Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.jms

A tag library for working with JMS using the Messenger project


Interface Summary
ConnectionContext Represents a context capable of providing a Messenger connection to use
ConsumerTag Represents an interface for a Tag which consumes JMS messages.

Class Summary
ConnectionTag Defines a JMS connection for use by other JMS tags.
DestinationTag Creates a Destination object from a String name.
JMSTagLibrary Describes the Taglib.
MapEntryTag Adds a map entry to the outer Map Message tag
MapMessageTag Creates a JMS MapMessage
MessageOperationTag An abstract base class for JMS Message operation tags such as send, receive or call.
MessageTag A tag which creates a JMS message
ObjectMessageTag Creates a JMS ObjectMessage
OnMessageTag This tag creates a JMS MessageListener which will invoke this tag's body whenever a JMS Message is received.
PropertyTag Defines a property on an outer JMS Message tag
ReceiveTag Receives a JMS message.
SendTag Sends a JMS message to some destination.
StopwatchTag This tag can be used to measure the amount of time it takes to process JMS messages.
SubscribeTag Performs a subscription to some JMS connection to a destination maybe with a selector.
TextMessageTag Creates a JMS TextMessage

Package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.jms Description

A tag library for working with JMS using the Messenger project

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