Package org.apache.commons.jexl.parser

Contains the Parser for JEXL script.


Interface Summary
Node All AST nodes must implement this interface.

Class Summary
ASTAddNode Addition : either integer addition or string concatenation.
ASTAndNode && and 'and'.
ASTArrayAccess Like an ASTIdentifier, but with array access allowed.
ASTAssignment x = y, assigns a value to a variable in the context.
ASTBitwiseAndNode Bitwise And.
ASTBitwiseComplNode Bitwise Complement.
ASTBitwiseOrNode Bitwise Or.
ASTBitwiseXorNode Bitwise Or.
ASTBlock { code }, a block of statements enclosed in curly braces.
ASTDivNode a / b, mathematical divide.
ASTEmptyFunction function to see if reference doesn't exist in context.
ASTEQNode Represents equality between values.
ASTExpression AST node for expression.
ASTExpressionExpression represents equality between integers - use .equals() for strings.
ASTFalseNode represents Boolean false.
ASTFloatLiteral represents a float point number.
ASTForeachStatement ForEach statement.
ASTGENode GE : a >= b.
ASTGTNode GT : a > b.
ASTIdentifier Simple identifier - $foo or $ (both parts are identifiers).
ASTIfStatement if ( expression ) statement [else statement].
ASTIntegerLiteral represents an integer.
ASTJexlScript Top of the syntax tree - parsed Jexl code.
ASTLENode LE : a <= b.
ASTLTNode LT : a < b.
ASTMethod Method execution.
ASTModNode % (mod).
ASTMulNode Multiplication.
ASTNENode Not equal to.
ASTNotNode Not : 'not' or '!'.
ASTNullLiteral 'null'.
ASTOrNode || and 'or'.
ASTReference reference - any variable expression.
ASTReferenceExpression variable; A reference by itself.
ASTSizeFunction generalized size() function for all classes we can think of.
ASTSizeMethod Size Method, e.g.
ASTStatementExpression Assignment as an expression.
ASTStringLiteral represents a quoted string.
ASTSubtractNode Subtraction.
ASTTrueNode represents Boolean true.
ASTUnaryMinusNode - (unary minus).
ASTWhileStatement A while loop.
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleNode A Useful implementation of Node.
Token Describes the input token stream.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary

Package org.apache.commons.jexl.parser Description

Contains the Parser for JEXL script.


This package contains the Parser for JEXL script.

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