Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseStep
org.apache.commons.workflow.base Basic implementations and base classes for Workflow Management System applications. 
org.apache.commons.workflow.core Implementations of Steps in the core library. Implementations of Steps in the io library. 
org.apache.commons.workflow.web Implementations of Steps in the web library. 

Uses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.base

Subclasses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.base
 class BaseBlock
          BaseBlock is a convenient base class for more sophisticated Block implementations.
 class DescriptorStep
          DescriptorStep is a convenient base class for more sophisticated Step implementations that already support the APIs provided by BaseStep, and also implement the Descriptors interafce.

Uses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.core

Subclasses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.core
 class AndStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and transfer control to the specified step if ALL of them are true (if boolean) or not null (if Object).
 class BreakStep
          Locate the closest surrounding Iterator, set the nesting control to false, and transfer control to the Iterator.
 class CallStep
          Pop the top value from the evaluation stack, which must be an Activity, and initiate a "subroutine call" to execute this Activity before resuming the current one.
 class ConstructStep
          Create a new object of the specified class, using the constructor that accepts the arguments specified by the associated Descriptor objects.
 class ContinueStep
          Locate the closest surrounding Iterator, set the nesting control to true, and transfer control to the Iterator.
 class DuplicateStep
          Push a new copy of the top item on the evaluation stack onto the stack.
 class ExitStep
          Signal our Context that we have completed the current Activity.
 class IfAnyStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ANY of them evaluate to a positive result.
 class IfNotAnyStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ALL of them evaluate to a negative result.
 class IfNotStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ANY of them evaluate to a negative result.
 class IfStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if they ALL evaluate to a positive result.
 class InvokeStep
          Call the specified method of the specified bean in the specified scope, passing arguments as specified by associated Descriptor objects.
 class LoadStep
          Load a class with the specified name from the specified class loader, and push the corresponding java.lang.Class object onto the evaluation stack.
 class NotAndStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and transfer control to the specified step if ALL of them are false (if boolean) or null (if Object).
 class NotOrStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and transfer control to the specified step if ANY of them are false (if boolean) or null (if Object).
 class OrStep
          Evaluate properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and transfer control to the specified step if ANY of them are true (if boolean) or not null (if Object).
 class PopStep
          Pop the top value from the evaluation stack and throw it away.
 class PutStep
          For each associated Descriptor, pop the top value from the evaluation stack, and store it as specified by that Descriptor, in the order that descriptors are listed.
 class RemoveStep
          For each associated Descriptor, remove the corresponding Java object from our Context, in the order that descriptors are listed.
 class StringStep
          Push the specified String value onto the top of the evaluation stack.
 class SuspendStep
          Signal our Context to suspend execution until control is returned.
 class SwapStep
          Swap the positions of the top two values on the evaluation stack.
 class WhileAnyStep
          Repeatedly evaluate the properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ANY of them evaluate to a positive result.
 class WhileNotAnyStep
          Repeatedly evaluate the properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ALL of them evaluate to a negative result.
 class WhileNotStep
          Repeatedly evaluate the properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ANY of them evaluate to a negative result.
 class WhileStep
          Repeatedly evaluate the properties specified by the associated Descriptors, and execute the nested Steps if and only if ALL of them evaluate to a positive result.

Uses of BaseStep in

Subclasses of BaseStep in
 class DisplayStep
          For each associated Descriptor, print the value of the specified Java object to standard output.
 class GetStep
          Retrieve the contents of a specified URL resource, and push the contents as a String object onto the evaluation stack.
 class PeekStep
          Write the top value from the evaluation stack to standard output, without removing it.
 class ReadStep
          Read the contents of the specified file from the filesystem, and push the contents as a String object onto the evaluation stack.
 class WriteStep
          Pop the top value from the evaluation stack, and write its contents as a string to the specified file in the filesystem (replacing any previous contents in that file).

Uses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.web

Subclasses of BaseStep in org.apache.commons.workflow.web
 class ForwardStep
          Perform a RequestDispatcher.forward() operation on the specified context relative path, and tell our Context to suspend execution until control is returned.
 class GotoStep
          Unconditionally transfer control to the step that is identified by a request parameter with the specified name.
 class IncludeStep23
          Perform a RequestDispatcher.include() operation on the specified context relative path, and push the response data (as a String onto the evaluation stack.
 class PopulateStep
          For each associated Descriptor, populate the properties of the bean specified by that descriptor from the request parameters of the current request.

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