* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.pool2.impl;
import java.time.Duration;
import org.apache.commons.pool2.BaseObject;
* Provides the implementation for the common attributes shared by the sub-classes. New instances of this class will be created using the defaults defined by
* the public constants.
* <p>
* This class is not thread-safe.
* </p>
* @param <T> Type of element pooled.
* @since 2.0
public abstract class BaseObjectPoolConfig<T> extends BaseObject implements Cloneable {
* The default value for the {@code lifo} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getLifo()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getLifo()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_LIFO = true;
* The default value for the {@code fairness} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getFairness()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getFairness()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_FAIRNESS = false;
* The default value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT}.
public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MILLIS = -1L;
* The default value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
public static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT = Duration.ofMillis(DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MILLIS);
* The default value for the {@code minEvictableIdleDuration} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME}.
public static final long DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME_MILLIS = 1000L * 60L * 30L;
* The default value for the {@code minEvictableIdleDuration} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
* The default value for the {@code minEvictableIdleDuration} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* The default value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME}.
public static final long DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME_MILLIS = -1;
* The default value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* The default value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
* The default value for {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_EVICTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT}.
public static final long DEFAULT_EVICTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 10L * 1000L;
* The default value for {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* The default value for the {@code numTestsPerEvictionRun} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_TESTS_PER_EVICTION_RUN = 3;
* The default value for the {@code testOnCreate} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @since 2.2
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TEST_ON_CREATE = false;
* The default value for the {@code testOnBorrow} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TEST_ON_BORROW = false;
* The default value for the {@code testOnReturn} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TEST_ON_RETURN = false;
* The default value for the {@code testWhileIdle} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TEST_WHILE_IDLE = false;
* The default value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @deprecated Use {@link #DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS}.
* The default value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @since 2.12.0
* The default value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* The default value for the {@code blockWhenExhausted} configuration attribute: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
public static final boolean DEFAULT_BLOCK_WHEN_EXHAUSTED = true;
* The default value for enabling JMX for pools created with a configuration instance: {@value}.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_JMX_ENABLE = true;
* The default value for the prefix used to name JMX enabled pools created with a configuration instance: {@value}.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getJmxName()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getJmxName()
public static final String DEFAULT_JMX_NAME_PREFIX = "pool";
* The default value for the base name to use to name JMX enabled pools created with a configuration instance. The default is {@code null} which means the
* pool will provide the base name to use.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getJmxName()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getJmxName()
public static final String DEFAULT_JMX_NAME_BASE = null;
* The default value for the {@code evictionPolicyClassName} configuration attribute.
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
public static final String DEFAULT_EVICTION_POLICY_CLASS_NAME = DefaultEvictionPolicy.class.getName();
private boolean lifo = DEFAULT_LIFO;
private boolean fairness = DEFAULT_FAIRNESS;
private Duration maxWaitDuration = DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT;
private Duration minEvictableIdleDuration = DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME;
private Duration evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration = DEFAULT_EVICTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT;
private Duration softMinEvictableIdleDuration = DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME;
private int numTestsPerEvictionRun = DEFAULT_NUM_TESTS_PER_EVICTION_RUN;
private EvictionPolicy<T> evictionPolicy; // Only 2.6.0 applications set this
private String evictionPolicyClassName = DEFAULT_EVICTION_POLICY_CLASS_NAME;
private boolean testOnCreate = DEFAULT_TEST_ON_CREATE;
private boolean testOnBorrow = DEFAULT_TEST_ON_BORROW;
private boolean testOnReturn = DEFAULT_TEST_ON_RETURN;
private boolean testWhileIdle = DEFAULT_TEST_WHILE_IDLE;
private Duration durationBetweenEvictionRuns = DEFAULT_DURATION_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS;
private boolean blockWhenExhausted = DEFAULT_BLOCK_WHEN_EXHAUSTED;
private boolean jmxEnabled = DEFAULT_JMX_ENABLE;
// TODO Consider changing this to a single property for 3.x
private String jmxNamePrefix = DEFAULT_JMX_NAME_PREFIX;
private String jmxNameBase = DEFAULT_JMX_NAME_BASE;
* Constructs a new instance.
public BaseObjectPoolConfig() {
// empty
* Gets the value for the {@code blockWhenExhausted} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code blockWhenExhausted} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
public boolean getBlockWhenExhausted() {
return blockWhenExhausted;
* Gets the value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @since 2.11.0
public Duration getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns() {
return durationBetweenEvictionRuns;
* Gets the value for the {@code evictionPolicyClass} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code evictionPolicyClass} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictionPolicy()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictionPolicy()
* @since 2.6.0
public EvictionPolicy<T> getEvictionPolicy() {
return evictionPolicy;
* Gets the value for the {@code evictionPolicyClassName} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code evictionPolicyClassName} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
public String getEvictionPolicyClassName() {
return evictionPolicyClassName;
* Gets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()}.
public Duration getEvictorShutdownTimeout() {
return evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public Duration getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration() {
return evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getEvictorShutdownTimeout()}.
public long getEvictorShutdownTimeoutMillis() {
return evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration.toMillis();
* Gets the value for the {@code fairness} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code fairness} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getFairness()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getFairness()
public boolean getFairness() {
return fairness;
* Gets the value of the flag that determines if JMX will be enabled for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code jmxEnabled} for this configuration instance
public boolean getJmxEnabled() {
return jmxEnabled;
* Gets the value of the JMX name base that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance. A value
* of {@code null} means that the pool will define the JMX name base.
