Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define

Tag library which allows the creation of new tags using Jelly script itself.


Class Summary
AttributeTag This tag is bound onto a Java Bean class.
BeanTag Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes of the tag set the bean properties..
ClassLoaderTag Creates a new URLClassLoader to dynamically load tags froms.
DefineTagLibrary This is a tag library that allows you to define new tag libraries at run time.
DefineTagSupport An abstract base class useful for implementation inheritence.
DynaBeanTag Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes of the tag set the bean properties..
ExtendTag <extend> is used to extend a dynamic tag defined in an inherited dynamic tag library

InvokeBodyTag <invokeBody> tag is used inside a <tag> tag (i.e. the definition of a dynamic tag) to invoke the tags body when the tag is invoked.
InvokeTag The <invoke> tag will invoke a given Script instance.
JellyBeanTag Binds a Java bean to the given named Jelly tag so that the attributes of the tag set the bean properties.
ScriptTag <script> tag is used to assign a Script object to a variable.
SuperTag <super> tag is used to invoke a parent tag implementation, when a tag extends an existing tag
TaglibTag The <taglib> tag is used to define a new tag library using a Jelly script.
TagTag <tag> is used to define a new tag using a Jelly script to implement the behaviour of the tag.

Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.define Description

Tag library which allows the creation of new tags using Jelly script itself.

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