Class ContainerPointer

  extended byorg.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.NodePointer
      extended byorg.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.container.ContainerPointer
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable, Pointer,

public class ContainerPointer
extends NodePointer

Transparent pointer to a Container. The getValue() method returns the contents of the container, rather than the container itself.

$Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 2004/04/04 22:06:36 $
Dmitri Plotnikov
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
private  Container container
private  NodePointer valuePointer
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.NodePointer
Constructor Summary
ContainerPointer(Container container, java.util.Locale locale)
ContainerPointer(NodePointer parent, Container container)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String asPath()
          Returns an XPath that maps to this Pointer.
 NodeIterator attributeIterator(QName name)
          Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all attributes of the current node matching the supplied node name (could have a wildcard).
 NodeIterator childIterator(NodeTest test, boolean reverse, NodePointer startWith)
          Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all children or all children that match the given NodeTest, starting with the specified one.
 int compareChildNodePointers(NodePointer pointer1, NodePointer pointer2)
          Compares two child NodePointers and returns a positive number, zero or a positive number according to the order of the pointers.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)
 java.lang.Object getBaseValue()
          Returns the value represented by the pointer before indexing.
 java.lang.Object getImmediateNode()
          Returns the object the pointer points to; does not convert it to a "canonical" type.
 NodePointer getImmediateValuePointer()
 int getLength()
          If the pointer represents a collection (or collection element), returns the length of the collection.
 QName getName()
          Returns the name of this node.
 java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
          Decodes a namespace prefix to the corresponding URI.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isCollection()
          Returns true if the value of the pointer is an array or a Collection.
 boolean isContainer()
          This type of node is auxiliary.
 boolean isLeaf()
          If true, this node does not have children
 NodeIterator namespaceIterator()
          Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all namespaces of the value currently pointed at.
 NodePointer namespacePointer(java.lang.String namespace)
          Returns a NodePointer for the specified namespace.
 void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Converts the value to the required type and changes the corresponding object to that value.
 boolean testNode(NodeTest nodeTest)
          Checks if this Pointer matches the supplied NodeTest.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.model.NodePointer
clone, compareTo, createAttribute, createChild, createChild, createPath, createPath, getDefaultNamespaceURI, getImmediateParentPointer, getIndex, getLocale, getNamespaceResolver, getNamespaceURI, getNode, getNodeValue, getParent, getPointerByID, getPointerByKey, getRootNode, getValue, getValuePointer, isActual, isAttribute, isDefaultNamespace, isLanguage, isNode, isRoot, newChildNodePointer, newNodePointer, printPointerChain, remove, setAttribute, setIndex, setNamespaceResolver, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private Container container


private NodePointer valuePointer
Constructor Detail


public ContainerPointer(Container container,
                        java.util.Locale locale)


public ContainerPointer(NodePointer parent,
                        Container container)
Method Detail


public boolean isContainer()
This type of node is auxiliary.

isContainer in class NodePointer


public QName getName()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns the name of this node. Can be null.

Specified by:
getName in class NodePointer


public java.lang.Object getBaseValue()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns the value represented by the pointer before indexing. So, if the node represents an element of a collection, this method returns the collection itself.

Specified by:
getBaseValue in class NodePointer


public boolean isCollection()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns true if the value of the pointer is an array or a Collection.

Specified by:
isCollection in class NodePointer


public int getLength()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
If the pointer represents a collection (or collection element), returns the length of the collection. Otherwise returns 1 (even if the value is null).

Specified by:
getLength in class NodePointer


public boolean isLeaf()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
If true, this node does not have children

Specified by:
isLeaf in class NodePointer


public java.lang.Object getImmediateNode()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns the object the pointer points to; does not convert it to a "canonical" type.

Specified by:
getImmediateNode in class NodePointer


public void setValue(java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Converts the value to the required type and changes the corresponding object to that value.

Specified by:
setValue in interface Pointer
Specified by:
setValue in class NodePointer


public NodePointer getImmediateValuePointer()
getImmediateValuePointer in class NodePointer
See Also:
* @return NodePointer is either this or a pointer for the immediately contained value.


public int hashCode()


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)


public NodeIterator childIterator(NodeTest test,
                                  boolean reverse,
                                  NodePointer startWith)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all children or all children that match the given NodeTest, starting with the specified one.

childIterator in class NodePointer


public NodeIterator attributeIterator(QName name)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all attributes of the current node matching the supplied node name (could have a wildcard). May return null if the object does not support the attributes.

attributeIterator in class NodePointer


public NodeIterator namespaceIterator()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns a NodeIterator that iterates over all namespaces of the value currently pointed at. May return null if the object does not support the namespaces.

namespaceIterator in class NodePointer


public NodePointer namespacePointer(java.lang.String namespace)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns a NodePointer for the specified namespace. Will return null if namespaces are not supported. Will return UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE if there is no such namespace.

namespacePointer in class NodePointer


public boolean testNode(NodeTest nodeTest)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Checks if this Pointer matches the supplied NodeTest.

testNode in class NodePointer


public int compareChildNodePointers(NodePointer pointer1,
                                    NodePointer pointer2)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Compares two child NodePointers and returns a positive number, zero or a positive number according to the order of the pointers.

Specified by:
compareChildNodePointers in class NodePointer


public java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Decodes a namespace prefix to the corresponding URI.

getNamespaceURI in class NodePointer


public java.lang.String asPath()
Description copied from class: NodePointer
Returns an XPath that maps to this Pointer.

Specified by:
asPath in interface Pointer
asPath in class NodePointer