* @return The current setting of {@code jmxNameBase} for this configuration instance
public String getJmxNameBase() {
return jmxNameBase;
* Gets the value of the JMX name prefix that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code jmxNamePrefix} for this configuration instance
public String getJmxNamePrefix() {
return jmxNamePrefix;
* Gets the value for the {@code lifo} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code lifo} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getLifo()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getLifo()
public boolean getLifo() {
return lifo;
* Gets the value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code maxWait} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public Duration getMaxWaitDuration() {
return maxWaitDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code maxWait} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMaxWaitDuration()}.
public long getMaxWaitMillis() {
return maxWaitDuration.toMillis();
* Gets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public Duration getMinEvictableIdleDuration() {
return minEvictableIdleDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMinEvictableIdleDuration()}.
public Duration getMinEvictableIdleTime() {
return minEvictableIdleDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMinEvictableIdleTime()}.
public long getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis() {
return minEvictableIdleDuration.toMillis();
* Gets the value for the {@code numTestsPerEvictionRun} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code numTestsPerEvictionRun} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
public int getNumTestsPerEvictionRun() {
return numTestsPerEvictionRun;
* Gets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public Duration getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration() {
return softMinEvictableIdleDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()}.
public Duration getSoftMinEvictableIdleTime() {
return softMinEvictableIdleDuration;
* Gets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()}.
public long getSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis() {
return softMinEvictableIdleDuration.toMillis();
* Gets the value for the {@code testOnBorrow} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code testOnBorrow} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
public boolean getTestOnBorrow() {
return testOnBorrow;
* Gets the value for the {@code testOnCreate} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code testOnCreate} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @since 2.2
public boolean getTestOnCreate() {
return testOnCreate;
* Gets the value for the {@code testOnReturn} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code testOnReturn} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
public boolean getTestOnReturn() {
return testOnReturn;
* Gets the value for the {@code testWhileIdle} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code testWhileIdle} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
public boolean getTestWhileIdle() {
return testWhileIdle;
* Gets the value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()}.
public Duration getTimeBetweenEvictionRuns() {
return durationBetweenEvictionRuns;
* Gets the value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @return The current setting of {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()}.
public long getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis() {
return durationBetweenEvictionRuns.toMillis();
* Sets the value for the {@code blockWhenExhausted} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param blockWhenExhausted The new setting of {@code blockWhenExhausted} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getBlockWhenExhausted()
public void setBlockWhenExhausted(final boolean blockWhenExhausted) {
this.blockWhenExhausted = blockWhenExhausted;
* Sets the value for the {@code evictionPolicyClass} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param evictionPolicy The new setting of {@code evictionPolicyClass} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictionPolicy()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictionPolicy()
* @since 2.6.0
public void setEvictionPolicy(final EvictionPolicy<T> evictionPolicy) {
this.evictionPolicy = evictionPolicy;
* Sets the value for the {@code evictionPolicyClassName} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param evictionPolicyClassName The new setting of {@code evictionPolicyClassName} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictionPolicyClassName()
public void setEvictionPolicyClassName(final String evictionPolicyClassName) {
this.evictionPolicyClassName = evictionPolicyClassName;
* Sets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration The new setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public void setEvictorShutdownTimeout(final Duration evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration) {
this.evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(evictorShutdownTimeoutDuration, DEFAULT_EVICTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT);
* Sets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param evictorShutdownTimeout The new setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #setEvictorShutdownTimeout(Duration)}.
public void setEvictorShutdownTimeoutMillis(final Duration evictorShutdownTimeout) {
* Sets the value for the {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param evictorShutdownTimeoutMillis The new setting of {@code evictorShutdownTimeout} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getEvictorShutdownTimeoutDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setEvictorShutdownTimeout(Duration)}.
public void setEvictorShutdownTimeoutMillis(final long evictorShutdownTimeoutMillis) {
* Sets the value for the {@code fairness} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param fairness The new setting of {@code fairness} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getFairness()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getFairness()
public void setFairness(final boolean fairness) {
this.fairness = fairness;
* Sets the value of the flag that determines if JMX will be enabled for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param jmxEnabled The new setting of {@code jmxEnabled} for this configuration instance
public void setJmxEnabled(final boolean jmxEnabled) {
this.jmxEnabled = jmxEnabled;
* Sets the value of the JMX name base that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance. A value
* of {@code null} means that the pool will define the JMX name base.
