Class XorShift1024Star

    • Constructor Detail

      • XorShift1024Star

        public XorShift1024Star​(long[] seed)
        Creates a new instance.
        seed - Initial seed. If the length is larger than 16, only the first 16 elements will be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically set. A seed containing all zeros will create a non-functional generator.
      • XorShift1024Star

        protected XorShift1024Star​(long[] seed,
                                   long multiplier)
        Creates a new instance.
        seed - Initial seed. If the length is larger than 16, only the first 16 elements will be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically set. A seed containing all zeros will create a non-functional generator.
        multiplier - The multiplier for the XorShift1024 algorithm.