All Classes and Interfaces

Tracks connection usage for recovering and reporting abandoned connections.
Basic implementation of javax.sql.DataSource that is configured via JavaBeans properties.
JNDI object factory that creates an instance of BasicDataSource that has been configured based on the RefAddr values of the specified Reference, which must match the names and data types of the BasicDataSource bean properties with the following exceptions: connectionInitSqls must be passed to this factory as a single String using semicolon to delimit the statements whereas BasicDataSource requires a collection of Strings.
Interface to keep API compatibility.
BasicManagedDataSource is an extension of BasicDataSource which creates ManagedConnections.
Abstract factory interface for creating Connections.
A DataSource-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
Defines the methods that will be made available via JMX.
An implementation of XAConnectionFactory which uses a real XADataSource to obtain connections and XAResources.
A base delegating implementation of CallableStatement.
A base delegating implementation of Connection.
A base delegating implementation of DatabaseMetaData.
A base delegating implementation of PreparedStatement.
A base delegating implementation of ResultSet.
A base delegating implementation of Statement.
An adapter for JDBC drivers that do not include an implementation of ConnectionPoolDataSource, but still include a DriverManager implementation.
A Driver-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
A DriverManager-based implementation of ConnectionFactory.
The base class for SharedPoolDataSource and PerUserPoolDataSource.
Defines bridge methods to JDBC 4.1 (Java 7 or above) methods to allow call sites to operate safely (without AbstractMethodError) when using a JDBC driver written for JDBC 4.0 (Java 6 or above).
An exception wrapping a list of exceptions.
An implementation of XAConnectionFactory which manages non-XA connections in XA transactions.
LocalXAResource is a fake XAResource for non-XA connections.
ManagedConnection is responsible for managing a database connection in a transactional environment (typically called "Container Managed").
The ManagedDataSource is a PoolingDataSource that creates ManagedConnections.
A pooling DataSource appropriate for deployment within J2EE environment.
A JNDI ObjectFactory which creates SharedPoolDataSources
A DelegatingCallableStatement that cooperates with PoolingConnection to implement a pool of CallableStatements.
A delegating connection that, rather than closing the underlying connection, returns itself to an ObjectPool when closed.
Defines the attributes and methods that will be exposed via JMX for PoolableConnection instances.
PoolableConnection that unregisters from TransactionRegistry on Connection real destroy.
A DelegatingPreparedStatement that cooperates with PoolingConnection to implement a pool of PreparedStatements.
Statement types.
A simple DataSource implementation that obtains Connections from the specified ObjectPool.
A Driver implementation that obtains Connections from a registered ObjectPool.
A key uniquely identifying PreparedStatements.
A pooling DataSource appropriate for deployment within J2EE environment.
A JNDI ObjectFactory which creates SharedPoolDataSources
An SQLException based on a list of Throwable causes.
Class for logging swallowed exceptions.
TransactionContext represents the association between a single XAConnectionFactory and a Transaction.
A listener for transaction completion events.
TransactionRegistry tracks Connections and XAResources in a transacted environment for a single XAConnectionFactory.
Utility methods.
XAConnectionFactory is an extension of ConnectionFactory used to create connections in a transaction managed environment.