Uses of Class

Packages that use JexlNode
org.apache.commons.jexl2 Provides a framework for evaluating JEXL expressions. 
org.apache.commons.jexl2.parser Contains the Parser for JEXL script. 

Uses of JexlNode in org.apache.commons.jexl2

Fields in org.apache.commons.jexl2 declared as JexlNode
protected  JexlNode JexlException.mark
          The point of origin for this exception.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jexl2 that return JexlNode
protected  JexlNode Interpreter.findNullOperand(RuntimeException xrt, JexlNode node, Object left, Object right)
          Finds the node causing a NPE for diadic operators.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jexl2 with parameters of type JexlNode
protected  JexlNode Interpreter.findNullOperand(RuntimeException xrt, JexlNode node, Object left, Object right)
          Finds the node causing a NPE for diadic operators.
protected  Object Interpreter.getAttribute(Object object, Object attribute, JexlNode node)
          Gets an attribute of an object.
protected  void JexlEngine.getVariables(JexlNode node, Set<List<String>> refs, List<String> ref)
          Fills up the list of variables accessed by a node.
 Object Interpreter.interpret(JexlNode node)
          Interpret the given script/expression.
protected  Object Interpreter.resolveNamespace(String prefix, JexlNode node)
          Resolves a namespace, eventually allocating an instance using context as constructor argument.
protected  void Interpreter.setAttribute(Object object, Object attribute, Object value, JexlNode node)
          Sets an attribute of an object.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.jexl2 with parameters of type JexlNode
JexlException.Cancel(JexlNode node)
          Creates a new instance of Cancel.
JexlException.Method(JexlNode node, String name)
          Creates a new Method exception instance.
JexlException.Property(JexlNode node, String var)
          Creates a new Property exception instance.
JexlException.Return(JexlNode node, String msg, Object value)
          Creates a new instance of Return.
JexlException.Variable(JexlNode node, String var)
          Creates a new Variable exception instance.
JexlException(JexlNode node, String msg)
          Creates a new JexlException.
JexlException(JexlNode node, String msg, Throwable cause)
          Creates a new JexlException.

Uses of JexlNode in org.apache.commons.jexl2.parser

Subclasses of JexlNode in org.apache.commons.jexl2.parser
 class ASTAdditiveNode
 class ASTAdditiveOperator
 class ASTAmbiguous
 class ASTAndNode
 class ASTArrayAccess
 class ASTArrayLiteral
 class ASTAssignment
 class ASTBitwiseAndNode
 class ASTBitwiseComplNode
 class ASTBitwiseOrNode
 class ASTBitwiseXorNode
 class ASTBlock
 class ASTConstructorNode
 class ASTDivNode
 class ASTEmptyFunction
 class ASTEQNode
 class ASTERNode
 class ASTFalseNode
 class ASTFloatLiteral
          Deprecated. Only for use in maintaining binary compatibility - should not actually be used - will be removed in 3.0
 class ASTForeachStatement
 class ASTFunctionNode
 class ASTGENode
 class ASTGTNode
 class ASTIdentifier
          Identifiers, variables and registers.
 class ASTIfStatement
 class ASTIntegerLiteral
          Deprecated. Only for use in maintaining binary compatibility - should not actually be used - will be removed in 3.0
 class ASTJexlScript
          Enhanced script to allow parameters declaration.
 class ASTLENode
 class ASTLTNode
 class ASTMapEntry
 class ASTMapLiteral
 class ASTMethodNode
 class ASTModNode
 class ASTMulNode
 class ASTNENode
 class ASTNotNode
 class ASTNRNode
 class ASTNullLiteral
 class ASTNumberLiteral
 class ASTOrNode
 class ASTReference
 class ASTReferenceExpression
 class ASTReturnStatement
 class ASTSizeFunction
 class ASTSizeMethod
 class ASTStringLiteral
 class ASTTernaryNode
 class ASTTrueNode
 class ASTUnaryMinusNode
 class ASTVar
          Declares a local variable.
 class ASTWhileStatement

Fields in org.apache.commons.jexl2.parser declared as JexlNode
protected  JexlNode[] SimpleNode.children
          The array of children nodes.
protected  JexlNode SimpleNode.parent
          The parent node.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jexl2.parser that return JexlNode
 JexlNode SimpleNode.jjtGetChild(int i)
          Gets a child of this node.
 JexlNode SimpleNode.jjtGetParent()
          Gets this node's parent.

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