Class SimplePathInterpreter


public class SimplePathInterpreter
extends java.lang.Object

An evaluation mechanism for simple XPaths, which is much faster than the usual process. It is only used for xpaths which have no context-dependent parts, consist entirely of child::name and self::node() steps with predicates that either integer or have the form [@name = ...].

$Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2002/04/24 04:05:40 $
Dmitri Plotnikov

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static NodePointer interpretSimpleExpressionPath(EvalContext context, NodePointer root, Expression[] predicates, Step[] steps)
          Interpret the steps of a simple expression path that starts with the given root, which is the result of evaluation of the root expression of the expression path, applies the given predicates to it and then follows the given steps.
static NodePointer interpretSimpleLocationPath(EvalContext context, NodePointer root, Step[] steps)
          Interpret a simple path that starts with the given root and follows the given steps.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimplePathInterpreter()
Method Detail


public static NodePointer interpretSimpleLocationPath(EvalContext context,
                                                      NodePointer root,
                                                      Step[] steps)
Interpret a simple path that starts with the given root and follows the given steps. All steps must have the axis "child::" and a name test. They can also optionally have predicates of type [@name=expression] or simply [expression] interpreted as an index.


public static NodePointer interpretSimpleExpressionPath(EvalContext context,
                                                        NodePointer root,
                                                        Expression[] predicates,
                                                        Step[] steps)
Interpret the steps of a simple expression path that starts with the given root, which is the result of evaluation of the root expression of the expression path, applies the given predicates to it and then follows the given steps. All steps must have the axis "child::" or "attribute::" and a name test. They can also optionally have predicates of type [@name=...] or simply [...] interpreted as an index.

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