Uses of Interface

Packages that use Functions
org.apache.commons.jxpath Public, abstract part of JXPath: interfaces and configuration. 

Uses of Functions in org.apache.commons.jxpath

Classes in org.apache.commons.jxpath that implement Functions
 class ClassFunctions
          Extension functions provided by a Java class.
 class FunctionLibrary
          An object that aggregates Functions objects into a group Functions object.
 class PackageFunctions
          Extension functions provided by Java classes.

Fields in org.apache.commons.jxpath declared as Functions
protected  Functions JXPathContext.functions

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath that return Functions
 Functions JXPathContext.getFunctions()
          Returns the set of functions installed on the context.

Methods in org.apache.commons.jxpath with parameters of type Functions
 void JXPathContext.setFunctions(Functions functions)
          Install a library of extension functions.
 void FunctionLibrary.addFunctions(Functions functions)
          Add functions to the library
 void FunctionLibrary.removeFunctions(Functions functions)
          Remove functions from the library.