Class PoolableConnectionFactory

  extended byorg.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PoolableConnectionFactory
extends Object
implements PoolableObjectFactory

A PoolableObjectFactory that creates PoolableConnections.

$Revision: 892307 $ $Date: 2013-12-31 23:27:28 +0000 (Tue, 31 Dec 2013) $
Rodney Waldhoff, Glenn L. Nielsen, James House, Dirk Verbeeck

Field Summary
protected  AbandonedConfig _config
          Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.
protected  ConnectionFactory _connFactory
protected  boolean _defaultAutoCommit
protected  String _defaultCatalog
protected  Boolean _defaultReadOnly
protected  int _defaultTransactionIsolation
protected  ObjectPool _pool
protected  KeyedObjectPoolFactory _stmtPoolFactory
protected  String _validationQuery
Constructor Summary
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit)
          Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, AbandonedConfig config)
          Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, int defaultTransactionIsolation)
          Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, int defaultTransactionIsolation, AbandonedConfig config)
          Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, int defaultTransactionIsolation, String defaultCatalog, AbandonedConfig config)
          Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.
PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory, ObjectPool pool, KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory, String validationQuery, Boolean defaultReadOnly, boolean defaultAutoCommit, int defaultTransactionIsolation, String defaultCatalog, AbandonedConfig config)
          Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.
Method Summary
 void activateObject(Object obj)
 void destroyObject(Object obj)
 ObjectPool getPool()
 Object makeObject()
 void passivateObject(Object obj)
 void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory)
          Sets the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections.
 void setDefaultAutoCommit(boolean defaultAutoCommit)
          Sets the default "auto commit" setting for borrowed Connections
 void setDefaultCatalog(String defaultCatalog)
          Sets the default "catalog" setting for borrowed Connections
 void setDefaultReadOnly(boolean defaultReadOnly)
          Sets the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
 void setDefaultTransactionIsolation(int defaultTransactionIsolation)
          Sets the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for borrowed Connections
 void setPool(ObjectPool pool)
          Sets the ObjectPool in which to pool Connections.
 void setStatementPoolFactory(KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory)
          Sets the KeyedObjectPoolFactory I use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements.
 void setValidationQuery(String validationQuery)
          Sets the query I use to validate Connections.
 void validateConnection(Connection conn)
 boolean validateObject(Object obj)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ConnectionFactory _connFactory


protected String _validationQuery


protected ObjectPool _pool


protected KeyedObjectPoolFactory _stmtPoolFactory


protected Boolean _defaultReadOnly


protected boolean _defaultAutoCommit


protected int _defaultTransactionIsolation


protected String _defaultCatalog


protected AbandonedConfig _config
Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.

Constructor Detail


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit)
Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit,
                                 int defaultTransactionIsolation)
Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections
defaultTransactionIsolation - the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for returned Connections


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit,
                                 AbandonedConfig config)
Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.

Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections
config - the AbandonedConfig if tracing SQL objects


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit,
                                 int defaultTransactionIsolation,
                                 AbandonedConfig config)
Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.

Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections
defaultTransactionIsolation - the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for returned Connections
config - the AbandonedConfig if tracing SQL objects


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit,
                                 int defaultTransactionIsolation,
                                 String defaultCatalog,
                                 AbandonedConfig config)
Deprecated. AbandonedConfig is now deprecated.

Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections
defaultTransactionIsolation - the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for returned Connections
defaultCatalog - the default "catalog" setting for returned Connections
config - the AbandonedConfig if tracing SQL objects


public PoolableConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory,
                                 ObjectPool pool,
                                 KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory,
                                 String validationQuery,
                                 Boolean defaultReadOnly,
                                 boolean defaultAutoCommit,
                                 int defaultTransactionIsolation,
                                 String defaultCatalog,
                                 AbandonedConfig config)
Create a new PoolableConnectionFactory.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections
pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections
stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements, or null to disable PreparedStatement pooling
validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.
defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections
defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for returned Connections
defaultTransactionIsolation - the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for returned Connections
defaultCatalog - the default "catalog" setting for returned Connections
config - the AbandonedConfig if tracing SQL objects
Method Detail


public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connFactory)
Sets the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections.

connFactory - the ConnectionFactory from which to obtain base Connections


public void setValidationQuery(String validationQuery)
Sets the query I use to validate Connections. Should return at least one row. Using null turns off validation.

validationQuery - a query to use to validate Connections.


public void setPool(ObjectPool pool)
Sets the ObjectPool in which to pool Connections.

pool - the ObjectPool in which to pool those Connections


public ObjectPool getPool()


public void setStatementPoolFactory(KeyedObjectPoolFactory stmtPoolFactory)
Sets the KeyedObjectPoolFactory I use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements. Set to null to disable PreparedStatement pooling.

stmtPoolFactory - the KeyedObjectPoolFactory to use to create KeyedObjectPools for pooling PreparedStatements


public void setDefaultReadOnly(boolean defaultReadOnly)
Sets the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections

defaultReadOnly - the default "read only" setting for borrowed Connections


public void setDefaultAutoCommit(boolean defaultAutoCommit)
Sets the default "auto commit" setting for borrowed Connections

defaultAutoCommit - the default "auto commit" setting for borrowed Connections


public void setDefaultTransactionIsolation(int defaultTransactionIsolation)
Sets the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for borrowed Connections

defaultTransactionIsolation - the default "Transaction Isolation" setting for returned Connections


public void setDefaultCatalog(String defaultCatalog)
Sets the default "catalog" setting for borrowed Connections

defaultCatalog - the default "catalog" setting for borrowed Connections


public Object makeObject()
                  throws Exception
Specified by:
makeObject in interface PoolableObjectFactory


public void destroyObject(Object obj)
                   throws Exception
Specified by:
destroyObject in interface PoolableObjectFactory


public boolean validateObject(Object obj)
Specified by:
validateObject in interface PoolableObjectFactory


public void validateConnection(Connection conn)
                        throws SQLException


public void passivateObject(Object obj)
                     throws Exception
Specified by:
passivateObject in interface PoolableObjectFactory


public void activateObject(Object obj)
                    throws Exception
Specified by:
activateObject in interface PoolableObjectFactory

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