Uses of Class

Uses of AssertTagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.junit

Subclasses of AssertTagSupport in org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.junit
 class AssertEqualsTag
          Compares an actual object against an expected object and if they are different then the test will fail.
 class AssertFileContainsTag
          Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.
 class AssertFileExistsTag
          Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.
 class AssertFileNotFoundTag
          Checks that a file cant be found.
 class AssertTag
          Performs an assertion that a given boolean expression, or XPath expression is true.
 class AssertThrowsTag
          Runs its body and asserts that an exception is thrown by it.
 class FailTag
          This tag causes a failure message.

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