OutOfRangeException(p, 0, 1);
685        }
687        if (p == 0.0) {
688            return getSupportLowerBound();
689        }
691        if (p == 1.0) {
692            return getSupportUpperBound();
693        }
695        int i = 0;
696        while (cumBinP(i) < p) {
697            i++;
698        }
700        final RealDistribution kernel = getKernel(binStats.get(i));
701        final double kB = kB(i);
702        final double[] binBounds = getUpperBounds();
703        final double lower = i == 0 ? min : binBounds[i - 1];
704        final double kBminus = kernel.cumulativeProbability(lower);
705        final double pB = pB(i);
706        final double pBminus = pBminus(i);
707        final double pCrit = p - pBminus;
708        if (pCrit <= 0) {
709            return lower;
710        }
711        return kernel.inverseCumulativeProbability(kBminus + pCrit * kB / pB);
712    }
714    /**
715     * {@inheritDoc}
716     * @since 3.1
717     */
718    public double getNumericalMean() {
719       return sampleStats.getMean();
720    }
722    /**
723     * {@inheritDoc}
724     * @since 3.1
725     */
726    public double getNumericalVariance() {
727        return sampleStats.getVariance();
728    }
730    /**
731     * {@inheritDoc}
732     * @since 3.1
733     */
734    public double getSupportLowerBound() {
735       return min;
736    }
738    /**
739     * {@inheritDoc}
740     * @since 3.1
741     */
742    public double getSupportUpperBound() {
743        return max;
744    }
746    /**
747     * {@inheritDoc}
748     * @since 3.1
749     */
750    public boolean isSupportLowerBoundInclusive() {
751        return true;
752    }
754    /**
755     * {@inheritDoc}
756     * @since 3.1
757     */
758    public boolean isSupportUpperBoundInclusive() {
759        return true;
760    }
762    /**
763     * {@inheritDoc}
764     * @since 3.1
765     */
766    public boolean isSupportConnected() {
767        return true;
768    }
770    /**
771     * {@inheritDoc}
772     * @since 3.1
773     */
774    @Override
775    public void reseedRandomGenerator(long seed) {
776        randomData.reSeed(seed);
777    }
779    /**
780     * The probability of bin i.
781     *
782     * @param i the index of the bin
783     * @return the probability that selection begins in bin i
784     */
785    private double pB(int i) {
786        return i == 0 ? upperBounds[0] :
787            upperBounds[i] - upperBounds[i - 1];
788    }
790    /**
791     * The combined probability of the bins up to but not including bin i.
792     *
793     * @param i the index of the bin
794     * @return the probability that selection begins in a bin below bin i.
795     */
796    private double pBminus(int i) {
797        return i == 0 ? 0 : upperBounds[i - 1];
798    }
800    /**
801     * Mass of bin i under the within-bin kernel of the bin.
802     *
803     * @param i index of the bin
804     * @return the difference in the within-bin kernel cdf between the
805     * upper and lower endpoints of bin i
806     */
807    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
808    private double kB(int i) {
809        final double[] binBounds = getUpperBounds();
810        final RealDistribution kernel = getKernel(binStats.get(i));
811        return i == 0 ? kernel.cumulativeProbability(min, binBounds[0]) :
812            kernel.cumulativeProbability(binBounds[i - 1], binBounds[i]);
813    }
815    /**
816     * The within-bin kernel of the bin that x belongs to.
817     *
818     * @param x the value to locate within a bin
819     * @return the within-bin kernel of the bin containing x
820     */
821    private RealDistribution k(double x) {
822        final int binIndex = findBin(x);
823        return getKernel(binStats.get(binIndex));
824    }
826    /**
827     * The combined probability of the bins up to and including binIndex.
828     *
829     * @param binIndex maximum bin index
830     * @return sum of the probabilities of bins through binIndex
831     */
832    private double cumBinP(int binIndex) {
833        return upperBounds[binIndex];
834    }
836    /**
837     * The within-bin smoothing kernel. Returns a Gaussian distribution
838     * parameterized by {@code bStats}, unless the bin contains only one
839     * observation, in which case a constant distribution is returned.
840     *
841     * @param bStats summary statistics for the bin
842     * @return within-bin kernel parameterized by bStats
843     */
844    protected RealDistribution getKernel(SummaryStatistics bStats) {
845        if (bStats.getN() == 1 || bStats.getVariance() == 0) {
846            return new ConstantRealDistribution(bStats.getMean());
847        } else {
848            return new NormalDistribution(randomData.getRandomGenerator(),
849                bStats.getMean(), bStats.getStandardDeviation(),
850                NormalDistribution.DEFAULT_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY);
851        }
852    }