Class |
Description |
AbstractBenchmark |
Declares the JMH annotations for the benchmarks to compare the speed of generation of
random numbers from the various source providers for
UniformRandomProvider .
AliasMethodDiscreteSamplerPerformance |
AliasMethodDiscreteSamplerPerformance.DistributionData |
The discrete probability distribution and a sampler.
BaselineGenerationPerformance |
Benchmarks to check linearity in the baseline implementations of UniformRandomProvider .
BaselineSources |
A benchmark state that can retrieve the various generators defined by RandomSource
BaselineUtils |
Defines baseline implementations for the UniformRandomProvider .
CachedNextGenerationPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers using the bit cache verses simple generation.
CachedNextGenerationPerformance.BooleanSources |
Provides a function to obtain a boolean value from the various "RandomSource"s.
CachedNextGenerationPerformance.IntSources |
Provides a function to obtain an int value from the various "RandomSource"s
that produce 64-bit output.
ConstructionPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of construction of random number providers.
ConstructionPerformance.IntSizes |
The number of int values that are required to seed a generator.
ConstructionPerformance.LongSizes |
The number of long values that are required to seed a generator.
ConstructionPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
ContinuousSamplersPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers
from the various source providers for different types of ContinuousSampler .
ContinuousSamplersPerformance.Sources |
DiscreteSamplersPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers
from the various source providers for different types of DiscreteSampler .
DiscreteSamplersPerformance.Sources |
DiscreteUniformSamplerGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of integer numbers in a positive range
using the DiscreteUniformSampler or UniformRandomProvider.nextInt(int) .
DiscreteUniformSamplerGenerationPerformance.IntRange |
The upper range for the int generation.
DiscreteUniformSamplerGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from an enumerated
discrete probability distribution.
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.DirichletDistributionSources |
Sample random probability arrays from a Dirichlet distribution.
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.FastLoadedDiceRollerDiscreteSamplerSources |
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.KnownDistributionSources |
Define known probability distributions for testing.
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.LocalRandomSources |
The random sources to use for testing.
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.RandomDistributionSources |
Define random probability distributions of known size for testing.
EnumeratedDistributionSamplersPerformance.SamplerSources |
FloatingPointGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of floating point
numbers from the integer primitives.
FloatingPointGenerationPerformance.LongSource |
Mimic the generation of the SplitMix64 algorithm.
GeometricSamplersPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generation of Geometric random numbers
using different methods.
GeometricSamplersPerformance.Sources |
The samplers's to use for testing.
JumpBenchmark |
Executes benchmark for jump operations of jumpable RNGs.
JumpBenchmark.BaseJumpableSource |
Encapsulates a method to jump an RNG.
JumpBenchmark.JumpableSource |
Exercise the JumpableUniformRandomProvider.jump() function.
JumpBenchmark.LongJumpableSource |
Exercise the LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider.longJump() function.
LevySamplersPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generation of Levy distributed random numbers
using different methods.
LevySamplersPerformance.Sources |
The samplers's to use for testing.
ListShuffleBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of shuffling a List .
ListShuffleBenchmark.LinkedListData |
The LinkedList to shuffle.
ListShuffleBenchmark.ListData |
The list to shuffle.
ListShuffleBenchmark.ShuffleData |
The data for the shuffle.
LXMBenchmark |
Executes a benchmark for operations used in the LXM family of RNGs.
LXMBenchmark.LCG128Source |
Encapsulates a method to compute an update step on a 128-bit linear congruential
generator (LCG).
LXMBenchmark.LXM128Source |
Encapsulates a method to compute an update step on an LXM generator with a 128-bit
Linear Congruential Generator.
LXMBenchmark.UnsignedMultiply128Source |
Encapsulates a method to compute an unsigned multiply of two 128-bit values to create
a truncated 128-bit result.
LXMBenchmark.UnsignedMultiplyHighSource |
Encapsulates a method to compute an unsigned multiply of 64-bit values to create
the upper and optionally low 64-bits of the 128-bit result.
NextBooleanGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextBoolean() .
NextBooleanGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
NextBytesGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextBytes(byte[]) .
NextBytesGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
NextDoubleGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextDouble() .
NextDoubleGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
NextFloatGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextFloat() .
NextFloatGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
NextGaussianPerformance |
NextGaussianPerformance.JDKSource |
The Random to use for testing.
NextGaussianPerformance.Sources |
NextIntGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextInt() and
UniformRandomProvider.nextInt(int) .
NextIntGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
NextLongGenerationPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers from the
various source providers for UniformRandomProvider.nextLong() and
UniformRandomProvider.nextLong(long) .
NextLongGenerationPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
PoissonSamplerCachePerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of Poisson random numbers when using a
PoissonSamplerCachePerformance.MeanRange |
The range of mean values for testing the cache.
PoissonSamplerCachePerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
PoissonSamplersPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of Poisson distributed random numbers.
PoissonSamplersPerformance.Means |
PoissonSamplersPerformance.Sources |
RandomSources |
A benchmark state that can retrieve the various generators defined by
RandomSource values.
RandomSourceValues |
A benchmark state that can retrieve the various RandomSource values.
RngNextIntInRangeBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of random number generators to create
an int value in a range.
RngNextIntInRangeBenchmark.IntData |
The data used for the shuffle benchmark.
RngNextIntInRangeBenchmark.IntRange |
The upper range for the int generation.
RngNextIntInRangeBenchmark.Source |
The source generator.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generating an array of int/long values
in a thread-safe way.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.SeedRandomSources |
The RandomSource to test.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.SeedSizes |
The number of values that are required to seed a generator.
SeedArrayGenerationPerformance.TestSizes |
Define the number of seed values to create and the number to compute per synchronisation on
the generator.
SeedGenerationPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generating a single int/long value
in a thread-safe way.
StableSamplerPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generation of stable random numbers
using different methods.
StableSamplerPerformance.Alpha1StableSamplerSource |
Sampling with alpha = 1 and beta != 0 .
StableSamplerPerformance.BaselineSamplerSource |
Baseline with an exponential deviate and a uniform deviate.
StableSamplerPerformance.Beta0StableSamplerSource |
Sampling with alpha != 1 and beta = 0 .
StableSamplerPerformance.D2Source |
Source for testing implementations of (exp(x) - 1) / x .
StableSamplerPerformance.GeneralStableSamplerSource |
Sampling with alpha != 1 and beta != 0 .
StableSamplerPerformance.SamplerSource |
StableSamplerPerformance.StableSamplerSource |
The sampler to use for testing.
StableSamplerPerformance.TanSource |
Source for testing implementations of tan(x) / x.
StableSamplerPerformance.UniformRandomSource |
Source for a uniform random deviate in an open interval, e.g.
TetrahedronSamplerBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generating samples within a tetrahedron.
TetrahedronSamplerBenchmark.SamplerData |
Contains the sampler and the number of samples.
ThreadLocalPerformance |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generation of low frequency
random numbers on multiple-threads.
ThreadLocalPerformance.LocalSources |
The benchmark state (to retrieve the various "RandomSource"s thread locally).
ThreadLocalPerformance.Sources |
The benchmark state (to retrieve the various "RandomSource"s).
TriangleSamplerBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generating samples within an N-dimension triangle.
TriangleSamplerBenchmark.Sampler2D |
The 2D triangle sampler.
TriangleSamplerBenchmark.Sampler3D |
The 3D triangle sampler.
TriangleSamplerBenchmark.SamplerData |
Base class for the sampler data.
TriangleSamplerBenchmark.SamplerND |
The ND triangle sampler.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generating samples within an N-dimension unit ball.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark.Sampler1D |
The 1D unit line sampler.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark.Sampler2D |
The 2D unit disk sampler.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark.Sampler3D |
The 3D unit ball sampler.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark.SamplerData |
Base class for the sampler data.
UnitBallSamplerBenchmark.SamplerND |
The ND unit ball sampler.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark |
Executes benchmark to compare the speed of generating samples on the surface of an
N-dimension unit sphere.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark.Sampler1D |
The 1D unit line sampler.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark.Sampler2D |
The 2D unit circle sampler.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark.Sampler3D |
The 3D unit sphere sampler.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark.Sampler4D |
The 4D unit hypersphere sampler.
UnitSphereSamplerBenchmark.SamplerData |
Base class for the sampler data.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance |
Executes a benchmark to compare the speed of generation of random numbers
using variations of the ziggurat method.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.DiffSources |
Defines method to use for creating two random long values in ascending order.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.ExpSources |
Defines method to use for computing exp(x) when -8 <= x <= 0 .
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.IndexCompareSources |
Defines method to use for creating an index values from a random long and comparing
it to an int limit.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.IndexSources |
Defines method to use for creating int index values from a random long.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.InterpolationSources |
Defines method to use for interpolating the X or Y tables from unsigned long values.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.LongSources |
Defines method to use for creating unsigned long values.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.SequentialSources |
The samplers to use for testing the ziggurat method with sequential sample generation.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.SignBitSources |
Defines method to extract a sign bit from a long value.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.SingleSources |
The samplers to use for testing the ziggurat method with single sample generation.
ZigguratSamplerPerformance.Sources |
The samplers to use for testing the ziggurat method.