
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.rng.core.source32;

import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.apache.commons.rng.JumpableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.SplittableUniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.util.NumberFactory;
import org.apache.commons.rng.core.util.RandomStreams;

 * A 32-bit all purpose generator.
 * <p>This is a member of the LXM family of generators: L=Linear congruential generator;
 * X=Xor based generator; and M=Mix. This member uses a 32-bit LCG and 64-bit Xor-based
 * generator. It is named as {@code "L32X64MixRandom"} in the {@code java.util.random}
 * package introduced in JDK 17; the LXM family is described in further detail in:
 * <blockquote>Steele and Vigna (2021) LXM: better splittable pseudorandom number generators
 * (and almost as fast). Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 5,
 * Article 148, pp 1–31.</blockquote>
 * <p>Memory footprint is 128 bits and the period is 2<sup>32</sup> (2<sup>64</sup> - 1).
 * <p>This generator implements {@link LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider}.
 * In addition instances created with a different additive parameter for the LCG are robust
 * against accidental correlation in a multi-threaded setting. The additive parameters must be
 * different in the most significant 31-bits.
 * <p>This generator implements
 * {@link org.apache.commons.rng.SplittableUniformRandomProvider SplittableUniformRandomProvider}.
 * The stream of generators created using the {@code splits} methods support parallelisation
 * and are robust against accidental correlation by using unique values for the additive parameter
 * for each instance in the same stream. The primitive streaming methods support parallelisation
 * but with no assurances of accidental correlation; each thread uses a new instance with a
 * randomly initialised state.
 * @see <a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/3485525">Steele &amp; Vigna (2021) Proc. ACM Programming
 *      Languages 5, 1-31</a>
 * @see <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/random/package-summary.html">
 *      JDK 17 java.util.random javadoc</a>
 * @since 1.5
public final class L32X64Mix extends IntProvider implements LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider,
    SplittableUniformRandomProvider {
    // Implementation note:
    // This does not extend AbstractXoRoShiRo64 as the XBG function is re-implemented
    // inline to allow parallel pipelining. Inheritance would provide only the XBG state.

    /** LCG multiplier. */
    private static final int M = LXMSupport.M32;
    /** Size of the state vector. */
    private static final int SEED_SIZE = 4;

    /** Per-instance LCG additive parameter (must be odd).
     * Cannot be final to support RestorableUniformRandomProvider. */
    private int la;
    /** State of the LCG generator. */
    private int ls;
    /** State 0 of the XBG generator. */
    private int x0;
    /** State 1 of the XBG generator. */
    private int x1;

     * Creates a new instance.
     * @param seed Initial seed.
     * If the length is larger than 4, only the first 4 elements will
     * be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically
     * set. A seed containing all zeros in the last two elements
     * will create a non-functional XBG sub-generator and a low
     * quality output with a period of 2<sup>32</sup>.
     * <p>The 1st element is used to set the LCG increment; the least significant bit
     * is set to odd to ensure a full period LCG. The 2nd element is used
     * to set the LCG state.</p>
    public L32X64Mix(int[] seed) {
        setState(extendSeed(seed, SEED_SIZE));

     * Creates a new instance using a 4 element seed.
     * A seed containing all zeros in the last two elements
     * will create a non-functional XBG sub-generator and a low
     * quality output with a period of 2<sup>32</sup>.
     * <p>The 1st element is used to set the LCG increment; the least significant bit
     * is set to odd to ensure a full period LCG. The 2nd element is used
     * to set the LCG state.</p>
     * @param seed0 Initial seed element 0.
     * @param seed1 Initial seed element 1.
     * @param seed2 Initial seed element 2.
     * @param seed3 Initial seed element 3.
    public L32X64Mix(int seed0, int seed1, int seed2, int seed3) {
        // Additive parameter must be odd
        la = seed0 | 1;
        ls = seed1;
        x0 = seed2;
        x1 = seed3;

     * Creates a copy instance.
     * @param source Source to copy.
    private L32X64Mix(L32X64Mix source) {
        la = source.la;
        ls = source.ls;
        x0 = source.x0;
        x1 = source.x1;

