Uses of Package

The Validator package provides validation for JavaBeans based on an xml file.
  • Class
    A default argument or an argument for a specific validator definition (ex: required) can be stored to pass into a message as parameters.
    CreditCardType implementations define how validation is performed for one type/brand of credit card.
    Use the new DateValidator, CalendarValidator or TimeValidator in the routines package.
    Use the new EmailValidator in the routines package.
    This contains the list of pluggable validators to run on a field and any message information and variables to perform the validations and generate error messages.
    This contains a set of validation rules for a form/JavaBean.
    Holds a set of Forms stored associated with a Locale based on the country, language, and variant specified.
    An alternative message can be associated with a Field and a pluggable validator instead of using the default message stored in the ValidatorAction (aka pluggable validator).
    Contains the information to dynamically create and run a validation method.
    The base exception for the Validator Framework.
    General purpose class for storing FormSet objects based on their associated Locale.
    This contains the results of a set of validation rules processed on a JavaBean.
    Contains the status of the validation.
    This contains the results of a set of validation rules processed on a JavaBean.
    A variable that can be associated with a Field for passing in information to a pluggable validator.