* @param jmxNameBase The new setting of {@code jmxNameBase} for this configuration instance
public void setJmxNameBase(final String jmxNameBase) {
this.jmxNameBase = jmxNameBase;
* Sets the value of the JMX name prefix that will be used as part of the name assigned to JMX enabled pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param jmxNamePrefix The new setting of {@code jmxNamePrefix} for this configuration instance
public void setJmxNamePrefix(final String jmxNamePrefix) {
this.jmxNamePrefix = jmxNamePrefix;
* Sets the value for the {@code lifo} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param lifo The new setting of {@code lifo} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getLifo()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getLifo()
public void setLifo(final boolean lifo) {
this.lifo = lifo;
* Sets the value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param maxWaitDuration The new setting of {@code maxWaitDuration} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @since 2.11.0
public void setMaxWait(final Duration maxWaitDuration) {
this.maxWaitDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(maxWaitDuration, DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT);
* Sets the value for the {@code maxWait} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param maxWaitMillis The new setting of {@code maxWaitMillis} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMaxWaitDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setMaxWait(Duration)}.
public void setMaxWaitMillis(final long maxWaitMillis) {
* Sets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param minEvictableIdleTime The new setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.12.0
public void setMinEvictableIdleDuration(final Duration minEvictableIdleTime) {
this.minEvictableIdleDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(minEvictableIdleTime, DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME);
* Sets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param minEvictableIdleTime The new setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #setMinEvictableIdleDuration(Duration)}.
public void setMinEvictableIdleTime(final Duration minEvictableIdleTime) {
this.minEvictableIdleDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(minEvictableIdleTime, DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME);
* Sets the value for the {@code minEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param minEvictableIdleTimeMillis The new setting of {@code minEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setMinEvictableIdleDuration(Duration)}.
public void setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(final long minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) {
this.minEvictableIdleDuration = Duration.ofMillis(minEvictableIdleTimeMillis);
* Sets the value for the {@code numTestsPerEvictionRun} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param numTestsPerEvictionRun The new setting of {@code numTestsPerEvictionRun} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getNumTestsPerEvictionRun()
public void setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(final int numTestsPerEvictionRun) {
this.numTestsPerEvictionRun = numTestsPerEvictionRun;
* Sets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param softMinEvictableIdleTime The new setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.12.0
public void setSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration(final Duration softMinEvictableIdleTime) {
this.softMinEvictableIdleDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(softMinEvictableIdleTime, DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME);
* Sets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param softMinEvictableIdleTime The new setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @since 2.10.0
* @deprecated Use {@link #setSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration(Duration)}.
public void setSoftMinEvictableIdleTime(final Duration softMinEvictableIdleTime) {
this.softMinEvictableIdleDuration = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(softMinEvictableIdleTime, DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME);
* Sets the value for the {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis The new setting of {@code softMinEvictableIdleTime} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setSoftMinEvictableIdleDuration(Duration)}.
public void setSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(final long softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis) {
* Sets the value for the {@code testOnBorrow} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param testOnBorrow The new setting of {@code testOnBorrow} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnBorrow()
public void setTestOnBorrow(final boolean testOnBorrow) {
this.testOnBorrow = testOnBorrow;
* Sets the value for the {@code testOnCreate} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param testOnCreate The new setting of {@code testOnCreate} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnCreate()
* @since 2.2
public void setTestOnCreate(final boolean testOnCreate) {
this.testOnCreate = testOnCreate;
* Sets the value for the {@code testOnReturn} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param testOnReturn The new setting of {@code testOnReturn} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestOnReturn()
public void setTestOnReturn(final boolean testOnReturn) {
this.testOnReturn = testOnReturn;
* Sets the value for the {@code testWhileIdle} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param testWhileIdle The new setting of {@code testWhileIdle} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getTestWhileIdle()
public void setTestWhileIdle(final boolean testWhileIdle) {
this.testWhileIdle = testWhileIdle;
* Sets the value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param timeBetweenEvictionRuns The new setting of {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @since 2.10.0
public void setTimeBetweenEvictionRuns(final Duration timeBetweenEvictionRuns) {
this.durationBetweenEvictionRuns = PoolImplUtils.nonNull(timeBetweenEvictionRuns, DEFAULT_DURATION_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS);
* Sets the value for the {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} configuration attribute for pools created with this configuration instance.
* @param timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis The new setting of {@code timeBetweenEvictionRuns} for this configuration instance
* @see GenericObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @see GenericKeyedObjectPool#getDurationBetweenEvictionRuns()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setTimeBetweenEvictionRuns(Duration)}.
public void setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(final long timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) {
protected void toStringAppendFields(final StringBuilder builder) {
builder.append(", fairness=");
builder.append(", maxWaitDuration=");
builder.append(", minEvictableIdleTime=");
builder.append(", softMinEvictableIdleTime=");
builder.append(", numTestsPerEvictionRun=");
builder.append(", evictionPolicyClassName=");
builder.append(", testOnCreate=");
builder.append(", testOnBorrow=");
builder.append(", testOnReturn=");
builder.append(", testWhileIdle=");
builder.append(", timeBetweenEvictionRuns=");
builder.append(", blockWhenExhausted=");
builder.append(", jmxEnabled=");
builder.append(", jmxNamePrefix=");
builder.append(", jmxNameBase=");