All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AhrensDieterExponentialSampler Sampling from an exponential distribution.AhrensDieterMarsagliaTsangGammaSampler Sampling from the gamma distribution.AliasMethodDiscreteSampler Distribution sampler that uses the Alias method.BoxMullerGaussianSampler Deprecated. Since version 1.1.BoxMullerLogNormalSampler Deprecated. Since version 1.1.BoxMullerNormalizedGaussianSampler Box-Muller algorithm for sampling from Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.BoxSampler Generate points uniformly distributed within a n-dimension box (hyperrectangle).ChengBetaSampler Sampling from a beta distribution.CollectionSampler<T> Sampling from aCollection
.CombinationSampler Class for representing combinations of a sequence of integers.CompositeSamplers Factory class to create a sampler that combines sampling from multiple samplers.CompositeSamplers.Builder<S> Builds a composite sampler.CompositeSamplers.DiscreteProbabilitySampler The DiscreteProbabilitySampler class defines implementations that sample from a user-defined discrete probability distribution.CompositeSamplers.DiscreteProbabilitySamplerFactory A factory for creating a sampler of a user-defined discrete probability distribution.ContinuousInverseCumulativeProbabilityFunction Interface for a continuous distribution that can be sampled using the inversion method.ContinuousSampler Sampler that generates values of typedouble
.ContinuousUniformSampler Sampling from a uniform distribution.DirichletSampler Sampling from a Dirichlet distribution.DiscreteInverseCumulativeProbabilityFunction Interface for a discrete distribution that can be sampled using the inversion method.DiscreteProbabilityCollectionSampler<T> Sampling from a collection of items with user-defined probabilities.DiscreteSampler Sampler that generates values of typeint
.DiscreteUniformSampler Discrete uniform distribution sampler.GaussianSampler Sampling from a Gaussian distribution with given mean and standard deviation.GeometricSampler Sampling from a geometric distribution.GuideTableDiscreteSampler Compute a sample fromn
values each with an associated probability.InverseTransformContinuousSampler Distribution sampler that uses the inversion method.InverseTransformDiscreteSampler Distribution sampler that uses the inversion method.InverseTransformParetoSampler Sampling from a Pareto distribution.KempSmallMeanPoissonSampler Sampler for the Poisson distribution.LargeMeanPoissonSampler Sampler for the Poisson distribution.LevySampler Sampling from a Lévy distribution.LineSampler Generate points uniformly distributed on a line.ListSampler Sampling from aList
.LogNormalSampler Sampling from a log-normal distribution.LongSampler Sampler that generates values of typelong
.MarsagliaNormalizedGaussianSampler Marsaglia polar method for sampling from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler Sampler for a discrete distribution using an optimised look-up table.MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler.Binomial Create a sampler for the Binomial distribution.MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler.Enumerated Create a sampler for an enumerated distribution ofn
values each with an associated probability.MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler.Poisson Create a sampler for the Poisson distribution.NormalizedGaussianSampler Marker interface for a sampler that generates values from an N(0,1) Gaussian distribution.ObjectSampler<T> Sampler that generates values of a specified type.PermutationSampler Class for representing permutations of a sequence of integers.PoissonSampler Sampler for the Poisson distribution.PoissonSamplerCache Create a sampler for the Poisson distribution using a cache to minimise construction cost.RejectionInversionZipfSampler Implementation of the Zipf distribution.SamplerBase Deprecated. Since version 1.1.SharedStateContinuousSampler Sampler that generates values of typedouble
and can create new instances to sample from the same state with a given source of randomness.SharedStateDiscreteSampler Sampler that generates values of typeint
and can create new instances to sample from the same state with a given source of randomness.SharedStateLongSampler Sampler that generates values of typelong
and can create new instances to sample from the same state with a given source of randomness.SharedStateObjectSampler<T> Sampler that generates values of a specified type and can create new instances to sample from the same state with a given source of randomness.SharedStateSampler<R> Applies to samplers that can share state between instances.SmallMeanPoissonSampler Sampler for the Poisson distribution.StableSampler Samples from a stable distribution.TetrahedronSampler Generate points uniformly distributed within a tetrahedron.TriangleSampler Generate points uniformly distributed within a triangle.UniformLongSampler Discrete uniform distribution sampler generating values of typelong
.UnitBallSampler Generate coordinates uniformly distributed within the unit n-ball.UnitSphereSampler Generate vectors isotropically located on the surface of a sphere.ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler Marsaglia and Tsang "Ziggurat" method for sampling from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.ZigguratSampler Modified ziggurat method for sampling from Gaussian and exponential distributions.ZigguratSampler.Exponential Modified ziggurat method for sampling from an exponential distributions.ZigguratSampler.NormalizedGaussian Modified ziggurat method for sampling from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.