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Commons JXPath uses Maven 1, Maven 2 (preferred), or Ant as a build system.

Maven 2 Goals

The following Maven 2 commands can be used to build Commons JXPath:

  • mvn clean - clean up
  • mvn test - compile and run the unit tests
  • mvn site - create Commons JXPath documentation
  • mvn package - build the jar
  • mvn install - build the jar and install in local maven repository
  • mvn site assembly:assembly - Create the source and binary distributions

Maven 1 Goals

The following Maven 1 commands can be used to build Commons JXPath:

  • maven clean - clean up
  • maven test - compile and run the unit tests
  • maven site - create Commons JXPath documentation
  • maven jar - build the jar
  • maven dist - Create the source and binary distributions

Ant Goals


  • Dependencies are automatically downloaded if not specified explicitly in a build.properties file.

The following Ant commands can be used to build Commons JXPath:

  • ant clean - clean up
  • ant test - compile and run the unit tests
  • ant javadoc - create javadocs
  • ant jar - build the jar
  • ant dist - Create the source and binary distributions