     * Copies the state into the generator state.
     * @param state the new state
    private void setState(int[] state) {
        // Additive parameter must be odd
        la = state[0] | 1;
        ls = state[1];
        x0 = state[2];
        x1 = state[3];

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected byte[] getStateInternal() {
        return composeStateInternal(NumberFactory.makeByteArray(new int[] {la, ls, x0, x1}),

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected void setStateInternal(byte[] s) {
        final byte[][] c = splitStateInternal(s, SEED_SIZE * Integer.BYTES);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int next() {
        // LXM generate.
        // Old state is used for the output allowing parallel pipelining
        // on processors that support multiple concurrent instructions.

        final int s0 = x0;
        final int s = ls;

        // Mix
        final int z = LXMSupport.lea32(s + s0);

        // LCG update
        ls = M * s + la;

        // XBG update
        int s1 = x1;

        s1 ^= s0;
        x0 = Integer.rotateLeft(s0, 26) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 9); // a, b
        x1 = Integer.rotateLeft(s1, 13); // c

        return z;

     * Creates a copy of the UniformRandomProvider and then <em>retreats</em> the state of the
     * current instance. The copy is returned.
     * <p>The jump is performed by advancing the state of the LCG sub-generator by 1 cycle.
     * The XBG state is unchanged. The jump size is the equivalent of moving the state
     * <em>backwards</em> by (2<sup>64</sup> - 1) positions. It can provide up to 2<sup>32</sup>
     * non-overlapping subsequences.</p>
    public UniformRandomProvider jump() {
        final UniformRandomProvider copy = new L32X64Mix(this);
        // Advance the LCG 1 step
        ls = M * ls + la;
        return copy;

     * Creates a copy of the UniformRandomProvider and then <em>retreats</em> the state of the
     * current instance. The copy is returned.
     * <p>The jump is performed by advancing the state of the LCG sub-generator by
     * 2<sup>16</sup> cycles. The XBG state is unchanged. The jump size is the equivalent
     * of moving the state <em>backwards</em> by 2<sup>16</sup> (2<sup>64</sup> - 1)
     * positions. It can provide up to 2<sup>16</sup> non-overlapping subsequences of
     * length 2<sup>16</sup> (2<sup>64</sup> - 1); each subsequence can provide up to
     * 2<sup>16</sup> non-overlapping subsequences of length (2<sup>64</sup> - 1) using
     * the {@link #jump()} method.</p>
    public JumpableUniformRandomProvider longJump() {
        final JumpableUniformRandomProvider copy = new L32X64Mix(this);
        // Advance the LCG 2^16 steps
        ls = LXMSupport.M32P * ls + LXMSupport.C32P * la;
        return copy;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public SplittableUniformRandomProvider split(UniformRandomProvider source) {
        // The upper half of the long seed is discarded so use nextInt
        return create(source.nextInt(), source);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Stream<SplittableUniformRandomProvider> splits(long streamSize, SplittableUniformRandomProvider source) {
        return RandomStreams.generateWithSeed(streamSize, source, L32X64Mix::create);

     * Create a new instance using the given {@code seed} and {@code source} of randomness
     * to initialise the instance.
     * @param seed Seed used to initialise the instance.
     * @param source Source of randomness used to initialise the instance.
     * @return A new instance.
    private static SplittableUniformRandomProvider create(long seed, UniformRandomProvider source) {
        // LCG state. The addition uses the input seed.
        // The LCG addition parameter is set to odd so left-shift the seed.
        final int s0 = (int) seed << 1;
        final int s1 = source.nextInt();
        // XBG state must not be all zero
        int x0 = source.nextInt();
        int x1 = source.nextInt();
        if ((x0 | x1) == 0) {
            // SplitMix style seed ensures at least one non-zero value
            x0 = LXMSupport.lea32(s1);
            x1 = LXMSupport.lea32(s1 + LXMSupport.GOLDEN_RATIO_32);
        return new L32X64Mix(s0, s1, x0, x1);