 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.commons.numbers.core;

import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer;
import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier;

 * Class providing accurate floating-point sums and linear combinations.
 * This class uses techniques to mitigate round off errors resulting from
 * standard floating-point operations, increasing the overall accuracy of
 * results at the cost of a moderate increase in the number of computations.
 * This functionality can be viewed as filling the gap between standard
 * floating point operations (fast but prone to round off errors) and
 * {@link java.math.BigDecimal} (perfectly accurate but slow).
 * <p><strong>Usage</strong>
 * <p>This class use a builder pattern in order to maximize the flexibility
 * of the API. Typical use involves constructing an instance from one
 * of the factory methods, adding any number of {@link #add(double) single value terms}
 * and/or {@link #addProduct(double, double) products}, and then extracting the
 * computed sum. Convenience methods exist for adding multiple values or products at once.
 * The examples below demonstrate some simple use cases.
 * <pre>
 * // compute the sum a1 + a2 + a3 + a4
 * Sum sum = Sum.of(a1);
 *      .add(a2)
 *      .add(a3)
 *      .add(a4);
 * double result = sum.getAsDouble();
 * // same as above but using the varargs factory method
 * double result = Sum.of(a1, a2, a3, a4).getAsDouble();
 * // compute the dot product of two arrays of the same length, a and b
 * Sum sum = Sum.create();
 * for (int i = 0; i &lt; a.length; ++i) {
 *      sum.addProduct(a[i], b[i]);
 * }
 * double result = sum.getAsDouble();
 * // same as above but using a convenience factory method
 * double result = Sum.ofProducts(a, b).getAsDouble();
 * </pre>
 * <p>It is worth noting that this class is designed to reduce floating point errors
 * <em>across a sequence of operations</em> and not just a single add or multiply. The
 * standard IEEE floating point operations already produce the most accurate results
 * possible given two arguments and this class does not improve on them. Rather, it tracks
 * the errors inherent with each operation and uses them to reduce the error of the overall
 * result. Therefore, this class is only beneficial in cases involving 3 or more floating point
 * operations. Code such as {@code Sum.of(a, b).getAsDouble()} and
 * {@code Sum.create().addProduct(a, b).getAsDouble()} only adds overhead with no benefit.
 * <p><strong>Implementation Notes</strong>
 * <p>This class internally uses the <em>Sum2S</em> and <em>Dot2S</em> algorithms described in
 * <a href="">
 * Accurate Sum and Dot Product</a> by Takeshi Ogita, Siegfried M. Rump,
 * and Shin'ichi Oishi (<em>SIAM J. Sci. Comput</em>, 2005). These are compensated
 * summation and multiplication algorithms chosen here for their good
 * balance of precision and performance. Future releases may choose to use
 * different algorithms.
 * <p>Results follow the IEEE 754 rules for addition: For example, if any
 * input value is {@link Double#NaN}, the result is {@link Double#NaN}.
 * <p>Instances of this class are mutable and not safe for use by multiple
 * threads.
public final class Sum
    implements DoubleSupplier,
               DoubleConsumer {
    /** Standard sum. */
    private double sum;
    /** Compensation value. */
    private double comp;

     * Constructs a new instance with the given initial value.
     * @param initialValue Initial value.
    private Sum(final double initialValue) {
        sum = initialValue;

     * Adds a single term to this sum.
     * @param t Value to add.
     * @return this instance.
    public Sum add(final double t) {
        final double newSum = sum + t;
        comp += DD.twoSumLow(sum, t, newSum);
        sum = newSum;

        return this;

     * Adds values from the given array to the sum.
     * @param terms Terms to add.
     * @return this instance.
    public Sum add(final double... terms) {
        for (final double t : terms) {

        return this;

     * Adds the high-accuracy product \( a b \) to this sum.
     * @param a Factor
     * @param b Factor.
     * @return this instance
    public Sum addProduct(final double a,
                          final double b) {
        final double ab = a * b;
        final double pLow = ExtendedPrecision.productLow(a, b, ab);

        final double newSum = sum + ab;
        comp += DD.twoSumLow(sum, ab, newSum) + pLow;
        sum = newSum;

        return this;

     * Adds \( \sum_i a_i b_i \) to this sum.
     * @param a Factors.
     * @param b Factors.
     * @return this instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the arrays do not have the same length.
    public Sum addProducts(final double[] a,
                           final double[] b) {
        final int len = a.length;
        if (len != b.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch: " +
                                               a.length + " != " + b.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            addProduct(a[i], b[i]);

        return this;

     * Adds another sum to this sum.
     * @param other Sum to add.
     * @return this instance.
    public Sum add(final Sum other) {
        return add(other.sum, other.comp);

     * Subtracts another sum from this sum.
     * @param other Sum to subtract.
     * @return this instance.
     * @since 1.2
    public Sum subtract(final Sum other) {
        return add(-other.sum, -other.comp);

     * Adds the sum and compensation to this sum.
     * <p>This is a utility method to extract both values from a sum
     * before addition to ensure there are no issues when adding a sum
     * to itself.
     * <p>This method sums the values in double-double precision.
     * This enforces symmetry when combining sums and maximises the available precision.
     * @param s Sum.
     * @param c Compensation.
     * @return this instance.
    private Sum add(double s, double c) {
        // Re-normalise the sums and combine in double-double precision.
        // Note: The conversion to a DD is lossless.
        final DD result = DD.ofSum(sum, comp).add(DD.ofSum(s, c));
        if (result.isFinite()) {
            sum = result.hi();
            comp = result.lo();
        } else {
            // compensation can be NaN from accumulating one or more same-signed infinite values.
            // Do not pollute the regular IEEE754 sum with a spurious NaN.
            if (!Double.isNaN(c)) {
        return this;

     * Adds a single term to this sum.
     * This is equivalent to {@link #add(double)}.
     * @param value Value to add.
     * @see #add(double)
    public void accept(final double value) {

     * Gets the sum value.
     * @return the sum value.
    public double getAsDouble() {
        // High-precision value if it is finite, standard IEEE754 result otherwise.
        final double hpsum = sum + comp;
        return Double.isFinite(hpsum) ?
                hpsum :

     * Creates a new instance with an initial value of zero.
     * @return a new instance.
    public static Sum create() {
        return new Sum(0d);

     * Creates an instance initialized to the given value.
     * @param a Initial value.
     * @return a new instance.
    public static Sum of(final double a) {
        return new Sum(a);

     * Creates an instance containing the sum of the given values.
     * @param values Values to add.
     * @return a new instance.
    public static Sum of(final double... values) {
        return create().add(values);

     * Creates a new instance containing \( \sum_i a_i b_i \).
     * @param a Factors.
     * @param b Factors.
     * @return a new instance.
    public static Sum ofProducts(final double[] a,
                                 final double[] b) {
        return create().addProducts(a, b);